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who would be Hillary Clinton's vice president running mate?

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Would they go all female ticket?


Or male but a minority like Hispanic?


Experienced white guy lightweight like biden?


Normally you can guess its someone who will bolster the presidential candidates weakness or where he/she scores low on....I.e. Obama it was experience.


But since Hillary bills herself as having no weaknesses its a tough call.

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Would they go all female ticket?


Or male but a minority like Hispanic?


Experienced white guy lightweight like biden?


Normally you can guess its someone who will bolster the presidential candidates weakness or where he/she scores low on....I.e. Obama it was experience.


But since Hillary bills herself as having no weaknesses its a tough call.

So now the Leftists don't even bother to hide their strategery is identity politics, not qualifications


Hilary's choice of running mate will depend on how close the race is.

If it's close, she'll go for a safe white guy, probably from a swing state, like Jim Webb or Michael Bennet

If she's a little behind, she'll go bold and nominate the first Hispanic VP candidate: Julian or Joaquin Castro

If she's in danger of losing, it's full blown race card. Cory Booker or Deval Patrick

If she's comfortably ahead she's going gay: Tammy Baldwin

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So now the Leftists don't even bother to hide their strategery is identity politics, not qualifications


Hilary's choice of running mate will depend on how close the race is.

If it's close, she'll go for a safe white guy, probably from a swing state, like Jim Webb or Michael Bennet

If she's a little behind, she'll go bold and nominate the first Hispanic VP candidate: Julian or Joaquin Castro

If she's in danger of losing, it's full blown race card. Cory Booker or Deval Patrick

If she's comfortably ahead she's going gay: Tammy Baldwin

Of course they all do, Ever hear of sarah Palin?


Re:Hillary, I think:


- no woman, they already have the female vote and won't want to alienate men who they will need


- no minority, at least purely... they'll already have liberal vote


- not a foreign policy expert like former sec of state, that's supposedly Hilary's strength


So I think it will be a) white male, b) some kind of angle on economic policy, and c) maybe centrist


Lastly and here's where it gets tricky, it will need to be some one who she looks presidential next to. That may eliminate someone whose experienced and also someone whose tall as Hillary is only about 5'6".


If not for appearing too left a ticket, I'd think former labour secretary under bill Clinton Robert Reich would be a consideration

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Satan would be an excellent choice .He is a staunch supporter of democrat policies.He would be a big fan of late term abortions like Obama and Hillary are.He has been running that party for years ever since the dems fought for slavery and even had a senator (Byrd) that served proudly as a leader in the KKK.

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