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Inside The Mind Of Islam's False Prophet Muhammad

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My startup religion 'I Can't Believe It's Not a Cult, Inc.' lets you eat whatever you want except Chili's and Applebee's. I'll need the deed to your house and your social security number. Welcome aboard, brother Jim!


I repeat. I will never join a Cult...errrrr Religion that tells what I can or cannot eat. Not that I've ever been to Chili's or Applebee's nor plan to in the future I will like to leave my options open. Thanks for you thoughtful consideration.

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This is true.


But there are general condemnations of illicit sex (that is, sex outside of the bounds of marriage) many times over.

You would think that if sex outside of marraige were a sin against God, that the Bible would have specifically referenced it as being important.


Instead, the Bible does explicitly outline several types of "prohibited" (the meaning of illicit) sex: sodomy and adulterous sex.


That is what is prohibited.

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You would think that if sex outside of marraige were a sin against God, that the Bible would have specifically referenced it as being important.


Instead, the Bible does explicitly outline several types of "prohibited" (the meaning of illicit) sex: sodomy and adulterous sex.


That is what is prohibited.

What does the Bible have against BJs?

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You would think that if sex outside of marraige were a sin against God, that the Bible would have specifically referenced it as being important.


Instead, the Bible does explicitly outline several types of "prohibited" (the meaning of illicit) sex: sodomy and adulterous sex.


That is what is prohibited.


You're playing the same game that Justice (and other Muslims) play when they claim that Jesus never said he was God. It's a silly game based on a poor reading of the book.

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You're playing the same game that Justice (and other Muslims) play when they claim that Jesus never said he was God. It's a silly game based on a poor reading of the book.

While I won't claim infallibility in knowing the mind of God, I'm hardly playing gotcha games with language.


The Bible itself makes the claim that Jesus was (is) God. The Bible itself makes no specific references to sex outside of marraige being a sin.

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While I won't claim infallibility in knowing the mind of God, I'm hardly playing gotcha games with language.


The Bible itself makes the claim that Jesus was (is) God. The Bible itself makes no specific references to sex outside of marraige being a sin.


My argument is that the general terms used for sexual sin (especially in the Pauline letters) were used intentionally to cover any and all sex outside of the bounds of a marriage between one man and one woman. There are lots of kinds of sex that you can say aren't covered specifically in the New Testament, but I would say that they are most certainly covered generally by the terms used by Paul (for example: bestiality).

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My argument is that the general terms used for sexual sin (especially in the Pauline letters) were used intentionally to cover any and all sex outside of the bounds of a marriage between one man and one woman. There are lots of kinds of sex that you can say aren't covered specifically in the New Testament, but I would say that they are most certainly covered generally by the terms used by Paul (for example: bestiality).

I have found the Pauline letters useless ever since she got married to that ugly dude from The Cars. It took away all of her mystique. And she had a lot.

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This morning I got to read some really stupid and disingenuous posts by DCTom & FireChan regarding me being one post away from blaming all Muslims for the actions of (more than) a few Muslims. DCTom was being his usual self, trying to impress with his "above the fray" attitude. Chan, who hasn't spent much time here at PPP was just utilizing his Shoutbox mentality.Anyone who has been around awhile and is not a prick like DCTom would know that I don't blame all Muslims for the misdeedsof the 10's of thousands of them who wantonly kill others. Justice, or No Justice (his previous screen name) and I have had numerous public discussions about this. He always claimed that he abhorred violence. His recent statements appeared thathe condoned it as long as he didn't do it himself. This is the polar opposite of his prior claims. So, the "one post away"statement was right DC & Chan, but only in that I was one post away from taking Justice to the woodshed for being two-faced.

