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"If you compare yourself to other men...whether it be size, shape or length...just remember, there is probably another guy out there smaller than you."


- Beerball (April 2015)


Clarification please. Does the highlighted part mean that this is a quote from Beerball or that he's the guy out there that's smaller that us?

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Each person on the planet is where they are, right now, because of all of the choices they've made up until this point, and unless (or until) one decides to take full responsibility for where they're at, one can never move forward onto greater things.


- Jim Stovall

So true, I was going to post something similar to this but this was said more eloquently.

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So true, I was going to post something similar to this but this was said more eloquently.


I actually got to hear Stovall speak live once...far and away the best speech--on any subject matter--that I've ever heard in my life. More wisdom came out of that guy's mouth in 50 minutes than in hundreds of speeches I've heard before combined.

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I'm not a religious person but there is a book that offers an opinion on those who think they are the masters of their domain...



Science, too, through Quantum Mechanics, proves that there is no certainty in the universe. So why should anyone convince themselves that they alone determine their fate?


I'm not surprised by the responses I'm getting. The most hilarious, since I don't agree with you, is that I must think I'm some kind of helpless victim blaming chance on my lot in life.


Of course we all work toward goals, and sometimes achieve them. I am where I am because of the choices and decisions I made. But I'm humble enough to realize my plans and goals are shaped by random fate. What family you are born in, what disease you might come down with, meeting the woman you eventually marry, the big contract you land from a chance meeting...these things happen to you, and you respond to them accordingly.


Only a fool believes they are in complete control of what happens to them. That's all I'm saying. Now go back you your ranting.

To a large extent we do control what happens to us. Every choice you make has repercussions and ripple effects. The things we cant control we have to recognize as such. Sounds like the serenity prayer?


God, grant me the the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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So true, I was going to post something similar to this but this was said more eloquently.

"Each person on the planet is where they are, right now, because of all of the choices they've"


We already had this discussion 5 pages back.


Can a 5 year old baby decide to just pack it up and move to London?


How about a person with very very low iq, like a dumb @. Can they be an austronut?


I dont believe in destiny or fate, but I also dont think we have as much control as that saying implies.

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I believe Forrest Gump nailed this debate on free will versus fate.


Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time.

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"Each person on the planet is where they are, right now, because of all of the choices they've"


We already had this discussion 5 pages back.


Can a 5 year old baby decide to just pack it up and move to London?


How about a person with very very low iq, like a dumb @. Can they be an austronut?


I dont believe in destiny or fate, but I also dont think we have as much control as that saying implies.


Not sure how multiple people could miss the point this badly: you cannot control your circumstances, but you can control your choices, and your choices are what determines your position in life, not your circumstances.


Since it's Jim Stovall's quote, then I'd say that if you disagree, feel free to write him an email (he answers them all personally) and let him know (but you may want to read up on his life story first).

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Not sure how multiple people could miss the point this badly: you cannot control your circumstances, but you can control your choices, and your choices are what determines your position in life, not your circumstances.


Since it's Jim Stovall's quote, then I'd say that if you disagree, feel free to write him an email (he answers them all personally) and let him know (but you may want to read up on his life story first).

Are you suggesting that other peoples choices create the circumstance you find yourself in? Edited by CountryCletus
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So, if you stood in front of a fan with your buddy and he threw a cup of pee at the fan and it blew back and hit both of you would you be pissed at him or take it in stride and say you got pissed on and that was a bad idea to stand next to him?

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