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Vicks Vaporub on feet for night time cough

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Haha, seems like one study says something sis good for you and another says is bad for you for just about everything now.


For this talking about honey, my kids got it mixed with hot tea and a very wee bit of southern comfort to help them sleep. Yes , send me to parent jail now.

Yes it started with butter is bad for you and margarine was created. Now they say margarine is bad and butter is good. Same with eggs. I just go with what works and screw what the so called experts say who will eventually reverse their opinions later anyways.

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Haha, seems like one study says something sis good for you and another says is bad for you for just about everything now.


For this talking about honey, my kids got it mixed with hot tea and a very wee bit of southern comfort to help them sleep. Yes , send me to parent jail now.

Some people of a certain political persuasion would have tried to take your kids away. At least in the last 30 years.

Had a really bad cold running through our house. Started with me, then the wife and now one of my sons. He has been miserable since yesterday, coughing like a mad man. Listened to him cough all night last night. I told my wife to buy some Vicks today as I remember it being a great cold cure when I was a kid. Chest, nose, etc.


Well - after reading some things online, I came across literally thousands of posts discussing rubbing some on feet and covering with socks. Long story longer, I put some on my son who has coughed all day to the point of nearly barfing right before bed. He went to bed at about 8:30 and over an hour later he hasn't coughed once.


Anyone ever done this or know of any other cool home remedies????

I remember my grandfather would dissolve some vapor rub in very hot water and put a towel over his head to concentrate it. I can't imagine that was a good idea, though it seemed to help.
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The one home remedy I know of is for when you get home from a heavy night of drinking: one tall glass of luke warm water and two advil before bed. Wake up good to go.

Skip the pill, just drink some water. Hangovers come from being dehydrated. Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Skip the pill, just drink some water. Hangovers come from being dehydrated.

Exactly. You stick alcohol (Heet, etc..) in a gasoline engine system to "dry" it out in the winter/freezing weather to prevent the fuel lines from freezing. I suppose the same thing happens when you pour alcohol down a mostly water composed human body... You start to get dehyrdated.


I read somewhere that being lost @ sea with no fresh water would feel like a wicked hangover. I wonder how true that is? Then especially the extreme no-no of drinking the seawater. Death by hangover/dehyrdration, right?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Anytime anything is going around, I swear by garlic. I cannot tell you the last time I was sick.

My dad was born in 1920. Almost every Sunday he had what was called a Hoover Steak Sandwich. Said everyone in the 30's ate them.

Sliced Onion , hot mustard, maybe some cheese if it was around on DiCamillos bread. Swore it prevented colds...and the man never had a cold till the day he died.

Edited by plenzmd1
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My dad was born in 1920. Almost every Sunday he had what was called a Hoover Steak Sandwich. Said everyone in the 30's ate them.

Sliced Onion , hot mustard, maybe some cheese if it was around on DiCamillos bread. Swore it prevented colds...and the man never had a cold till the day he died.

Horrible breath though... Like garlic, I think it even weeps out of you! LoL...


Onions are supposed to be good! The old Serbian guy down the street from me well into his 80's eats them like an apple! LoL... Supposedly, I read if it wasn't for the smell (your nose).. Biting into an apple or an onion, one couldn't tell. Huh? That can't be right? Maybe I read that wrong.


Myself personally... A nice robust slice of onion on a thick slice of liverwurst (Fry's natural casing... Do they still make it?) on bread is heaven. Add Weber's mustard if you want. I guess that (liverwurst) is defeating the purpose though and luxury your father didn't have during the depression. My father was raised on black bread and lard! Yep... Pure fat on bread! Holy Smokes! Still kicking but his coronary system is a mess @ almost 80 and not to mention the macular degeneration... Would have been nice to get some green veggies in there growing up Dad! ;-) ;-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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