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Isis At The Border


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Why the hell does it have to be a internet website that clues the FBI in? We have all these huge bureaucracies to protect us for security reasons and its the Mexicans that are on it and not us? What the hell is our SOB prez on this crap? TSA,NSA,CIA IF true, wtf do we pay you for?





Edited by Dante
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Why the hell does it have to be a internet website that clues the FBI in?


Because that makes it easier for nutsuckers like gatorman to mock the messenger to avoid discussing the message.


Frankly, in a battle of ISIS vs. Texas, I think I'd make Texas the favorite.


That said, an ISIS camp in Mexico tells me ISIS is slipping given how easy it is to just cross the border and blow up a few buildings. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened yet.

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Why the hell does it have to be a internet website that clues the FBI in? We have all these huge bureaucracies to protect us for security reasons and its the Mexicans that are on it and not us? What the hell is our SOB prez on this crap? TSA,NSA,CIA IF true, wtf do we pay you for?





Prayer rugs and items with arabic writing have been found near the US/Mexican border for years and our government is quite aware. Obama's Homeland Security folks have been ignoring this potential threat for the greater good which is to allow more people to enter the country who are likely to support his party in future years.

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Because that makes it easier for nutsuckers like gatorman to mock the messenger to avoid discussing the message.


Frankly, in a battle of ISIS vs. Texas, I think I'd make Texas the favorite.


That said, an ISIS camp in Mexico tells me ISIS is slipping given how easy it is to just cross the border and blow up a few buildings. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened yet.

I'm kinda surprised to. I mean this story may be overblown to get clicks I don't know. But a couple weeks ago, one senator said that there was ISIS in every state. I would have to dig up the story. It's getting kind of spooky none the less. As far as Texas I don't think they would pull something there. To many good ole boys packin that could bring one of ISIS gutless attacks to a sudden end. I figure they would move through Texas to softter places

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I'm kinda surprised to. I mean this story may be overblown to get clicks I don't know. But a couple weeks ago, one senator said that there was ISIS in every state. I would have to dig up the story. It's getting kind of spooky none the less. As far as Texas I don't think they would pull something there. To many good ole boys packin that could bring one of ISIS gutless attacks to a sudden end. I figure they would move through Texas to softter places


Kinda surprised to what?

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We certainly have plenty of guns, ammo, and people willing to use them here.

:thumbsup: What a interesting concept. The ability to defend ones self.

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I would love to defend my home against those !@#$ers.



I have recently "reinforced" my home defense system which up until now was just ADT. Being a Canuck I'm a complete newb so I'm going to a couple classes for basic safety and care. I'm not paranoid I just would rather have something and not need it than the other way around.

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Why the hell does it have to be a internet website that clues the FBI in?


Because that makes it easier for nutsuckers like gatorman to mock the messenger to avoid discussing the message.


Judicial Watch? Ya, ok


Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Judicial Watch? Ya, ok

Like I said in the original post. "IF true". It could be sensationalist to get clicks. But there seems to be a lot of smoke on stuff like this. Combine this with the fact that no one in government seems particularly concerned with who crosses the southern border, a scenario like this isn't not only possible, but probable.

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That said, an ISIS camp in Mexico tells me ISIS is slipping given how easy it is to just cross the border and blow up a few buildings. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened yet.


ISIS plays the long game, and goes for the big spectacle. They want to do more than just "blow up a few buildings."

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