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Utah passes bill allowing execution by firing squad

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Good. Never understood all this 'lethal injection' bull ****. Firing squad or hanging works perfectly well and without all the fuss.

Why a firing squad? "Down on your knees!" in front of a ditch, with a single bullet to the back of the head saves a significant amount of man hours, as you only need one executioner instead of several.


In fact, why not just line up multiple convicts at a time, and use the same ditch? Saves resources on digging.

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Why a firing squad? "Down on your knees!" in front of a ditch, with a single bullet to the back of the head saves a significant amount of man hours, as you only need one executioner instead of several.


In fact, why not just line up multiple convicts at a time, and use the same ditch? Saves resources on digging.



Jeez TYTT, a thinly disguised comparison of how terrorists have been murdering their victims,


with a state execution of a criminal found guilty in a U.S. court and reviewed over several years







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Jeez TYTT, a thinly disguised comparison of how terrorists have been murdering their victims,


with a state execution of a criminal found guilty in a U.S. court and reviewed over several years







Not making that comparison at all. Who said anything about removing the American criminal justice system?


I'm simply analizing cost benefits. If the ultimate goal is a dead convict, and the argument is that lethal injection is too inefficient, then I argue that a firing squad is too inefficient.

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Why a firing squad? "Down on your knees!" in front of a ditch, with a single bullet to the back of the head saves a significant amount of man hours, as you only need one executioner instead of several.


In fact, why not just line up multiple convicts at a time, and use the same ditch? Saves resources on digging.


Ah, Christian mercy. "The Religion of Peace."


You !@#$.

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Perhaps you should consider the purpose of my argument, leading into the point I'm going to make, dip ****.


If you're unwilling to do that, perhaps you should wait until after I've made it.


No, I saw the point you were making. You're not exactly subtle about it.


But since you missed it: my point is that you're a hypocrite, you !@#$.

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No, I saw the point you were making. You're not exactly subtle about it.


But since you missed it: my point is that you're a hypocrite, you !@#$.

You're an idiot.


I take it you've never bothered to read A Modest Proposal.


My position on capital punishment is well documented here: I'm against it.

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Can I inquire as to why the main proponent for "drive them into the sea" total war is also against capital punishment?



It comes down to what I believe is the proper role of government.


One legitimate primary purpose is the defense of citizens and state by making war against external aggressors, and ending that war as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order to protect the interests of it's citizens.


I also believe that a government, entrusted by it's citizens with the power to kill, should not be empowered to kill it's own citizens.


These are not inconsistent.

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It comes down to what I believe is the proper role of government.


One legitimate primary purpose is the defense of citizens and state by making war against external aggressors, and ending that war as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order to protect the interests of it's citizens.


I also believe that a government, entrusted by it's citizens with the power to kill, should not be empowered to kill it's own citizens.


These are not inconsistent.

So you would allow the state to snuff out foreigners that commit terrorists acts?

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Why a firing squad? "Down on your knees!" in front of a ditch, with a single bullet to the back of the head saves a significant amount of man hours, as you only need one executioner instead of several.


In fact, why not just line up multiple convicts at a time, and use the same ditch? Saves resources on digging.


I like the target practice aspect of a firing squad.

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Why a firing squad? "Down on your knees!" in front of a ditch, with a single bullet to the back of the head saves a significant amount of man hours, as you only need one executioner instead of several.



Deniability for individual shooters. 7 shooters but only 2 or 3 live rounds with each shooter not knowing if their round is live or blank. The Government is responsible for the killing, not any one individual.

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It comes down to what I believe is the proper role of government.


One legitimate primary purpose is the defense of citizens and state by making war against external aggressors, and ending that war as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order to protect the interests of it's citizens.


I also believe that a government, entrusted by it's citizens with the power to kill, should not be empowered to kill it's own citizens.


These are not inconsistent.

Do you not think a legitimate primary purpose of the government is the protection of its citizens from criminals as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order to protect the interests of its citizens?


Is there a quicker, more efficient and more permanent way of ensuring the protection of your citizens than the death penalty?

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Do you not think a legitimate primary purpose of the government is the protection of its citizens from criminals as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order to protect the interests of its citizens?


Is there a quicker, more efficient and more permanent way of ensuring the protection of your citizens than the death penalty?

The criminal is also a citizen; further, the role of government in not to "protect it's citizens from domestic criminals" insomuch as it is to enforce the rule of law in order to promote a predicatable and orderly domestic economy.


A government empowered to kill it's citizens will always kill it's citizens.

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