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Cities in jeopardy of losing their teams

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The latest I've heard is Chargers and Rams to LA and the Raiders to St. Louis.


If that's what happens, I don't think it's all that bad. The Chargers would be up the road a couple of hours and season ticket holders could still likely stay with the team. Plus it's beautiful year round in San Diego, given most of the city is transplants, I don't think it's too heartbreaking.


As far as Oakland football fans go, they do have the 49ers right across the bay in a brand new stadium.


If St Louis does land the Raiders, I think that will be an upgrade for that market. They've got a rivalry with the Chiefs already and St Louis vs KC in football could get pretty intense.



Those moves would make the NFC West better with the Rams being more natural geographical rivals with the 49ers and Cardinals.



I think at times it's tough for fans of a franchise that's such a part of the community like the Bills are to understand some different markets. So much of the markets in the west and south are transplant fans who tend to be older and have ingrained fandoms from other teams. I think there's good to be gained from some franchise movement.

So just change your allegiance to your team? Explain how that works?

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So just change your allegiance to your team? Explain how that works?


I didn't say they needed to stop being Raiders fans, just saying the product is still in the marketplace. It's 2015, you can still easily keep up on the Raiders from 2,000 miles away regardless of them being in Oakland, San Antonio or St. Louis. I've always thought of the Raiders as one of the more transient franchises, with a fan base all over based upon people who saw Bo Jackson as a kid or love the silver & black.



As has been mentioned, all 3 of these franchise have been in the LA market at one time, so it's not quite like you are moving the Browns to Baltimore, the Bills to Toronto or even the Jags to London. The Rams are going to move to LA, unless it gets blocked and the Chargers are likely gone to LA. The real question is where do the Raiders land, it's gotta be St. Louis or San Antonio I would imagine.


The Chargers would be like the Bills to Toronto, but only if the Bills started in Toronto, arguably had more fans there, couldn't sell out their stadium and got to split the cost (at most) on a state of the art new one. I know plenty of Browns season ticket holders who live 3 hours away. Even if traffic is brutal, diehard Chargers fans can still make it to the game.

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The latest I've heard is Chargers and Rams to LA and the Raiders to St. Louis.


If that's what happens, I don't think it's all that bad. The Chargers would be up the road a couple of hours and season ticket holders could still likely stay with the team. Plus it's beautiful year round in San Diego, given most of the city is transplants, I don't think it's too heartbreaking.


As far as Oakland football fans go, they do have the 49ers right across the bay in a brand new stadium.


If St Louis does land the Raiders, I think that will be an upgrade for that market. They've got a rivalry with the Chiefs already and St Louis vs KC in football could get pretty intense.



Those moves would make the NFC West better with the Rams being more natural geographical rivals with the 49ers and Cardinals.



I think at times it's tough for fans of a franchise that's such a part of the community like the Bills are to understand some different markets. So much of the markets in the west and south are transplant fans who tend to be older and have ingrained fandoms from other teams. I think there's good to be gained from some franchise movement.

Outsiders were saying the same thing about Buffalo and Toronto.

Edited by The Real Buffalo Joe
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So just change your allegiance to your team? Explain how that works?


I was 16 in 88 when Bidwill moved the Cardinals. No way in hell was I going to continue to root for that piece of craps team. It was tough to leave them behind. Have a lot of fond memories. Neil Lomax, Stump Mitchell, Ottis Anderson. Ironic that Ottis helped rip my heart out a few short years later.


My Dad's side of the family is from Buffalo. He was born and raised in Buffalo. Worked at Bethlehem for while. So I naturally started rooting for the Bills who were on the upswing. Worked out well for me for the first 10 years or so. Been pretty rough since.

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It is a interesting phenomena and will probably always be a factor as long as there are cities willing to pay the ransom to get a team. I think it will be harder and harder for cities to pay up because at some point, maybe now even, the people are going to revolt over spending that much taxpayer money (I'm there now) for something as unnecessary as a NFL team. And at some point I think the Pegula's of the world will start passing as well. But as long as there is some entity willing to pay, teams will jump.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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It is a interesting phenomena and will probably always be a factor as long as there are cities willing to pay the ransom to get a team. I think it will be harder and harder for cities to pay up because at some point, maybe now even, the people are going to revolt over spending that much taxpayer money (I'm there now) for something as unnecessary as a NFL team. And at some point I think the Pegula's of the world will start passing as well. But as long as there is some entity willing to pay, teams will jump.

I actually think that the exact opposite is going on right now. Franchise values are skyrocketing across sports because of the money to be made. Teams used to be purchased by the uber rich as a luxury. The TV deals (specifically in the NFL & NBA) have these franchise values through the roof. In many cases they are close to double what they were worth only 5 years ago.


The people that own these teams also have political leverage. With all of the money that Pegula has invested in WNY do you think that he will have a hard time obtaining certain benefits from the state and city when it comes to the new stadium? In fact, I bet that there was a handshake deal with the Schumer & Cuomo and whoever else prior to the purchase. "If you buy this team, here is what we will do..." You should read the deal that Tom Benson has down here. The government gave him an office building, guaranteed its occupancy at 3 times the going rate. He used to (don't know if he still does) get 100% parking, 100% concessions, and like a $24M check (for no reason).

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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I actually think that the exact opposite is going on right now. Franchise values are skyrocketing across sports because of the money to be made. Teams used to be purchased by the uber rich as a luxury. The TV deals (specifically in the NFL & NBA) have these franchise values through the roof. In many cases they are close to double what they were worth only 5 years ago.


