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Deflate Gate

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When I meet Ryan Lindley in Phoenix during SB week he said he absolutely could tell the difference in a ball 2 PSI less.


(Ryan Lindley is the 3rd stringer for the Cards who started a few games this year)


I also played football in HS and I could absolutely tell the differnece

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Did the whole thing get dropped ? Googled it and it looks like the whole thing dropped from the face of the earth . Found nothing doing a search on this site .


I'm sure that the league is trying to figure out how best to cover it up so that the bodies won't ever be found.


Last thing that they need is the SB winners tainted, again, and the league made to look like the clown that it is despite whatever outcome may come.


Don't expect anything. If something does come up, I'm sure it'll be accompanied by how many other teams were also cheating by allowing their players to eat on the team bus or some ****.

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