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What happens to the black in coffee when you drink it?


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Getting ready for colonoscopy and drinking clear liquids. Nothing in system, you drink black coffee and go to bathroom and it comes out clear. What happens to the black in coffee? Same with any dark liquid you drink. I know when I eat beets I end up with a red tint in the pee.

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I think it goes down the other tract. They doesn't wants any stains in yer big tube's lining while they're maneuvering their special probe up your fundament there young fella. It could make it look more like a Jackson Pollack painting than the Monet that it probably is.


Here's to your clean bill of health and kudos to you for getting this very important checkup done! :thumbsup:


On a side note, the prep for that procedure is just brutal and disgusting. That said, it feels great to eat again after you're back on your feet. :beer:

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The Michael Jackson Cocktail they gave me in the prep room was AWESOME....I see why MJ was such a fan.....


I think it goes down the other tract. They doesn't wants any stains in yer big tube's lining while they're maneuvering their special probe up your fundament there young fella. It could make it look more like a Jackson Pollack painting than the Monet that it probably is.


Here's to your clean bill of health and kudos to you for getting this very important checkup done! :thumbsup:


On a side note, the prep for that procedure is just brutal and disgusting. That said, it feels great to eat again after you're back on your feet. :beer:

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Plus the substances that make the coffee dark get broken down. Pee is yellow due to the broken down hemoglobin from old and recycled red blood cells. When you drink a lot of water, it is almost colorless. Poop is brown partially due to broken down bile. If i drink grape pop, mine turns greenish due to the purple dye.

Edited by Wacka
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The Michael Jackson Cocktail they gave me in the prep room was AWESOME....I see why MJ was such a fan.....



I got nothing really. Was awake and pretty much unbuzzed for the whole procedure. And the did an endoscopy at the same time. I asked if they were going to drill a golden spike in the middle.

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