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Juror #8--I appreciate your novel but as you know, I tend to wait on placing blame in situations like this. From the little I saw it would appear that officer Slager shot the guy in cold blood. His life didn't appear in danger and that is the same standard I would be held to as someone who is not an officer of the law. Anyway, the cop has been arrested and the courts should decide rather than allowing the public to be the executioner ala Zimmerman, Ferguson and Staten Island. Taking on the Al Sharpton mantra doesn't become you.

1. Do you live in Canada?


2. If so, is it by choice?


3. Do you like bacon?


4. How do you spell, "eh"?

Posted (edited)

Juror #8--I appreciate your novel but as you know, I tend to wait on placing blame in situations like this. From the little I saw it would appear that officer Slager shot the guy in cold blood. His life didn't appear in danger and that is the same standard I would be held to as someone who is not an officer of the law. Anyway, the cop has been arrested and the courts should decide rather than allowing the public to be the executioner ala Zimmerman, Ferguson and Staten Island. Taking on the Al Sharpton mantra doesn't become you.


1. Do you live in Canada?


2. If so, is it by choice?


3. Do you like bacon?


4. How do you spell, "eh"?

Juror #8--I appreciate your novel but as you know, I tend to wait on placing blame in situations like this. From the little I saw it would appear that officer Slager shot the guy in cold blood. His life didn't appear in danger and that is the same standard I would be held to as someone who is not an officer of the law. Anyway, the cop has been arrested and the courts should decide rather than allowing the public to be the executioner ala Zimmerman, Ferguson and Staten Island. Taking on the Al Sharpton mantra doesn't become you.


1. Do you live in Canada?


2. If so, is it by choice?


3. Do you like bacon?


4. How do you spell, "eh"?

I'm not carrying Sharpton's water; however I was enjoying a little satire and channeling my inner literary dilettante.

Edited by Juror#8

The craziest part, to me, isn't the fact that the cop shot a fleeing 50 year old, instead of pursuing... it's the fact that he casually walk/jogged back to the dropped taser, then walked back to the dead body and tossed it on the ground by him.


The craziest part, to me, isn't the fact that the cop shot a fleeing 50 year old, instead of pursuing... it's the fact that he casually walk/jogged back to the dropped taser, then walked back to the dead body and tossed it on the ground by him.

The crazy part to me is, people are blaming Al Sharpton! WTF??

Posted (edited)

You really do give liberals a bad name.


But you've got to admit that he's entertaining, not an easy thing with such a limited vocabulary.

Edited by Azalin

You are a POS. FU


Says the guy who only cares about the unarmed black people shot by police. Imagine if you had this much compassion for all the unarmed black kids who actually ARE killed every day by other black kids.


But that's probably not that big of deal to you, what with all the time you spend worrying about how the US can make sure everyone gets free access to love and dignity.


You nutsucking dumbass.


Says the guy who only cares about the unarmed black people shot by police. Imagine if you had this much compassion for all the unarmed black kids who actually ARE killed every day by other black kids.


But that's probably not that big of deal to you, what with all the time you spend worrying about how the US can make sure everyone gets free access to love and dignity.


You nutsucking dumbass.

Damn it, I mentioned sh it and look who replies...


Says the guy who only cares about the unarmed black people shot by police. Imagine if you had this much compassion for all the unarmed black kids who actually ARE killed every day by other black kids.


Or Americans killed by Libyans.


I'm not carrying Sharpton's water; however I was enjoying a little satire and channeling my inner literary dilettante.

You just go right ahead and channel that inner debuttante of yours.


None of this would have happened if he had just followed police instruction and stayed in the car.


Another case where two idiots run into each other and one of them gets killed. A Criminal is dead and a bad police officer is going to jail. For some reason, I'm not that upset this happened.

Posted (edited)

On shooting fleeing suspects


The killing of Walter Scott by Officer MIchael Slager was caught on video, leaving no doubt that he was shot in the back while fleeing from a traffic stop. A commenter on my blog asked whether the hue and cry that has resulted means that “if you can run away from a cop, you can get away with any crime because any effort to stop your pursuit using a weapon is unlawful and wrong?”


No, but unless some very unusual mitigating information emerges, this was too much firepower considering the offense and the situation surrounding it.


But don’t take my word for it; here are the rules:


The Supreme Court held in a 1989 case, Graham v. Connor, that the appropriateness of use of force by officers “must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene,” rather than evaluated through 20/20 hindsight.









MODERN DAY SERVITUDE: One-Eighth Of South Carolina Inmates Were Jailed Over Child Support Payments. Walter Scott Was One Of Them. Nobody should be imprisoned over debt.




Edited by B-Man
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