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Another thing I take large exception to, is the double legal standard:


For women, life and choice begin and end at birth.


For men, life and choice begin at conception.


A life only becomes a life when/if a woman says it does on a case by case basis; however a man loses his right to choice at conception. If you want truly equal protection under the law, men should have the right to refuse child support for any children they don't wish to be born, or if they aren't informed that they are being born.


Like racism for blacks, equality only matters for women.

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I don't see how he's on a high horse of some kind. If he believes that a fetus is human life and no less human life than, say, a 2-year old child, how is his calling abortion murder any different than him calling the killing of said 2-year old murder? To see them as morally equivalent is not unreasonable nor is it uncommon, and his stubbornness on the matter is a credit to him if he truly does see it that way.

yet there is a distinct time frame where the zygote and the fetus are not viable outside the womb. Can't say the same about a two year old.
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yet there is a distinct time frame where the zygote and the fetus are not viable outside the womb. Can't say the same about a two year old.




That works both ways GG.



There are many circumstances where premature babies have been born at 22 -23 weeks.


They still could have been legally aborted.


So ? . . . . murder then ?


by your standard.



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And yet, I know some 35 year olds that I have my doubts about.




Able to dance to "Hooked On A Feeling."




Aw, ****. I'm not viable. Man, my mom is going to be PISSED when she finds out.

Thanks for making this thread tolerable.


Dancing to "Hooked On A Feeling!" That is seriously funny schit right there.

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As Andrew McCarthy writes, their “real offense is not harvesting body parts. It is showing us, so insouciantly, what we’ve become.”



RELATED: Rick Perry turns Planned Parenthood question back on MSNBC’s Mark Halperin:


“Mark, let me ask you: You looked at that video and you’re good with it?”











NYT took 2.5 hrs to get Romney 47% story up, page A1 next day.


NYT took 14+ hours to get Planned Parenthood scandal story on site, on A16 next day.



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Last article from my lefty self, then I'll leave you guys to it:




You'd think if you were going to participate in any way, shape or form on this topic, you'd at the very, very least have the common sense to dispense of an article that literally starts with "A heavily edited video..." when the entire video was immediately posted to show the full context.


But no. Copy. Paste. Run away.


Your ideology has you right where it wants you.

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As Andrew McCarthy writes, their “real offense is not harvesting body parts. It is showing us, so insouciantly, what we’ve become.”



RELATED: Rick Perry turns Planned Parenthood question back on MSNBC’s Mark Halperin:


“Mark, let me ask you: You looked at that video and you’re good with it?”











NYT took 2.5 hrs to get Romney 47% story up, page A1 next day.


NYT took 14+ hours to get Planned Parenthood scandal story on site, on A16 next day.





Stories that support their advocacies A1


Stories that don't fit their narrative A16


It's always been that way :lol:

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screen-shot-2015-07-20-at-5-02-26-pm.pngPlanned Parenthood trying to get out in front of potentially damning videos ?







But the best part might be Planned Parenthood warning of “racially charged” content. Self-aware, much?


An organization founded by a woman who said we need a “cleaner race” may in fact be racially charged?








In 2008, Michelle Obama promised her husband’s supporters that her husband will “demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.”


When will the media shed their cynicism and push themselves to become better, by moving out of their comfort zones to stop leaving their customers so uninformed and uninvolved?


RELATED: White House spokesman Josh Earnest “Instantly Dismisses Reporter’s Question About Planned Parenthood.”




He really should come out of his isolation and put down his partisan divisions....... :lol:

Edited by B-Man
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New PP Video: pretty much as bad as you would expect. Maybe the media will pay attention to the woman who wants to get good money for the baby parts because she wants a Lamborghini.


In the newly released video, which was obtained by the Center for Medical Progress, another top official with Planned Parenthood is caught on camera haggling over the prices of aborted baby parts and admitting that she’ll alter the method of abortion used in order to harvest organs for eventual sale.

“What would you expect for intact issue?” a prospective buyer of fetal remains asks Dr. Mary Gatter, the medical director for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, over what appears to be a meal in a public restaurant.

“Why don’t you start by telling me what you’re used to paying?” Gatter replies.At the time the video was filmed, in February of 2015, Gatter was serving as the president of the Planned Parenthood Medical Directors Council.

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New PP Video: pretty much as bad as you would expect. Maybe the media will pay attention to the woman who wants to get good money for the baby parts because she wants a Lamborghini.




So the whole 'claim' by Planned Parenthood 2 weeks ago that they weren't selling baby parts, but facilitating donated tissue and the compensation for that,


that was false then ?


If you're not selling baby parts, You don't haggle over your costs.


Thanks Dr. Mary Gatter, the medical director for Planned Parenthood.




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