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This morning I got to read some really stupid and disingenuous posts by DCTom & FireChan regarding me being one post away from blaming all Muslims for the actions of (more than) a few Muslims. DCTom was being his usual self, trying to impress with his "above the fray" attitude. Chan, who hasn't spent much time here at PPP was just utilizing his Shoutbox mentality.Anyone who has been around awhile and is not a prick like DCTom would know that I don't blame all Muslims for the misdeedsof the 10's of thousands of them who wantonly kill others. Justice, or No Justice (his previous screen name) and I have had numerous public discussions about this. He always claimed that he abhorred violence. His recent statements appeared thathe condoned it as long as he didn't do it himself. This is the polar opposite of his prior claims. So, the "one post away"statement was right DC & Chan, but only in that I was one post away from taking Justice to the woodshed for being two-faced.

DC Toms vanity is such that he quote's himself on his sig line. Enough said.

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This morning I got to read some really stupid and disingenuous posts by DCTom & FireChan regarding me being one post away from blaming all Muslims for the actions of (more than) a few Muslims. DCTom was being his usual self, trying to impress with his "above the fray" attitude. Chan, who hasn't spent much time here at PPP was just utilizing his Shoutbox mentality.Anyone who has been around awhile and is not a prick like DCTom would know that I don't blame all Muslims for the misdeedsof the 10's of thousands of them who wantonly kill others. Justice, or No Justice (his previous screen name) and I have had numerous public discussions about this. He always claimed that he abhorred violence. His recent statements appeared thathe condoned it as long as he didn't do it himself. This is the polar opposite of his prior claims. So, the "one post away"statement was right DC & Chan, but only in that I was one post away from taking Justice to the woodshed for being two-faced.

Quick, tell me how I wronged you.


Many in those communities are part of or sympathize with the extremists though. I remember well the dancing in the streets in the Middle East in the aftermath of 9/11. Look at JA's post below and notice how the victims are somehow partially responsible for the actions of the extremists. Many in the West bury their heads in the sand and refuse to call a spade a spade. The extremists are doing the actual killing, beheading and torture but couldn't get away with it for long without the support or indifference of the "moderates". It's time to quit kitty footing around and show them the only thing they respect----toughness.



* Al-Azhar, the thousand-year-old seat of religious learning in Cairo that’s respected by Muslims around the world, referred to the attack as a criminal act, saying that “Islam denounces any violence,” according to Egypt’s state news agency MENA.

* The Organization of the Islamic Conference strongly condemned the attack. A spokesperson for the OIC’s Islamophobia Observatory in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia said that violence and radicalism are “biggest enemies of Islam.”

* The French Council of the Muslim Religion condemned the “barbaric” attack and said that first thoughts are with the victims and their families. It also called on “all those committed to the values of the Republic and democracy to avoid provocations that only serve to throw oil on the fire,” and on French Muslims to “exercise the utmost vigilance against possible manipulations from extremist groups.”

* Indonesia, the world’s most-populous Muslim nation, “condemns the attack” and “sends condolences to the government and people of France,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

* “Egypt stands by France in confronting terrorism, an international phenomenon that targets the world’s security and stability and which requires coordinated international efforts to eradicate,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.

* “We, as Turkey, condemn with hatred any kind of terror,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in Ankara. “We are against any form of terror regardless of where it comes from and what its motives are.”

The extremists are doing the actual killing, beheading and torture but couldn't get away with it for long without the support or indifference of the "moderates". It's time to quit kitty footing around and show them the only thing they respect----toughness.


What are you doing here, if not calling moderate Muslims culpable for not stopping terrorists with force?


Oh. That's right. I'm being disingenuous again with all those direct quotes.


What did you mean by "washes his hands?" Please, tell me.

Edited by FireChan
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Define whore. Because my definition of whore is any women that has premarital sex. Premarital sex is a sin in any religion. Say what you want about religion, but when it comes to sex they got it right. There wouldn't be as many bastards out there, and there wouldn't be as many STDs.


One out of every six people between the ages 14 to 49 have herpes. That's astonishing to me.

90% of people have herpes by the time they turn 60.

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90% of people have herpes by the time they turn 60.



I think you guys are talking about different types of herpes. One gives you cold sores on your mouth, the other involves the nether regions.


True story: Once Geno tried to buy a rug and freaked out the store clerk who thought he said he wanted herpes for his head. Geno said hairpiece.

