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So are you saying that there is certainty at the quantum level.

If there wasn't, you wouldn't even be able to ask me that question, since superconductors wouldn't exist.


And if you dare post a link to Wikipedia's article on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and claim "A-HA! You're wrong!" I will punch you in the head so hard you'll think you're a toddler in a convenience store.

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What was that thing about speaking in absolutes?


I didn't say anything about speaking in absolutes.


I will offer you, however, 2 thoughts:


1) If you're going to reference the bible, it's probably worth reading it to understand what you're talking about. The text is extremely explicit in stating that every person is free to follow (or not follow) God's plan for their life.


2) Why don't you spend a few minutes looking into the life of the gentlemen I quoted initially, then feel free to come back here and tell me what humans are and aren't in control of in their lives.

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It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and an instant to ruin it. Don't do the things that ruin it. You know exactly what they are.


In any negotiation, avoid making the first offer.


Always use the word "we" when referring to your favorite team, your country and your government. (Even if you don't like it.)


Never tell your dad he's lost a step.

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"I know how much the Bills mean to the people of this region. So I want you to hear this from me: I'm not risking it all to let you down. If we are given the chance to be the next owners of the Buffalo Bills, I promise you that we will bring the same passion that you do every Sunday, every day." -Jon Bon Jovi

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