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Is This Woman Mentally Disturbed?


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What kind of twisted mind comes out with this nonsense?



Here she is a while ago exhibiting similar behavior.


Like I have kids just to hand them over to you can mind F them to they become little marxist wind up dolls? WTF?



I would say she probably belongs in China but I don't think they would even have her. At least they wouldn't tolerate her calling the country a "plague" on the rest of the world. Americans are as tolerant as it gets but this one far exceeds the limits.

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What kind of twisted mind comes out with this nonsense?




I would say she probably belongs in China but I don't think they would even have her. At least they wouldn't tolerate her calling the country a "plague" on the rest of the world. Americans are as tolerant as it gets but this one far exceeds the limits.








IDK....................It seems to be a rather standard Leftist (Anti American) position



Edited by B-Man
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She's talking mostly about the worst of the worst kids. Their parent's aren't to blame that their kids are lazy, shiftless, and stupid. Somebody else made that happen by ignoring them because the unenlightened think those kids belong to their parents. Gotta step up and treat all those bad childrens as if they are our own. Abdicate your parental responsibilities and help shoulder the burden for all God's childrens. Che Guevara would heartily agree - if the CIA hadn't already capped his ass.

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LOL..karma is indeed a B word. biatch. Left wing commie beliefs coming around to bite you in the ass. Very nice this made my day!



A communist not paying taxes?


I'd vote for her as Hilary's VP. Just to get the revolution a kick-start.

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