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I did not grow up in a “religious” household – but I have read the New Testament. I am not sure anyone seems qualified to speak for Jesus to be honest with you. Look at the last two Popes – completely different approach and view of what the Catholic Church should be. I cannot fathom – though – how the teachings of Jesus have been leveraged/construed for the advantages of the few – or utilized for the advancement of organized religions. To me – there seems to be a complete disconnect.

If Jesus – the son of God – was on this earth – I can’t believe that he would discriminate. I think people views on SSM written into the Bible are 2000 years old – or 1500 – are like many things written in both the old and new testament are not “the word of god” but man’s view of things at the time. If you think the bible is the word of god – then you can’t pick and choose – it’s all or nothing.

Look around the world today. The Middle East/Indiana/Africa/9/11 most of the worlds troubles seem to be religiously based – or at least highly leveraged by religion. Did you see 60 minutes last night – Ireland divided by Catholics and Protestants – both Christians – ready to kill each other for in the name of religion?

I don’t get it. I do think the Indiana legislation is simply a bone thrown to the religious right to saw off same sex marriage. I think if you want to operate in our society which has decided not to discriminate – play by those rules – start adding religion to government and it’s a mess.

Pick the one that doesn't belong here.

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I don’t get it............................ I do think the Indiana legislation is simply a bone thrown to the religious right to saw off same sex marriage.


And right there is why you cannot seem to get by your own religious bias.


Indiana didn't pass this law in a vacuum..........


President Clinton and a bipartisan Congress overwhelmingly passed a Religious Freedom act....were they pandering ?


From post #21

If there's already a federal RFRA in place, why did Indiana pass its own RFRA?


Great question. In a 1997 Supreme Court case (City of Boerne v. Flores), the court held that federal RFRA was generally inapplicable against state and local laws. Since then, a number of states have enacted their own RFRA statutes: Indiana became the twentieth to do so. Other states have state court rulings that provide RFRA-like protections. Here's a helpful map from 2014 that shows you which states have RFRA protections (note that Mississippi and Indiana have passed RFRA since this map was made):



Nineteen other states (including Connecticut and Massachusetts) have passed Religious Protection laws,


were they all pandering to the religious right ?


Of course not.


This is not really about gay weddings, that is just the latest cause celebre ,


and if you have read the law you would realize that.






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