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X-Files returning to Fox


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It was my favorite show for a long time, and considering my affinity for all things Paranormal and my current occupation, the fact I didn't even get a call to work on this (even as an unpaid PA), just proves I've failed in life.


At least that's what my brothers are always saying...


You're a winner to us!

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I wonder if I'm in the minority. I never saw it.



I watched a few episodes because it was the kind of show I should like. But I found the writing boring and the acting stilted. Really wanted to like it. Didn't.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Never watched this show during its original run, but started watching on Netflix a little while ago. I'm currently on season 3. Looks like my new goal is to be caught up before the new episodes air.


No need to go through the whole series (unless you really want to), you can stop when Mulder leaves (end of season 8) then you can skip ahead to the finale when he comes back. The first movie is probably worth watching, though the second one isn't.

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No need to go through the whole series (unless you really want to), you can stop when Mulder leaves (end of season 8) then you can skip ahead to the finale when he comes back. The first movie is probably worth watching, though the second one isn't.

Thanks for the tip. I'll probably try to get through everything if I can, but it's nice to know I don't have to.
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Never watched this show during its original run, but started watching on Netflix a little while ago. I'm currently on season 3. Looks like my new goal is to be caught up before the new episodes air.

have a nice little flash back to the 90s, including a reminder that the Bills never won a Super Bowl (and the reason why....)

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  • 2 months later...

It was ok....kinda fun to play conspiracy theory. I never watched the original series so had no expectations.




pretty cool but typical liberal bias trying to make conservatives look bad


LOL --- I did notice that in 2016 the leader of the global conspiracy is apparently George Bush. :rolleyes:

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All I heard before the premier was that the first episode was the slowest / weakest and the season really gets awesome around episode 3, so going into last night I wasn't expecting all that much. That said, I thought last night's episode was a pretty good way to relaunch the show. It gave us a quick recap of the history, the relationships, and how Mulder and Scully have changed since we last saw them a decade ago. When the opening music came on, I admit I got goosebumps.


The episode itself had its ups and downs. It felt as if 15 minutes were chopped out of the pilot somewhere along the line. The turn between Mulder laying out the nuts and bolts of the "new" conspiracy (more on that in a second) and Sveta going to the press saying Tad O'Mally was paying her to fabricate UFO stories happened so fast it felt like we were missing a scene between. I had the same feeling between when Sveta told Mulder about her MILAB experiences and he called Scully to proclaim they had been duped this whole time. It just seemed so rushed, and that resulted in some really clunky dialogue in spots.


As for the conspiracy itself I thought they did an okay job of rebooting the show's main through line which had become overly complicated and muddled through the movie and last few seasons of the original show. This "new" conspiracy takes a lot (and I mean a LOT) from Richard Dolan's work about breakaway civilizations while sprinkling in illuminati / cabal control conspiracies on top. I have no problem buying into this new conspiracy (in a fictional, suspension of my disbelief kind of way) for the show but I had a hard time buying that Mulder would react as if this were new. These theories have been around for two decades, and while I get that not everyone has heard of this stuff, Mulder would have been immersed in it. Nothing Sveta said was new, people have been talking about MILAB (short for military abductions rather than alien abductions) since the 80s. And I'm not sure why Tad O'Mally's show suddenly folded up shop at the end of the pilot just because Sveta turned, the show made it seem like he was keeping Sveta hidden until this point so I'm not sure why her coming out against him would sink his show, or how she knew (or how they knew) where the ARV was being kept that they blew up.


Those nitpicky points aside, I'm glad to have the show back. It was fun seeing the team back together and tonight's episode is supposed to be better than the premier. Here's to hoping.



pretty cool but typical liberal bias trying to make conservatives look bad, but the funny thing is Moulder now believes that their is a grand conspiracy running things which something most conservatives believe.


I did not pick up the vibe they were trying to make conservatives look bad (though I may have missed it), if anything I took it that there are no political sides when it boils down to it. There's no conservative or liberal, that's the side show to keep the masses distracted and pointing fingers at the wrong people. The real conspiracy Mulder laid out was essentially a rehashing of the illuminati (or whatever you want to call it) theories which have been floating around forever. The idea being the illuminati / cabal have been keeping alien technology secret from the rest of the world since the '40s in order to secure their own power base and bring about the New World Order after a massive population culling event.


It's more corporate than political. Big defense contractors working on the behalf of these "fascist elites" who rose from the ashes of WW2 and have been silently taking over the world behind the scenes with the help of their advanced tech. Think Nazis.

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All I heard before the premier was that the first episode was the slowest / weakest and the season really gets awesome around episode 3, so going into last night I wasn't expecting all that much.


Yeah and you also heard the Bills were going to make the playoffs this year. :rolleyes:

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I liked it. Who expects a show that ended 13-14 years ago to start up again with a bang? I liked that they took their time bringing the characters back in, giving us a look at what they've been doing these past few years. I was glad to see Skinner was in it, and the final scene made the buildup completely worthwhile. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

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