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"Newspaper reporter" is the worst job of 2015


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I was a journalism major in the early 90s, pre-Internet. I really wanted to be a sports reporter. I interned in the sports department of a mid-sized daily. Most miserable group of mofos ever! Made me rethink my major. lol



why were they miserable? did they report on losing teams?

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I met Danny Gare one time after he retired and asked him if the 1970's Sabres ever had any issues with reporters. He said that there never was because the reporters at that time knew what to write and knew what not to write. He said that there was a "trust" that they had with the media, and the media always cleaned up the players' language so that the players always sounded halfway intelligent in the newspaper.



It was a different time back then too. There was no internet, no cell phones. From what I hear the local reporters & the players on road trips would go out and hang out for beers at the same bars after games. Now it seems these athletes have been conditioned to look at the media like the evil emprie. Sometimes with good reason.

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no. I think they hated their jobs/life...

In my experience, many (most) reporters are cynics, which seems to help in terms of having a B.S. detector, but also tends to make them have a dreary world view / outlook on life. Many also think of themselves as "writers" trapped in a mundane, disposable business.


My father in law was a career newspaper man and I met many of his friends and colleagues over the years. My current job requires me to frequently deal with reporters as well. Among the older, pre-Internet age group, there are definite similarities in attitude, outlook and general grumpy-ness...

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