The people that own these teams also have political leverage. With all of the money that Pegula has invested in WNY do you think that he will have a hard time obtaining certain benefits from the state and city when it comes to the new stadium? In fact, I bet that there was a handshake deal with the Schumer & Cuomo and whoever else prior to the purchase. "If you buy this team, here is what we will do..." You should read the deal that Tom Benson has down here. The government gave him an office building, guaranteed its occupancy at 3 times the going rate. He used to (don't know if he still does) get 100% parking, 100% concessions, and like a $24M check (for no reason).

I agree. But that can't go on forever, particularly if the NFL as a product does not expand successfully offshore.

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I'm with Kirby.


It would be cool for us to throw support in some way behind these fans. It tickled me to see fans of other teams even just commenting on articles in support of us. I think anything organized would also make us badass.


I used to be a huge "move x to y, they don't deserve a team" until I almost lost the Sabres... and was at the point where I thought it was going to happen, as well as the Bills.


Whether its San Diego, Jacksonville, Oakland... they have fans. Likely fans more hardcore than you or I. Maybe not as many dedicated fans as other places in quantity, but still a number of people whose hearts will be ripped out. Also, kids. The NFL and rich people decided to put a team there. There is enough here for everybody. I think there is a responsibility to keep the team in place and allow history and roots to continue to grow.

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I agree. But that can't go on forever, particularly if the NFL as a product does not expand successfully offshore.

Yep, I still have my doubts on the NFL's ability to expand globally. They don't play the game over there. It is different than the NBA in that sense. They really are starting at zero. They may get there but it will take time.
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You know what city is NOT in jeopardy of losing its team?






Thank you once again, Terry and Kim!

the feeling we had at this time last year still resonates. I am sure that isn't lost at OBD either... Remember how much pressure they felt going into the draft and in TC. Things are probably a lot more loose these days.
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the feeling we had at this time last year still resonates. I am sure that isn't lost at OBD either... Remember how much pressure they felt going into the draft and in TC. Things are probably a lot more loose these days.

TBH I never thought the Bills would ever really move.

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Move the Rams to LA, they should never have left

Move the Cardinals back to St Louis, they should never have left

Move the Chargers to Arizona, who cares, most of the Charger fans can make that drive every week.

Take the Raiders away from the Davis family, move them to London or Toronto or Mexico City

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I think the Chargers were in LA for just a year before moving to San Diego. Not a lot of time for a new team in a second class league (at the time) to develop support.


The Rams were stolen from Cleveland when they were in LA the first time. Then stolen and moved to St Louis.

and the Cardinals were stolen from Chicago.


To the OP's topic, I agree and empathize with any team whose owner will sell them out, but as many have said, LA/SD and Rams have less fandemonia than us. If a threatened teams' fans sing out for help, I'm in!

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and the Cardinals were stolen from Chicago.


To the OP's topic, I agree and empathize with any team whose owner will sell them out, but as many have said, LA/SD and Rams have less fandemonia than us. If a threatened teams' fans sing out for help, I'm in!

I believe there were joint protests of both Steelers and Browns fans in Cleveland when they lost theirs. And I'd be right there in Foxboro if hypothetically they were going through the same thing.

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The latest I've heard is Chargers and Rams to LA and the Raiders to St. Louis.


If that's what happens, I don't think it's all that bad. The Chargers would be up the road a couple of hours and season ticket holders could still likely stay with the team. Plus it's beautiful year round in San Diego, given most of the city is transplants, I don't think it's too heartbreaking.


As far as Oakland football fans go, they do have the 49ers right across the bay in a brand new stadium.


If St Louis does land the Raiders, I think that will be an upgrade for that market. They've got a rivalry with the Chiefs already and St Louis vs KC in football could get pretty intense.



Those moves would make the NFC West better with the Rams being more natural geographical rivals with the 49ers and Cardinals.



I think at times it's tough for fans of a franchise that's such a part of the community like the Bills are to understand some different markets. So much of the markets in the west and south are transplant fans who tend to be older and have ingrained fandoms from other teams. I think there's good to be gained from some franchise movement.



Where did you here this. The Oakland to St louis thing makes no sense. Why move to a city that has supported their team even worse then Oakland fans.


It is a nice thought Kirby but honestly I could careless about other teams moving as long as it is not the Bills. You think any of these other fans would give 2 sh*ts about Buffalo if the Bills were the ones moving to LA. No we would be a punchline for years to come. I am just glad we have Pegula in our corner & we had a former owner that did what he could to keep the team in the area instead of chasing every last nickel from what another city had to offer.

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I hate this thread. I mean I love that we don't have to be in it anymore but it just goes to prove how greedy the NFL is and how they don't care about fans. They make a killing in any market.


That said, Jacksonville should be the first time to go. :) awful fanbase.

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Where did you here this. The Oakland to St louis thing makes no sense. Why move to a city that has supported their team even worse then Oakland fans.


It is a nice thought Kirby but honestly I could careless about other teams moving as long as it is not the Bills. You think any of these other fans would give 2 sh*ts about Buffalo if the Bills were the ones moving to LA. No we would be a punchline for years to come. I am just glad we have Pegula in our corner & we had a former owner that did what he could to keep the team in the area instead of chasing every last nickel from what another city had to offer.

We had a LOT of support from other fan bases and people. There were many, many, many groups saying, "The Bills belong in Buffalo." That was kind of the reason for this thread. Not every fan base is as strong as ours but there are diehard fans in all of these places. I know when we were the ones in jeopardy of losing our team I appreciated the support.


Again, I have no idea what it means but I just think that it is kind of messed up for us to not care if someone else moves. As a small market that has fought to keep our hockey team and our football team it would seem natural to empathize with fans like this facing the same uncertain fate.


There is the "Save our Bolts" movement out there. I guess that I was just saying that these types of initiatives are ones that we should put our support behind.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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