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Beatles vs. Stones

Beatles Stones  

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  1. 1. Which is the better band

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1979 or 80. Diamond Dave was swilling "Jack Daniels" that I'm sure was iced tea, and telling us how he's going to teach Buffalo how to party and then come back next year and we'll do it. (Front row)


2004 with Sammy. From the front row of a luxury suite.


Wow. I would have loved to have been at either of those shows. Had tix for the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge tour and had to sell mine because of a work obligation (work was the Navy, so there's no calling in sick). I wouldn't spend a nickel on them today, unless Sammy and Alex came back.

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Wow. I would have loved to have been at either of those shows. Had tix for the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge tour and had to sell mine because of a work obligation (work was the Navy, so there's no calling in sick). I wouldn't spend a nickel on them today, unless Sammy and Alex came back.

Unless I'm missing something, Alex is still in the band. Do you mean Michael Anthony?

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Are really denying DLR's ability to consume toxins?


He was chugging it! My friends and I were laughing at him. We needed no lessons in how to party, and knew that was physically impossible.

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Wow. I would have loved to have been at either of those shows. Had tix for the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge tour and had to sell mine because of a work obligation (work was the Navy, so there's no calling in sick). I wouldn't spend a nickel on them today, unless Sammy and Alex came back.


I've seen Sammy quoted about how much they sucked on that 2004 tour. I think that's right before Eddie went to rehab.

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I've seen Sammy quoted about how much they sucked on that 2004 tour. I think that's right before Eddie went to rehab.

I remember seeing a video (I'm sure it's still on youtube) from the last tour DLR was with them (I think it was the last time). They broke into "I'll Wait," and Eddie played it in an entirely different key. So bad, they couldn't adjust and had to completely stop, then restart the song.

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See, that right there didn't help them win me over....such a cheap ploy to draw attention...that wasn't what made me a non-fan, but it didn't help to sway my opinion of them(and yeah I made that comic sans.....VH to me if the Comic Sans of the rock world :D )



Wow. I would have loved to have been at either of those shows. Had tix for the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge tour and had to sell mine because of a work obligation (work was the Navy, so there's no calling in sick). I wouldn't spend a nickel on them today, unless Sammy and Alex came back.

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See, that right there didn't help them win me over....such a cheap ploy to draw attention...that wasn't what made me a non-fan, but it didn't help to sway my opinion of them(and yeah I made that comic sans.....VH to me if the Comic Sans of the rock world :D )



Their second album with Hagar was more clever. DLR's solo debut was "Eat 'Em and Smile." Van Halen's next album was OU812.

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For you Beatles fans. In 1973, Paul McCartney dropped by John Lennon's place in LA and they pulled out a couple of acoustic guitars and ran through some of their greatest collaborations.

In this video the great Stevie Riks (he plays both John and Paul) recreates what the evening must have looked like. Great stuff from a very talented man.


Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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Go to 4:20 mark....always thought this interesting...and The Who have always been No.1 for me

The Who are up there for me, as well...but I just can't put them quite in the same class as the Beatles and Stones. Won't argue about musicianship (Entwistle was amazing, and Moon was as fun to watch and listen to as any drummer can be...) but, IMO, they suffered a little bit from Pete being, essentially, the sole creative element of the band. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but Pete (and even he seems aware of it) has a tendency to be a little self-indulgent and repetitive. There was nobody in that band who had enough credibility to real him in, or balance out his worst traits.


Though I loved it as a kid, cuz I thought it was "deep", if I never heard "Tommy" again, I would be very happy. I am thinking of going to see them in another month or so, but I want to see what they are doing live. If "Tommy" makes up the bulk of their set, I will likely skip it. Again, I love the WHO, but I don't think they ever really hit the amazing period of consistency, like the Beatles or Stones, where they put out 4 or 5 masterpieces. I would argue that "Who's Next" and "Quadrophenia" are their two legit masterpieces...what came before and after was uneven. Townshend always seemed to be stretching himself between some obligation to the Who, and the desire to do his own thing.


There may not be a better rock-n'roll record....


Edited by Buftex
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good points about Townshend and the group. I wouldn't go see them at this point. I saw them a few weeks after Entwistle passed and as difficult as it was to replace Moon, they are a completely different band without Entwistle. Still my favorite, though.

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If Mick, Keith, Charlie, Ronnie/Mick Taylor/Brian, and Bill got into a fistfight with John, Paul, George, Ringo, and George Martin (to make it a fair fight), you know daggum well The Stones would come out on top.


I think Charlie would win a Battle Royale

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If Mick, Keith, Charlie, Ronnie/Mick Taylor/Brian, and Bill got into a fistfight with John, Paul, George, Ringo, and George Martin (to make it a fair fight), you know daggum well The Stones would come out on top.


Well if that's what we're basing this on the original members of the Allman Brothers is the best rock and roll band ever!

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