/dev/null Posted March 28, 2015 Posted March 28, 2015 http://reason.com/blog/2015/03/27/meet-chuck-schumer-one-of-the-most-trivi Love the Buzz Bowl commercial at the bottom
Keukasmallies Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 Note to Senate: Ramp up the electrical capacity so there'll be enough juice to support Camera Chuck's incessant need to be in the lime light. Also, warn staffers, etc. not to get between Chuck and a camera.
OCinBuffalo Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 Schumer is perhaps the dumbest thing the Ds can do right now. The belief that they can govern has been utterly destroyed. Harry Reid's "protect Obama from vetos and Ds from votes at all costs" strategy has not only cost them the Senate, it's cost them their credibility and almost all of their minor leaguers at the state level. How many Berghdahl stories have we had? Robert F'ing Riech of all people has publicly stated that he fears for the future of "activist government". Susan Rice still has a job, after both Benghazi, AND, Bergdahl. WTF else do you want to know about the state of the D party? Meanwhile, the liberal media has never had it worse in its history. That's right campers, FOX News is now the most trusted news outlet, and most trusted by Is. (Yeah, type Faux News again, cause you're "winning". ) We now have ABC news ragdolling this adminstration like the joke that it has been, finally. "Astounding"? No, ABC, what's astounding is your refusal to vet this president properly, and then be shocked when things like Yemen happen. ABC is doing its best to reclaim its cred, while NBC just put it's #1 guy on leave for lying. Given all this, at a critical time when the Democrats need a Moynihan clone to start making rational, important, clear, and convincing arguments? They put an unserious "soda is bad" Schumer in charge? Think about it: Combine Schumer with the current state of the liberal media. Schumer will be going live every night on networks with hardly any credibility left, and clowning it up over soda, while the Middle East continues to go nuts. Schumer stays away because while he needs the Jews in NYS, he can't contradict Obama. That leaves the clowning, and once he starts doing it, who is going to stop him? Media Matters? This...is your plan. By all means, don't let me stop you. But seriously, this is your plan? /facepalm
B-Man Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 The New York Post published a surprisingly sunny editorial about Schumer this week, but expressed some doubts as to whether or not Chuck is “in step” with the rest of his party on the key subject of Iran. Schumer could wind up a leader badly out of step with his caucus if he does the right thing on Iran. Just this week, Schumer signed on as a co-sponsor of the bipartisan Corker-Menendez bill, which would force President Obama to submit the text of his Iran deal to the Senate for approval within five days of it being inked — and prevent him from easing sanctions on Iran for 60 days. The bill will pass; Obama will veto it. Will Schumer vote to override — and help mark the start of the lame-duck era of this presidency? But even if we’re not just discussing Iran and Israel, Chuck Schumer is no sort of centrist who might reasonably be expected to work with Mitch McConnell and accomplish anything rational. If anything, Chuck is well to the left of Harry Reid, who may have engaged in some scandalous wheeling and dealing, but he was at least willing to make a deal from time to time. (Assuming it directly benefited him, of course.) Schumer’s colorful history is a lot closer to Bernie Sanders than to Harry Reid. We’re talking about a guy who is such an enemy of “Big Oil” that he has actually floated the idea of seizing the assets of the oil companies and nationalizing them as has been done in many socialist nations. He favors a carbon tax on everyone and if you ask him about tax reform, he will freely tell you that it starts with taxing the heck out of the “wealthy” people. (Which means pretty much anyone with a job at this point.) As for Second Amendment rights, they don’t exist in Chuck Schumer’s world. He was a big supporter of the deplorable New York SAFE Act, and if you read his “On the Record” statements, he’s never seen a gun restriction that he didn’t like. Immigration questions? Chuck is ready to open the doors. There isn’t anything resembling a centrist bone in Chuck Schumer’s body. If he’s the one calling the shots for the Democrats in the Senate you can forget about any sort of bipartisan work being done. It’s going to be all obstruction all the time, and should the Democrats somehow regain control of the Senate in 2016 I can assure you that you’ll almost find yourself missing Harry Reid. .
B-Man Posted March 29, 2015 Posted March 29, 2015 Party of the little people ..................yeah right. Chuck Schumer is set to get a big promotion -- and that's welcome news to Wall Street. The veteran Democratic senator from New York is widely expected to take Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid's job when he retires at the end of 2016. Reid, who announced he would not be running for reelection Friday morning, quickly endorsed his New York colleague for the role. Schumer's ascension to the top Democratic position in the Senate -- and even possibly to Senate majority leader if his party regains control of the chamber -- is a boon for the finance and business communities, which have worked closely with the New York native and enjoyed his support for decades. (Excerpt) Read more at cnn.com ...
Greg F Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 Schumer's ascension to the top Democratic position in the Senate -- and even possibly to Senate majority leader if his party regains control of the chamber -- is a boon for the finance and business communities crony capitalist, which have worked closely with the New York native and enjoyed his support for decades. There, fixed it.
truth on hold Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 (edited) Reid was a weanie with no back-bone, and the Menendez scandal may well ensnare him too ... I wonder if that's factoring into his decision not to run. Schumer is not a weanie, he aggressively and blatantly pursues his agenda, which makes him even worse. On one hand he is a complete tool of wall street banks, and big hedge funds .... at hearings with Bernanke he essentially put words in the Fed Chairman's mouth that smaller institutions were responsible for the crisis .... utter nonsense. So the new regs and laws have made the big banks even bigger and even more too big fail, and the same thing has happened with mega-hedge funds. Exploiting the big money donors, he pursues a regulate-everything agenda everywhere else, regardless how impossible it would be, the number of innocent bystanders are harmed, or how much red tape it creates. Edited March 30, 2015 by JTSP
Very wide right Posted April 10, 2015 Posted April 10, 2015 This from from a guy who held up a flight because he refused to get off his cell phone and then called the flight attendant a B word. Libs suck
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