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Quick, tell me how I wronged you.


The extremists are doing the actual killing, beheading and torture but couldn't get away with it for long without the support or indifference of the "moderates". It's time to quit kitty footing around and show them the only thing they respect----toughness.


What are you doing here, if not calling moderate Muslims culpable for not stopping terrorists with force?


Oh. That's right. I'm being disingenuous again with all those direct quotes.


What did you mean by "washes his hands?" Please, tell me.

Do you remember the dancing in the streets and death to America chants in the aftermath of 9/11? Were those the moderates you speak of? Justice and I have had numerous public conversations regarding the attitude of some Muslims. He used to abhorre violence, but now seems to have a "meh" attitude about it. I was merely calling him out regarding his evolved stance. "Washing his hands" was a euphemism for his downplaying of people being killed for speaking out against Islam. You know like, "it's a dangerous world, lots of things will get you killed". You're reasonably intelligent, I'd have thought you'd of caught that. Anyway, keep quoting what different Islamic councils say but you might want to consider what they do, or do not do. Your present naivete would get you a key position on John Kerry's Iran/nuke negotiating team.


BTW, your "What are you doing here, if not calling moderate Muslims culpable for not stopping terrorists with force?" comment is worthy of a gator award nomination. Congrats.



I think you guys are talking about different types of herpes. One gives you cold sores on your mouth, the other involves the nether regions.


True story: Once Geno tried to buy a rug and freaked out the store clerk who thought he said he wanted herpes for his head. Geno said hairpiece.

It's good that with the passage of time you can joke about Geno and apparently remember him fondly.

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You're the one that's being exposed. You don't like me and never will. How many times do I have to say I hate violence? I do. That hasn't changed. I even admitted I don't like the death penalty for apostates and still you run lip. You accuse me of being dishonest when in actuality my posting history proves I'm not trying to win and popularity contests. Get a grip dude and stop crowning yourself, leave that to everyone else.

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I think you guys are talking about different types of herpes. One gives you cold sores on your mouth, the other involves the nether regions.


True story: Once Geno tried to buy a rug and freaked out the store clerk who thought he said he wanted herpes for his head. Geno said hairpiece.

Yes of course. Where else would he have it? On his dick?

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You're playing the same game that Justice (and other Muslims) play when they claim that Jesus never said he was God. It's a silly game based on a poor reading of the book.

I'm pretty sure Jesus (pbuh) would have been more straight forward and less ambiguous if he was God. God is all knowing and all seeing. He wouldn't have come to earth to die for our sins because he could've forgave us for our sins without coming here. Jesus prayed. Why would he pray to himself? That makes him sound like a schizo. He also prophesied about another messenger to come after him in Dueteronomy 18:18. Now if he was God why would he do that? Edited by Justice
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You're the one that's being exposed. You don't like me and never will. How many times do I have to say I hate violence? I do. That hasn't changed. I even admitted I don't like the death penalty for apostates and still you run lip. You accuse me of being dishonest when in actuality my posting history proves I'm not trying to win and popularity contests. Get a grip dude and stop crowning yourself, leave that to everyone else.

Hey, do you remember that we have had some good conversations in the past and that I was one who stuck up for you? Your recent attitude causes me to believe that you either have changed your feelings regarding violence or hid them well in the past. It's hard to hide your true beliefs, now isn't it?

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I'm pretty sure Jesus (pbuh) would have been more straight forward and less ambiguous if he was God. God is all knowing and all seeing.


Jesus made the claim that He was God multiple times, was frequently accused of heresy for it, and never retracted his claims.




He wouldn't have come to earth to die for our sins because he could've forgave us for our sins without coming here.
You claim here to know the mind of God?





Jesus prayed. Why would he pray to himself? That makes him sound like a schizo.

God is three, yet One. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.




He also prophesied about another messenger to come after him in Dueteronomy 18:18. Now if he was God why would he do that?

Dueteronomy is in the Old Testament, not the New Testament.

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