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Starbucks Fans...Whadayathink of this new idea?


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My wife is a frequent Starbucks patron. Our son and I went out running errands on Sunday. She asked me to stop and get her some venti machiatto caramel something or other. 24 !@#$ing minutes and you bet your ass I timed it. 24 minutes waiting for a !@#$ing ice coffee.

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Tim Tebow said exactly that just yesterday.

No ... Tim Tebow said something like, "I'm a try real hard. I'm a work real hard. And I'm a make Coach Meyer real proud again. And again. And again. And again ..."

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Just what I want to do first thing in the morning. Waste time talking social issues with a brainwashed, trendy hipster while annoying people behind me in line waiting for their coffee.

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You think?


It was almost 40 years ago... But back in BFLO they were taking (jokingly) "donations" to buy bullets for the .22 Killer. Remember the 22 caliber killer in BFLO? I guess racism happens everywhere... BUT, @ the Knights of Columbus? My father was so disgusted, he dropped out of the organization. And here is is a guy (my father) who was practically lynched for holding a door open for a black woman in The South during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's... Sure it was only 20 years later... And now it is almost 40 years later... But come on, the seeds where there then and are still there now, just pushed more undercover for the most part.


What do you think of the OK University fraternity thing? Something deep inside me hopes it was all made up, most likely it wasn't.


To say racism is not bad, is naive. It's just been pushed undercover for the most part. That's Starbucks point. Nobel... But won't fly well... You see the replies here. I can't say, I want to be bothered either. BUT, I certainly don't want hide my head in the sand.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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A cup of coffee ain't gonna fix that nutbag.

Of course it won't! Nobody is saying it will. Open dialog is never a bad thing though, IMO.

The trolls will be coming out to Starbucks in droves. I'm totally doing this just to make them uncomfortable, and then find a way to accuse them of being a racist, and accuse them of calling me a racist.

Interesting point on the "baiting." Still has to be broached. Sad if the mob wins out either way.

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Of course it won't! Nobody is saying it will. Open dialog is never a bad thing though, IMO.


Interesting point on the "baiting." Still has to be broached. Sad if the mob wins out either way.

Obviously open dialogue is a good thing, but there's a time and place. Do you enjoy Jehovah's witnesses approaching you at your house, or in the park to talk about Jesus, or does it make you uncomfortable. Is that to say you're not Christian, or that you hate people that are?

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