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But serious question. Should I steer clear? She's a Christian, as am I, and I'm not ashamed to say that. However, she's old fashioned. Like, really old fashioned. Like, doesn't drink or like secular music at all. I wouldn't even mind listening to Christian music if 98% of it wasn't terrible.


We both live in the same hick Texas town, and were meeting each other a few towns over. I asked her if she could pick me up, or if she wanted to me to pick her up, and she said she doesn't ride alone in a vehicle with a guy. At that point, I had 0 romantic interest, I just thought it was a waste of gas.

So it seems she is very cautious, Christian, not a music fan and possibly prudish. That doesn't mean she is a total loss. Check out a few meetings with her, see if there is some common ground. If there is, you will know it, if not, she may have some friends who have less of a moral compass. It doesnt hurt to check it out. Its better than baking cookies on a Saturday night.

Edited by Guffalo
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But serious question. Should I steer clear? She's a Christian, as am I, and I'm not ashamed to say that. However, she's old fashioned. Like, really old fashioned. Like, doesn't drink or like secular music at all. I wouldn't even mind listening to Christian music if 98% of it wasn't terrible.


We both live in the same hick Texas town, and were meeting each other a few towns over. I asked her if she could pick me up, or if she wanted to me to pick her up, and she said she doesn't ride alone in a vehicle with a guy. At that point, I had 0 romantic interest, I just thought it was a waste of gas.


Alright, all jokes aside:


If you're a faithful Christian presumably you aren't looking to bone until marriage. But if she's gonna think you're not spiritual enough or whatever because you like the Stones it probably won't work.

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Alright, all jokes aside:


If you're a faithful Christian presumably you aren't looking to bone until marriage. But if she's gonna think you're not spiritual enough or whatever because you like the Stones it probably won't work.

She's said that once. It really bothered me, and kind of offended me. When I brought it up, she claimed she was kidding.

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But serious question. Should I steer clear? She's a Christian, as am I, and I'm not ashamed to say that. However, she's old fashioned. Like, really old fashioned. Like, doesn't drink or like secular music at all. I wouldn't even mind listening to Christian music if 98% of it wasn't terrible.


We both live in the same hick Texas town, and were meeting each other a few towns over. I asked her if she could pick me up, or if she wanted to me to pick her up, and she said she doesn't ride alone in a vehicle with a guy. At that point, I had 0 romantic interest, I just thought it was a waste of gas.

It depends on your taste and if you like her. I like good girls myself, but that is too rigid for me. I like to have fun and can't stand christian music. Now Reverand Gary Davis or Al Green or Blind Willie Johnson are good religous music to me. But that christian soft rock stuff would be a deal breaker for me

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It depends on your taste and if you like her. I like good girls myself, but that is too rigid for me. I like to have fun and can't stand christian music. Now Reverand Gary Davis or Al Green or Blind Willie Johnson are good religous music to me. But that christian soft rock stuff would be a deal breaker for me

There are actually a few Christian metal bands that I like. But I don't listen to them because they're Christian, I listen to them because they legit have good music, and just happen to have Christian lyrics.


I've debated with some ignorant (using it in the truest sense of the word, not insulting) people about the Stones. They bring up the fact that they have a song called "Sympathy for the Devil" without having ever heard it. I'm not saying that Mick Jagger is an altar boy, but that song is anything but satanic. You could preach a whole sermon on it.

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There are actually a few Christian metal bands that I like. But I don't listen to them because they're Christian, I listen to them because they legit have good music, and just happen to have Christian lyrics.


I've debated with some ignorant (using it in the truest sense of the word, not insulting) people about the Stones. They bring up the fact that they have a song called "Sympathy for the Devil" without having ever heard it. I'm not saying that Mick Jagger is an altar boy, but that song is anything but satanic. You could preach a whole sermon on it.

this is a kickass Christian hard rock song and a great pump up for the Bills!


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I knew a good Christian girl in college who dated her boyfriend for two years and never slept with him. Of course, that didn't stop her from taking a mouthful of my roommate (stomachful, actually) while she was dating him and losing her virginity on the rebound two weeks after they broke up.

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Sounds like she's into courting!!


My sister was going to a big popular church in Austin and guys kept trying to pick her up at Bible study. She flipped out and was like, "I am actually here for bible study; not to get hit on by you creeps" (paraphrased in a much less vulgar way).

I wonder how "!@#$ off you dickheads!" went over in Bible study?

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