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Starbucks Fans...Whadayathink of this new idea?


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cause it's stuupid


Exactly. It's precisely as stupid as calling the people who hand you your coffee a 'barista.'


It would be like McDonalds telling me that I'm ordering my quarter pounder from a Burgermeistermeisterburger.


Get over yourselves, Starbucks. You make coffee. The people behind the counter are servers. The size is small, medium, large.

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look, i get what you are saying and i get it's all in fun, the difference in the sandwich and the size arguments is the sandwich is a regional thing, much like pop/soda, while the starbucks size thing is almost a forced vocabulary. There is a perception, right or wrong, that starbucks is better than other coffee shops and they are inventing terms to show they can....honestly, to call a small(everywhere else) a tall is kind of weird. Tall does not in any way, shape or form indicate it is the smallest size, grande, sure, that means large, big...venti...who knows what that means, but it absolutely does not scream out medium anything to me. I don't feel comfortable being 'fancy' or 'snobby' and those terms scream 'fancy' and 'snobby' to me, like i said, it's one of my manias....my own internal struggle to deal with....but damn, now i want a roast pork from dinics(best sandwich in Philly/Anywhere)....


side note....never heard of a tomato pie until i moved here and resisted for the longest time...who f***ing wants cold toast with sauce on it....I gave in now i absolutely love them, so maybe there's hope for me.


friends in college would 'torment' me in the dining hall because i refused to call the ice cream treat, 'nutty butty' by that name...it was too silly and i couldn't bring myself to say such an idiotic term...i'd call it a drumstick or just bail completely and order an ice cream sandwich....i have some weird things going on in my addled head....



Just like you guys order small and medium at Starbucks, i have ordered a steak SUB with Cheese wiz and onions once, ,and provolone and onions once !!!


its a steak sub fro christ sakes...just like its medium and not a grande :nana:

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Exactly. It's precisely as stupid as calling the people who hand you your coffee a 'barista.'


It would be like McDonalds telling me that I'm ordering my quarter pounder from a Burgermeistermeisterburger.


Get over yourselves, Starbucks. You make coffee. The people behind the counter are servers. The size is small, medium, large.

You are right. Yet, doesn't everybody always try to "up" their brand, make it more appealing and feel like they are something special and different. Starbucks is no different. Pure marketing w/elitist appeal because that's what their customer base is. They can sure work their brand.


I know Starbucks have been around for a while but a just don't see the appeal in a 4 dollar cup of coffee. Maybe it is a generational thing that makes it float... Or is it just "coffee" and the cafe thing. The cafe thing always works when feeling high falutent. ??

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There is a perception, right or wrong, that starbucks is better than other coffee shops and they are inventing terms to show they can....honestly, to call a small(everywhere else) a tall is kind of weird. ...but damn, now i want a roast pork from dinics(best sandwich in Philly/Anywhere)....





well, enough people think they are better as they dwarf next biggest chain..Starbucks $14B, Tim Hortons $3.5...wowzer. So, whatever they did sure as chit worked.


And that roast pork is unbelieveable...we agree on that one :worthy:


Why in the world anyone would get that junk sub :w00t: with cheez wiz vs a roast pork is beyond me

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Sidenote: Back in the 1950's when my parents were dating... They'd drive from BFLO to Rochester for a cup a coffee. Probably dime coffee... But a trip none-the-less. Unless they were doing something else on the trip... People do strange things for coffee! I never understood "the coffee generation" thing. LoL...

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Don't get me wrong, I will enjoy a Starbucks somewhat frequently, but from a cost standpoint, i can get my morning wawa coffee 24 ounce for $1.80 and that holds more appeal to me than a nearly $3.00 cup at starbucks....oh, and don't get me started on the wooden stirrers, they give me the willies ala styrofoam...something about the texture really skeeves me out.


The Pat's & Geno's Cheesesteaks are for the tourists....once you are here for a while, you start to know where to get the real sammies....



well, enough people think they are better as they dwarf next biggest chain..Starbucks $14B, Tim Hortons $3.5...wowzer. So, whatever they did sure as chit worked.


And that roast pork is unbelieveable...we agree on that one :worthy:


Why in the world anyone would get that junk sub :w00t: with cheez wiz vs a roast pork is beyond me

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See.. That's the warm fuzzy feeling that Starbucks creates for many! I just don't understand, but they have my wife (year older than me) and my children brainwashed! My son (Millenial, 1998) is the most brainwashed by the brand. It's all about the "delivery", IMO. I can't wait to see his Starbucks bill when he hits the college campus... :-O Even now he has a "meal card" in high-school... He doesn't worry about what things cost, just that they tell him when his account is low and and Mommy and Daddy need to reload! WTF!!!!

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Don't get me wrong, I will enjoy a Starbucks somewhat frequently, but from a cost standpoint, i can get my morning wawa coffee 24 ounce for $1.80 and that holds more appeal to me than a nearly $3.00 cup at starbucks....oh, and don't get me started on the wooden stirrers, they give me the willies ala styrofoam...something about the texture really skeeves me out.


