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A lot of firepower. Which QB will make the most of it?


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I think EJ goes into the preseason looking good but fades when the shorts come off and Cassel winds up starting, but that's just my random thoughts. Can't justify it.

What they do after the shorts come off is their private business.

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The more accurate QB will win. My money is on White Castle. However, if the Bills are running it effectively, that could put EJ in the driver's seat due to his mobility and the increased likelihood of man coverage outside with a single high safety. In those situations I would think that EJ would make some big plays. Perhaps enough to jump start his confidence. Castle will be better at the dink and dunk if the running game fails to show up. A little better than Orton I would imagine. The O-line still stinks.

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whoever it is, I'm thinking that Roman will have him on the move.. especially with the Taylor signing.. expect to see a heavy dose of Malzahn's play option pass employed so well by Bevell in Seattle for Wilson, and the read option plays Roman installed for Kap.. rollouts.. some designed QB draws.. lots, and lots of lateral and vertical movement exploding out of formations that have the defense beaten before the ball is snapped.. jet sweeps.. bubble screens.. rubs out of bunch.. power sweeps.. counters.. pulling.. trapping.. deep routes.. shallow routes.. threatening every inch of the field on every play..



how you like me now?!

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What about a trips set with Watkins Harvin and Felton... hear me out. Felton blocks for the WR screen with Sammy as the deep option. Imagine a pump fake to Harvin, then send it to Sammy down the hashes with single coverage, possibly wide open if both DBs (and a safety) bite on the pump fake.



I just had a little accident.


tell me the story again.

Dream big is right. why the hell not!

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EJ is the front runner...they have a first round pick invested in him, they have an OC and coach that wants to see the QB use his legs more, and the kid has more talent than this board gives him credit for.


EJ had a reasonably solid start to his career, especially given the time he missed his rookies season. He was raw and had a lot of pressure and played to careful and restricted himself. He has 3 fourth quarter comeback wins in just 14 starts because he played better when he was forced to let loose with the game on the line.


This kid may or may not become a good starter, but right now, he has the most upside regardless of the over exaggerated negative opinion many posters have about him on here. He is the front runner, Cassel is the vet to help steady the ship if he doesn't show he can elevate his game on the field or gets hurt. Cassel will no doubt be in the mix to start, but its going to be EJ I think that emerges and earns the spot. Cassel and Taylor will be battling to back him up after that, and Cassel should easily win that.

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EJM starts, is injured sometime early in the season. Tyrod finishes the game with a nice comeback, and everyone wants him to start. So Tyrod starts for 2 games, craps the bed, and then Cassel finishes the season. The Bills go 11-5, get a Wildcard spot, beat up on a crappy WC team that snuck in from a crap division. Then the Bills play a regular (non-wildcard) playoff game, and lose because of a crap offense.

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EJM starts, is injured sometime early in the season. Tyrod finishes the game with a nice comeback, and everyone wants him to start. So Tyrod starts for 2 games, craps the bed, and then Cassel finishes the season. The Bills go 11-5, get a Wildcard spot, beat up on a crappy WC team that snuck in from a crap division. Then the Bills play a regular (non-wildcard) playoff game, and lose because of a crap offense.

That sounds way better than the last 15 Januaries. You are pretty optimistic. Count me in on a playoff win!

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That sounds way better than the last 15 Januaries. You are pretty optimistic. Count me in on a playoff win!


Sounds great huh? Let me continue....


Then the Bills continue for a few seasons with crap offenses, eking their way into the playoffs, but never having a high enough pick to get an elite QB. After a few of these type of seasons, they fall off sharply. Finally in 2020, a new GM and coach select a "franchise" QB to lead a depleted roster of also-ran's.

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EJ is the front runner...they have a first round pick invested in him, they have an OC and coach that wants to see the QB use his legs more, and the kid has more talent than this board gives him credit for.



No sir. No way.


Whaley has "cover" by saying it was a group pick (ie; Buddy Nix).


Pegula couldnt care less


Rexy couldnt care less. Ditto for Roman. Nobody in the building is beholden to EJ or to the pick itself.


They didnt bring in guys to challenge Tuel. They brought in guys who they think can edge out EJ. The current regime has more invested in Cassel than in EJ. Marinate on that for a bit.

Edited by maddenboy
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With all the wheeling and dealing for offensive help, it's still going to come down to the QB. Can EJ develop into a capable QB to get us to the playoffs with a better coaching staff in place? Will Cassel be the steady veteran backup to help him along, or will he have to get under center and take us to the playoffs? Will Taylor beat out Tuel for the #3 spot?, Does Tuel even have a chance of making the roster now?


What do you think?



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Sounds great huh? Let me continue....


Then the Bills continue for a few seasons with crap offenses, eking their way into the playoffs, but never having a high enough pick to get an elite QB. After a few of these type of seasons, they fall off sharply. Finally in 2020, a new GM and coach select a "franchise" QB to lead a depleted roster of also-ran's.

I was right. You are an optimist. :lol:

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