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Anybody watching HBO's series "The Jinx. The life and deaths of Robert Durst"? Compelling stuff. Don't read any further if you intend on watching it.


Warning: Spoilers







This is a pretty remarkable true story about a millionaire who was accused of three murders. He's suspected of killing his wife, who vanished, one of his closest friends and his neighbor while he was on the run.


He has only been tried for the murder of his neighbor and got off. He actually dismembered this guy's body and threw it into the river and yet the jury still found him not-guilty. I used to think OJ's jury was the world's dumbest 12 people ever assembled until I found out about this group.


During the 6 part series, HBO questioned this guy in interviews and revealed some evidence regarding the murder of his friend and confidant, Susan Berman, who took a bullet to the back of her head in her home.


There wasn't any forced entry and it appears whomever killed her was a trusted individual. Shortly after her murder the police received a letter that only stated the word "cadaver" and Beverly Hills was misspelled on the envelope. Robert Durst was in California at the time of her murder and he left immediately after.


During Episode 5 a letter from Robert Durst to Susan Berman was found and and given to the creator of the mini-series. The handwriting and missspelling of Beverly was identical. Now if I'm an investigator the first thing I would do is check out the prime suspect's handwriting since the only real evidence I have is a letter. My question to you guys is why in the world would they not do this in the first place? Is it because he's wealthy and the rich can get away with anything or were they simply just inept?


Less than a week ago this guy was finally arrested in New Orleans for the murder of Susan Berman. If this guy never agreed to appear in the HBO series he may never have gotten caught. Hopefully he will be brought to justice. Finally.


It's worth watching. I highly recommend it. The end of episode 6 is the highlight.


Funny, I watched the fist two episodes on Sunday....then, right after, I went on Facebook and saw that there was a Robert Durst story "trending". Always late to the party!


a bit of a spoiler alert, though its all over the news this week..... Justice - perhaps i missed it, but the second letter wasnt given to police until after the filming - no? I have heard controversy about them holding this, and the hot mic slip up for years without turning it in to authorities?


My wife plays violin with a woman who was a good friend of his. I looked at his wiki page and holy crap. Dude has issues. This is what she said about him in an email to my wife.



He has the social skill of 5 year old. Very often stoned.


I got to go many nice restaurants, football games, operas, symphonys. Every place we went, people were looking at us and talking. His trial was televised every night for 3 months or so. The whole town of Houston watched his trial.


He often invited me to travel (London, Paris, NYC), but I did not travel with him. Only time I traveled was from Houston to SF. He stayed at St. Francis, I stayed at the Hostel on Mason st.




a bit of a spoiler alert, though its all over the news this week..... Justice - perhaps i missed it, but the second letter wasnt given to police until after the filming - no? I have heard controversy about them holding this, and the hot mic slip up for years without turning it in to authorities?

It was definitely after filming.

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