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What makes you happy?

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If I had powers of moderation I would keep anyone out of this thread that threatened to undo our happiness. Then again, if I had powers of moderation, would I be happy or an authoritative figurehead in the shape of a sphere??

What would make me happy would be for your "secretary" to again stab you in the groin. See if you can make that happen.
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What would make me happy is to see this thread get back to the original subject of what does make you happy, and not the "make fun of other users" which sadly I also got caught up in during a reply to a Beerball post.

I am still hurt by your slashingly harsh comments. But, I do ultimately believe that my posting what "would" make me happy falls within the parameters of this thread.

I am still hurt by your slashingly harsh comments. But, I do ultimately believe that my posting what "would" make me happy falls within the parameters of this thread.

Somehing else that would make me happy would be for mods to stop changing my cleverly written thread titles into mundane "blah blah blah" thread titles.
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A cold, cold, cold manhattan (Canadian Club whiskey, sweet vermouth, a spot of cherry juice and a twist of lemon)...is there anything better??

My mother used to enjoy a nice Manhattan. Thinking of her makes me happy.

No I think he meant this one.



both are good, but Chef's right, I do love me some Lady A.
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My mother used to enjoy a nice Manhattan. Thinking of her makes me happy.



My mom used to as well and my dad still does. She used to crack the ice with the back of a spoon. That sound meant 5pm in our house. Happy. :wub:


I think I'll take her out for one next time I'm home.

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My mom used to as well and my dad still does. She used to crack the ice with the back of a spoon. That sound meant 5pm in our house. Happy. :wub:


I think I'll take her out for one next time I'm home.

I still have my grandparents' "Ice-o-Mat" which allows you to put the cubes in, turn the handle, and it crushes the ice. It's turquoise in color. Pretty neat gadget.

My mother used to enjoy a nice Manhattan. Thinking of her makes me happy.


My Dad and I have had one a day for the past 4 days. My grandparents used to do the same with him when he was my age. Pretty silly...but I agree with you. Happy Memories include all kinds of things...even drinking alcohol with family and friends.
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My tiny (but not small) Sicilian grandmother used to give us kids a shot of Pa's homemade wine every time we visited. One of the great family times was when all the cousins, aunts & uncles would meet there each year to pick the grapes. Soil where he lived was nonexistent, basically crumbled shale, but he somehow had probably 20 rows growing behind his house.


Someday I'll tell you about the time Ma cooked my cousin's pet bunny.

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I still have my grandparents' "Ice-o-Mat" which allows you to put the cubes in, turn the handle, and it crushes the ice. It's turquoise in color. Pretty neat gadget.

My Dad and I have had one a day for the past 4 days. My grandparents used to do the same with him when he was my age. Pretty silly...but I agree with you. Happy Memories include all kinds of things...even drinking alcohol with family and friends.


My dad lives in Ellicottville and eats dinner at Tips Up probably 5 times a week. When I've walked in when visiting they have a big ass Manhattan at the bar waiting for him when he sits down. Traditions are good, especially booze related ones.

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