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19 other states already have this law, including 8 with democratic governors and legislatures:




13 other states are currently considering similar laws, including 6 with democratic governors and legislatures:




I was actually surprised that the GOP was so open about their bigotry here. But I shouldn't have been.






Nice to see prominent business leaders speaking about against this attack on liberty.



Are you literally SO stupid as to not know that this is an overwhelming bi-partisan law that was even passed in liberal Illinois when Obama was a state Senator?


Of course not, because when you copy/paste your way through events, you couldn't possibly be smart enough to spend just a few seconds double-checking what your moronic overlords feed to you.




Are you literally SO stupid as to not know that this is an overwhelming bi-partisan law that was even passed in liberal Illinois when Obama was a state Senator?


Of course not, because when you copy/paste your way through events, you couldn't possibly be smart enough to spend just a few seconds double-checking what your moronic overlords feed to you.

This is a different law, passed as a knee jerk reaction to marriage equality, and straight up along party lines, all Repubs for, all Dems against in Indiana.


How are YOU calling anyone stupid? You are like Stupid Incorporated. So glad you are a Conservative.


Now, now LA..............this is simply the Left's cause du jour..............it will pass quickly to be replaced by another.


As GBID points out, liberal hypocrisy here is rampant.


Video: Protests over Indiana version of RFRA seem to miss one important point

by Ed Morrissey


Actually, it’s more like 30 important points, but we’ll get to that in a moment. Gov. Mike Pence signed a bill into law on Thursday that offers protection for religious expression, and the entertainment world has hit the roof over it. CNN provides coverage of the protests that has been typical of that seen all week: (video at the link)


CNN’s announcer doesn’t get around to mentioning until almost at the end of the segment that other states have similar laws, and never mentions that the federal government does as well. Senators Orrin Hatch and Ted Kennedy sponsored the original Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) after the Supreme Court’s Smith decision that failed to protect a Native American who was denied employment benefits after having tested positive for peyote. Bill Clinton signed that RFRA into law in 1993 after it passed unanimously in the Senate.


Since then, 19 other states have passed similar legislation to apply RFRA to their own jurisdictions.




Another 11 states have judicial precedents that constitute a RFRA policy in their courts. Over the last twenty-plus years, RFRA statutes have a clear track record of careful jurisprudence, because they don’t protect ad-hoc discrimination on any basis. That’s true on both federal and state levels, and we know this in part because the hysterics shrieking over the law in Indiana offer nothing but ignorant hypotheticals. They cannot point to a case where RFRA has been used to justify broad discrimination, because it never has.


Cases decided under RFRA get strict scrutiny on three tests. First, the religious belief has to be sincerely held, and not just a pose to make a point. Second, the state interest in overriding the religious belief has to be compelling. Last, the action taken by the state has to be the least intrusive that still satisfies the compelling state interest. Courts have been using these tests for more than two decades to separate real cases of state infringement on religious practice from simple discrimination. The Hobby Lobby decision is one such case; the Obama administration lost that case because the Supreme Court noted that even HHS had to admit it didn’t use the least intrusive method available to them, and largely punted on the issue of whether the contraception mandate intruded on sincerely-held religious belief.


The lemmings like Gator are simply responding to people who think that the "exercise of religion" includes bigotry.


Except, though, that almost no one is arguing that exercise of religion excuses bigotry. Christians have not objected to providing services to LGBT customers, but to being forced to participate in same-sex weddings by the state, either by baking a cake for one or having to photograph it, and then getting forced out of business by fines when they refuse out of religious conscience. Furthermore, Christians can’t “abuse” RFRA, because it’s the courts that use it to adjudicate disputes of this kind. RFRA laws constrain the states and their actions — they don’t undo public-accommodation laws for citizens.



The only reason for the hyperbolic outrage coming from the entertainment and sports industries the last two days is willful ignorance. That’s their problem. It doesn’t have to be ours.








Hot air!!! LOL!!!



Gatorman: "Quick, Overlords, you didn't tell me that liberals passed this law too! You didn't tell me it was also a federal law! They're embarrassing me to no end and I need to know what to do!"


Overlord: "Mock their sources! It's your only way out before calling them bigots for no good reason at all!"


Gatorman: "Thank you, Overlords. For a moment I thought I would have to think for myself!"


Overlord: "You're not capable of that. Just keep copy/pasting and all will be well, iittle sheeple."


It's fascinating to read the law and find out how completely its being misrepresented.


Whoa, let's not let reality cloud our rants! The current pendulum placement for this issue is whatever our LBGT brothers, sisters, and [fill in the blank] think it is.

Posted (edited)

It's fascinating to read the law and find out how completely its being misrepresented.




The Left is fine when government restricts freedom, but when that rare law comes along that reiterates it, they melt down like Hillary at a Benghazi hearing.


