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Met a new girl

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She's currently enrolled at the community college. She worked a chick-fil-a, now at her church. Still lives with her parents. She just turned 21, and only tried alcohol once, doesn't like it, but doesn't think other people drinking alcohol in moderation is a sin. Very pretty. Very old fashioned though. Not even sure if she likes me or not.

Like I said about lights-out Sunday night missionary position...

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I also invited her to mine, so... I'll give a month.

Jeez...religion is like having a part time job!


You're not likely to find a girl who's ready to bone at a bible study, Joe-Joe. There are those "loose" religious girls, but they tend to be nuttier than squirrel turds. What ever happened to dragging home willing nasties from the bar? Worked for me!

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Look, we all know the demand is very high for ukulele-toting Bible thumpers. You keep rubbing our noses in all of your sexual escapades and you're going to find yourself banned, Mister.

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Jeez...religion is like having a part time job!


You're not likely to find a girl who's ready to bone at a bible study, Joe-Joe. There are those "loose" religious girls, but they tend to be nuttier than squirrel turds. What ever happened to dragging home willing nasties from the bar? Worked for me!


Actually, you're as likely to find a girl at bible study as at a bar - and the ones from bible study tend to be more fun, as they are nutty.


Plus, the King James bible is so internally inconsistent that you can prove damn near anything with it. "See? It says right here in Chronicles II that you should be naked right now..."

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But she also may have been just trying to rustle my jimmies. I couldn't tell.

I mean this kind of posting is downright hilarious.....TRBJ, Im not sure you are sincere with your post or any of your posts (part of me actually hopes you are not) but continue on cuz i am thoroughly entertained.

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She did however tell me that she thinks bands such as Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and especially Black Sabbath are satanic. But she also may have been just trying to rustle my jimmies. I couldn't tell.


Show here what Satanic music really is...


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The last two girls I hooked up with were Jesus crazy the next morning. "Do you see that sun rising- that is Jesus" said one. The other would not stop talking about God in the am- she was very cool the night before, then did a 180

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The last two girls I hooked up with were Jesus crazy the next morning. "Do you see that sun rising- that is Jesus" said one. The other would not stop talking about God in the am- she was very cool the night before, then did a 180


I don't know if that's good or bad for you...either they had a religious experience with you, or you left them so scarred the could only find solace in religion.

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But serious question. Should I steer clear? She's a Christian, as am I, and I'm not ashamed to say that. However, she's old fashioned. Like, really old fashioned. Like, doesn't drink or like secular music at all. I wouldn't even mind listening to Christian music if 98% of it wasn't terrible.


We both live in the same hick Texas town, and were meeting each other a few towns over. I asked her if she could pick me up, or if she wanted to me to pick her up, and she said she doesn't ride alone in a vehicle with a guy. At that point, I had 0 romantic interest, I just thought it was a waste of gas.

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But serious question. Should I steer clear? She's a Christian, as am I, and I'm not ashamed to say that. However, she's old fashioned. Like, really old fashioned. Like, doesn't drink or like secular music at all. I wouldn't even mind listening to Christian music if 98% of it wasn't terrible.


We both live in the same hick Texas town, and were meeting each other a few towns over. I asked her if she could pick me up, or if she wanted to me to pick her up, and she said she doesn't ride alone in a vehicle with a guy. At that point, I had 0 romantic interest, I just thought it was a waste of gas.


It totally does not matter. We all just live until we die. It matters even less because you are in Texas.

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