The Pat's & Geno's Cheesesteaks are for the tourists....once you are here for a while, you start to know where to get the real sammies....



Question about the cheesesteak ... how long has wiz been acceptable? I imagine that Philly was famous for cheesesteaks prior to Cheez wiz being invented; or perhaps I'm wrong (that happens daily). So ... is there an "old school" cheesesteak? Are there 80-year-old Philadelphians who say, "keep that processed orange schit off of my cheesesteak, god dammit?"

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My philly cheesesteak history goes back a mere 5 years, I do not know the answer to that. I've only had it once or twice wiz style, it wasn't awful, but I provolone is my choice

Question about the cheesesteak ... how long has wiz been acceptable? I imagine that Philly was famous for cheesesteaks prior to Cheez wiz being invented; or perhaps I'm wrong (that happens daily). So ... is there an "old school" cheesesteak? Are there 80-year-old Philadelphians who say, "keep that processed orange schit off of my cheesesteak, god dammit?"

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Question about the cheesesteak ... how long has wiz been acceptable? I imagine that Philly was famous for cheesesteaks prior to Cheez wiz being invented; or perhaps I'm wrong (that happens daily). So ... is there an "old school" cheesesteak? Are there 80-year-old Philadelphians who say, "keep that processed orange schit off of my cheesesteak, god dammit?"

Just a little research. Cheez Wiz came out in the early 1950's. Cheesesteaks not that many years prior. I would think the two go hand and hand... IMO. Anything else is like a 4 dollar cup of coffee @ Starbucks. What's wrong with Cheez Wiz and why would you want to make a Philly Cheesesteak high falutent?


80 year olds actually probably prefer it! Don't they always say eat what your grandparents, great grandparents ate during their generation... Okay, I will take the MoonPie (1917) and RC Cola (1905), "Working Man's Lunch" please...



My philly cheesesteak history goes back a mere 5 years, I do not know the answer to that. I've only had it once or twice wiz style, it wasn't awful, but I provolone is my choice

So you "Starbucksized" your cheesesteak... And prefer it! Holy Moly!


J/K Pooj... :-)

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"After you get your talking to at Starbucks..."


Why do some have to view it this way? Like's it a position of power? One person over another. "After YOU GET YOUR TALKING TO" Maybe I am misreading what you mean LA, but that has nothing to do with. Nobody is being lectured or given a sermon. Nobody is above anybody or below anybody during this dynamic. What is to feel guilty about? Nobody is "getting a talking to." This is a two-way street. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong... Well sort of, with respect to the law. Why do people have to think this way? There is no alpha dog here. It's simple and what cafes and coffee housese were meant for. Somewhere Ben Franklin is smiling. This was the dynamic @ the local tavern back in his day. This what he wanted to happen in a democratic republic. No?



Just look how well it worked in Sarajevo? Just kidding, still have to stay on guard even when sipping a chai latte! ;-P

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Why do some have to view it this way? Like's it a position of power? One person over another. "After YOU GET YOUR TALKING TO" Maybe I am misreading what you mean LA, but that has nothing to do with. Nobody is being lectured or given a sermon.


Quit yer honkin', Nancy. I literally meant nothing by it, and by literally I don't mean figuratively.


Though perhaps if Starbucks really wanted to have an open discussion about racism, they could start by finally opening up a Starbucks in, oh, say, Ferguson.

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Quit yer honkin', Nancy. I literally meant nothing by it, and by literally I don't mean figuratively.


Though perhaps if Starbucks really wanted to have an open discussion about racism, they could start by finally opening up a Starbucks in, oh, say, Ferguson.

Oh. I am sorry. Thought you were being serious. You are right about the Ferguson thing! Yet, I suppose they are like other places. I heard that places like Panera won't put up a store unless it is passed by over 100,000 vehicles a day? Huh? That can't be right. Sounds too high a number? Is there really a metric to where they place stores? Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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After you get your talking to at Starbucks, you can sign up for the new iNotRacist app!


:lol: :lol:




Oh. I am sorry. Thought you were being serious. You are right about the Ferguson thing! Yet, I suppose they are like other places. I heard that places like Panera won't put up a store unless it is passed by over 100,000 vehicles a day? Huh? That can't be right. Sounds too high a number? Is there really a metric to where they place stores?

No I'm sure it's totally random. :nana:

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I think I'll stick to DD. I prefer it anyway. Starbucks hot has too much caffeine for me. Once in a great while I feel like one of their iced coffee's. Drive thru only though, went in once or twice and way too pretentious for me. I felt they could see right thru me and know I didn't vote for Barry. Awkward...

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I worked at a Denny's in the 70s.Back then a cup of coffee cost 40 cents. The manager told me that that had the largest profit margin, bigger than anything else n the menu. You had to drink >13 cups for them to lose money. Cost the company about 3 cents a cup. Thats greater than 90% mark up.

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