The Left hijacked this issue as it always does, by re-framing it to fit its own misguided philosophy, one that always de-values life and freedom. It is exactly the way the abortion debate has been handled. Pro-lifers frame the issue as a matter of murder. Pro-abortionists frame it as a matter of “choice”.


In the case of religious freedom laws, Leftists re-frame the reiteration of a group’s freedoms, instead making those protected by the law appear as bigots. It isn’t a pro-freedom law, it’s an anti-gay law. The complicit mainstream media, like USA TODAY, calls it a law “that grants businesses the right to refuse service to gay and lesbian couples.”


What a load of crap. How did this nonsense get started? Because last time a law like this passed, CBS News falsely claimed that an EMT could refuse to give aid to a homosexual, citing religious beliefs.


Never mind that no EMT would ever do something like refuse care to a homosexual, because EMTs are EMTs because they like saving lives.


But leave it to the Left to concoct the most ridiculous and impossible circumstance that they could dream up, and make it reality. Firefighters won’t put out a gay fire! What if the only hospital in town refuses service to a gay person? What if the only barbershop in town won’t cut a gay head?


The Left must do this, because without victims, government has nothing to fix, and people cannot be controlled.




It is the Leftists that are bigots. To them, it doesn’t matter if the rights of other people that get trampled on in the process. It only matters when the rights of people Leftists care about get trampled on.




You will note that lightweights like Gator have no response to these arguments, that is why, in my previous post where there were comprehensive quotes from CNN and links to the Washington Post, he could only weakly try to criticize Ed Morrissey's blog Hot Air. It goes without saying that he is unfamiliar with it, and incapable , of making any type of intelligent response to it.





Edited by B-Man

Relgious freedom is indivdual freedom. Never going to resolve this impasse. Gays need to just move on and find a business that will accept them.


Anyway, that's why Apple is gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.



What a load of crap. How did this nonsense get started? Because last time a law like this passed, CBS News falsely claimed that an EMT could refuse to give aid to a homosexual, citing religious beliefs.



More to the point: if an EMT refused aid to a homosexual, he'd be fired (which the law doesn't prevent) and/or sued. He could then argue in court that being required to provide aid to a homosexual represents an "undue burden on his expression of religion" placed on him by the government (because that's the text of the law). And he should lose, because "doing your job of providing aid to the injured" is not an expression of religion.


What's really going to be fun now is watching politicians come out of the woodwork decrying this law, who voted for the federal law in the early 90's (most of 'em - it passed by a wide bipartisan margin), where the laws are practically identical. In particular, I'm waiting to hear what Chuck Schumer has to say - so far, he's been notably and intelligently silent on the matter.




Look at how pleased Bill Clinton was to sign what was then perceived as important civil rights legislation in 1994.


The Religious Freedom Act.........................I guess that he didn't realize that it was a "hate law.............lol




and isn't that Chuckie Schumer in the background ?








Look at how pleased Bill Clinton was to sign what was then perceived as important civil rights legislation in 1994.


The Religious Freedom Act.........................I guess that he didn't realize that it was a "hate law.............lol




and isn't that Chuckie Schumer in the background ?





Look at all that diversity. <_<
Posted (edited)

Looks like Republican hate laws are bad for business. Bunch of jobs lost in Indiana or the law





They'll be replaced by companies happy to set up shop without fear of being sued and put out of business by far left nutjobs looking to make the front page of the DailyKos.




Look at how pleased Bill Clinton was to sign what was then perceived as important civil rights legislation in 1994.


The Religious Freedom Act.........................I guess that he didn't realize that it was a "hate law.............lol




and isn't that Chuckie Schumer in the background ?






Wow. Look at all those Republicans signing hate laws and ruining business. :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
Posted (edited)

Nice to see prominent business leaders speaking about against this attack on liberty.


Only someone as completely moronic as you would call support for freedom of association and freedom of religion an attack on liberty. News flash, Bozo - diversity refers to more than just skin color, you monosyllabic, boneheaded ape.

Edited by Azalin

Only someone as completely moronic as you would call support for freedom of association and freedom of religion an attack on liberty. News flash, Bozo - diversity refers to more than just skin color, you monosyllabic, boneheaded ape.


Hi, good morning. What religious freedom is this preserving? What religious liberty was trampled on before this law was in place? The Governor replied to those questions by saying Hoosiers are not bigots and stupid platitudes like that. What do you have for us?

Hi, good morning. What religious freedom is this preserving? What religious liberty was trampled on before this law was in place? The Governor replied to those questions by saying Hoosiers are not bigots and stupid platitudes like that. What do you have for us?


Apparently the two sentences I posted are too much for you to intellectualize, not that anyone's surprised.

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