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Bills, McCoy agree on new 5-yr contract

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Where's the logic in front loading a contract when you're "all in" for the next two years? I would stake McCoy on the bet that we don't sign another big FA now, especially Lou Potty. All in for the next two years, with little cap space the next two years. Good move?

It's front loaded in cash not cap hit. Don't be a doofus here FC. His cap hit just cut in half this year

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Massive cap savings.


Let's break ir down for those who don't get it. $16 million salary of which $13 million is signing bonus, signing bonus cap hits are spread out over the entirety of the contract so that's $2.6 million a year hit this year plus the $3 million not signing bonus money equals $5.6 millions cap hit this year.

Edited by Wayne Cubed
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cap hit was 10.25 at time of trade, down to 5.6

I think anyone that can't calculate his cap hit this year based on 16m cash paid out and a 13m signing bonus being the bulk of that, shouldn't be allowed to comment on it yet

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@ChrisTrapasso: Re: McCoy's $13M signing bonus. RT @RyanFeder: would prorate over all 5 years. 2.6 hit per year. All but Gtd's he sees year 3 of deal.

Yup.... Probably sees year 4 too. It'd be a 5.2 m hit to cut him after year 3

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It's not my money. I don't care how much he gets. Just saying I'd prefer to have Kiko plus whatever money saved to get someone else as opposed to McCoy.


So by restructuring and saving half his cap hit that will probably go to keeping Hughes... You still arent happy. Got it. Go Bills?

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It's not my money. I don't care how much he gets. Just saying I'd prefer to have Kiko plus whatever money saved to get someone else as opposed to McCoy.

Name a better available RB?

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Apologies...I didn't see that the cap hit was down to 5.6 million. That's some good restructuring by the Bills.


Still don't like the trade, but that's not a prohibitive number. Now re-sign Hughes, and get Bulaga and Iupati please.

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I deleted it, this was prior to the cap hit being released.

I was mostly giving you a hard time. Common sense did say there would be a signing bonus and cap relief though- there's a reason I guessed at a 4m salary and 12m bonus when we saw 16m - not totally out of thin air



I also wouldn't be shocked if his hit is penciled in at 10m+ next year but with a roster bonus planned to become signing bonus and further lock this in at a minimum of 4 years.... just taking a stab based on numbers out there guaranteed

Edited by NoSaint
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