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Restaurant fights back against negative Yelp review LOL

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Thats been my experience. Complaints generally center around not receiving 3 Michelin star service while paying for $18 entrees.


My favorite are the people who list their dining resumes and establish their credentials before stumbling their way through a review. "I've dined at Daniel, Per Se, and Le Bernadin, so take my word for it when I say that Chili's has the WORST general tsao's chicken that I have EVER had!!"


That crap is out of control here in the Bay Area. They all think because they live here they're some sort of culinary expert. Listen you're a 23 year old Asian chick. STFU!!

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That crap is out of control here in the Bay Area. They all think because they live here they're some sort of culinary expert. Listen you're a 23 year old Asian chick. STFU!!

Yelp started in SF so the Bay Area is the most mature market for amateur food "experts". The best of the best have their own blogs which is the highest echelon of liking the smell of your own self-satisfied bull ****.

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Yelp started in SF so the Bay Area is the most mature market for amateur food "experts". The best of the best have their own blogs which is the highest echelon of liking the smell of your own self-satisfied bull ****.


Good grief...since when does one need credentials to say "this tastes good and I'd eat it again"?

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Thats been my experience. Complaints generally center around not receiving 3 Michelin star service while paying for $18 entrees.


My favorite are the people who list their dining resumes and establish their credentials before stumbling their way through a review. "I've dined at Daniel, Per Se, and Le Bernadin, so take my word for it when I say that Chili's has the WORST general tsao's chicken that I have EVER had!!"


Spot on. :lol:

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The Restaurant's a real beyotch in this case too. Looks like anyone that doesn't rave about them gets crap thrown at them.


Reminds me of a Chinese restaurant that opened here some time ago. The health inspectors came and gave them a "Satisfactory" rating.

They were outraged at only getting a "Satisfactory" rating! They thought they should be rated "Outstanding"!

The only two ratings are Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory - and you're cited for violations that have to be corrected if you get so rated. :doh:


Dan, the man in the video is a tool. But the restaurant isn't one I'd be lining up in a queue outside to eat there.

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Good for the restaurant. If you don't enjoy your dining experience, DON'T GO BACK THERE. I don't understand these trouser stains who feel the need to "yelp" every time they go out for a freakin burger. Get a life.


This should go in the pet peeves thread. I worked in the restaurant business for a long time, and there are just some miserable f$&ks out there who will complain no matter what. Now, increasingly, the miserable patrons have access to the Internet.



Or... Does it "grind your gears."




It's been like that for a long time! :thumbdown: Go visit PPP. One board was nuked in the process 10 years ago. :D

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