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So does poverty cause small brains in kids, or is poverty simply correlated with genetically inherited brain size? It appears the authors of the study didn't even consider the latter possibility. My guess is that parents of the authors of the study were poor.






Noble and Sowell have two theories about why poor children have smaller brains. One is that poor families lack access to material goods that aid healthy development, such as good nutrition and higher-quality health care. The other is that poor families tend to live more chaotic lives, and that stress could inhibit healthy brain development.


Noble has embarked on a new study to try to answer that question. She has begun a pilot study to investigate whether giving low-income mothers a small or large monthly sum of cash impacts the cognitive development of their children in the first three years of life. She plans to recruit 1,000 low-income mothers from around the country, half of whom would receive $333 a month, while the other half would receive $20 a month for three years. That research is expected to take five years.


They've got to get the slogan down: "Small brain - No peace!"

"What do we want? A bigger brain! When do we want it? After the money runs out!"

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