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LOST, a look back from a writer NOT named TGREG

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Man, I sure do miss this show. But even more so, I miss the discussions that went along with it between episodes and between seasons. Some epic threads on this board for sure.


One of the writers from the show just posted a very looong blog/article/whatever detailing a lot of the process.




Lots of good info.

Edited by DrDareustein
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You'd be surprised at the difficulty. :beer:

As I have said before, when you decipher the numbers and all of the other mysterious elements of the show it really all boils down to a simple but important message:






























Drink more Ovaltine.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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Everytime I watch Person of Interest my brain says "Hey, that's Benjamin Linus!"


The problem with any JJ Abrams production whether it was Alias or Lost is that he gets bored and loses interest and the story just becomes a mess.

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The discussions on this board were great.


There has not been another show since "Lost", that brought so much interest to this board.


It is a crime that "Lost" never got any serious awards consideration.



The discussions were amazing as everyone was so invested in this show. I really haven't found a show since then that engrossed me but it might be in part because of some of the talk that went on here.


Yeah, for as good as the show was, I think it was especially great because of the community it built. Awesome discussions about philosophy, religion, physics, art history, psychology, etc etc etc.


BTW, for all my fellow LOSTies, we are 1 WEEK away from LOST Day!


4/8/15 16:23:42


Wont be able to celebrate this again for another century!!

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