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Chip Kelly, Huh ?

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I love the Sabres, but when I try to listen to Kevin Sylvester on Hockey Hotline, I can't help but want to jab a screwdriver into my skull. There's obviously a great deal of logic to Chip Kelly's decision to trade McCoy --- it has become vogue for NFL teams to not pay a premium in salary or draft position for the RB position. A soon to be 27 year old RB isn't worth a $10mil cap hit to the Eagles when their defense is a sieve. On the other hand, if the Bills can restructure McCoy's contract and get 2 good years out of him, it's absolutely a good trade for our team. We can afford to part with Kiko, the Eagles can't afford the luxury of paying an elite RB an elite salary. I like it for the Bills, even though I like Kiko.


I ususally have the radio on for a few extra minutes after Howard Simon ends, and sometimes I wonder if Kevin Sylvester and Andrew Peters hate each other.


Their yelling over each other trying to talk is hilarious yet somehow still boring.

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I ususally have the radio on for a few extra minutes after Howard Simon ends, and sometimes I wonder if Kevin Sylvester and Andrew Peters hate each other.


Their yelling over each other trying to talk is hilarious yet somehow still boring.


I know what you mean. Peters has improved over the past few years, but he's still pretty much a clod. Sylvester is probably the worst professional broadcaster I've ever heard, and even though I'm using hyperbole, I don't think it's much of an exaggeration. I can't fathom how he's maintained employment for so long. Zero hockey intelligence and zero on air charisma. He steps all over every co-host and guest. Brian Duff and Dan Dunleavy are a breath of fresh air on the TV broadcasts.


Screwdriver to the skull.

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I know what you mean. Peters has improved over the past few years, but he's still pretty much a clod. Sylvester is probably the worst professional broadcaster I've ever heard, and even though I'm using hyperbole, I don't think it's much of an exaggeration. I can't fathom how he's maintained employment for so long. Zero hockey intelligence and zero on air charisma. He steps all over every co-host and guest. Brian Duff and Dan Dunleavy are a breath of fresh air on the TV broadcasts.


Screwdriver to the skull.

I can't even take Sylvester's laugh, it's so fake and makes him sound like a rodent as I'd imagine they would sound. I'm grateful I can listen to stern at work. I only listen to the local guys when big news breaks. Edited by NobesBLO13
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Listening to Bulldog on WGR today, he was saying Kelly is a smarter football guy because his offense is the future of the game and Rex Ryan is old-fashioned. And, therefore, the Bills were obviously taken advantage of by the smarter football guy. :doh: I guess those WGR hosts just can't stop themselves from looking for the turd in the punchbowl.


those spread QBs sure don't work in the NFL. They can start out great but then get figured out and then suck.

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In the NFL, what's old is new and what's new is old and the pendulum swing is getting faster. In the land of the bald the one haired man is king. In a league designed for the pass and defending the pass, a sophisticated power running game will be the new innovation. Rex & Roman may just be the guys to pull it off.

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Listening to Bulldog on WGR today, he was saying Kelly is a smarter football guy because his offense is the future of the game and Rex Ryan is old-fashioned. And, therefore, the Bills were obviously taken advantage of by the smarter football guy. :doh: I guess those WGR hosts just can't stop themselves from looking for the turd in the punchbowl.

From what I've seen of Kellys offense, he just runs a very fast no huddle. I don't see anything innovative. You run the ball....you pass the ball......

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takes over a 4 & 12 team, and gets them to 10 & 6 and a playoff berth his first year. And follows it with another 10 & 6 record while losing his starting QB halfway thru. I wish we had some "poor coaching" like that


yeah, you got hate that, two years and no Super Bowl . . . this guy sucks, he'll end up coaching lineman in Jacksonville soon.

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The Chip Kelly experiment is an important one for the NFL. It will be one of those coaching runs that any fan can take something out of, both positive and negative. Everything in the NFL is a double edged sword. Will he build a Frankenstein that wins a Super Bowl? Will he crash and burn in epic fashion, leaving Philly with the 2012 Ducks? Too early to tell.

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Don't get me wrong, I think Chip is a talented coach. But he has way too much power in Phily. He's playing god with their roster and could be his down fall. For a guy that gets so much love in the media, I for one am sick of hearing how the Eagles 'won' this trade

It's Philly people trying rationalize trading a top RB for a LB. Ignore it

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takes over a 4 & 12 team, and gets them to 10 & 6 and a playoff berth his first year. And follows it with another 10 & 6 record while losing his starting QB halfway thru. I wish we had some "poor coaching" like that

He took over a stacked team from Andy Reid that had already been successful in past. So it's not something that is as genius like as some would make it out to be.

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He took over a stacked team from Andy Reid that had already been successful in past. So it's not something that is as genius like as some would make it out to be.

Please stop trying to disabuse JTSP of his entrenched prejudices against all things related to The Bills. He's a tortured soul that is going through life wearing poopey diapers.

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i'll admit I was pretty taken aback when we shipped off Kiko, but if I was an Eagles fan I would be furious right now. McCoy was their whole offense for the past 5 yrs. this is a pretty ballsy move by both coaches. Rex feels like he will have a great defense even without Kiko and Chip feels like he will have an amazing offense even without McCoy. i'm still waiting on Roman to chime in saying this is exactly the RB he wanted and i'm sure Eagles fans are wondering who the heck is going to be their RB this year

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I really want Kelly to succeed because he's different and interesting. The last thing the league needs is more same old same old - the John Foxes of the world. This is solid perspective from one of favorite NFL writers, Don Banks: http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/03/04/lesean-mccoy-trade-chip-kelly-philadelphia-eagles-kiko-alonso .

I feel the same way in theory. And I wanted the Bills to get him. And I watch Eagle games to see how they play because he's interesting. I had heard a few years ago from officials of the Pac 12 that he was a total ass and arrogant prick. And now, forcing a guy out, wanting to be king, and dismantling their entire team after he inherited a good one, I wouldn't mind seeing him fail at all. I don't like that kind of guy. I totally like the innovator kind of guy.


I don't mind tough ass coaches. I know a lot of them are pricks and great coaches. But you don't have to condone it. I wouldn't doubt if the Kelly experiment is over in two years.

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Back to Chip Kelly's genius for a second here:


Last year they finished 10-6, going 1-3 in the final quarter.


Here are some highlights:

  • 0 offensive TD's in a loss to the 49ers
  • needed a blocked punt for a TD and a fumble return for a TD to eek out a 6 point win over STL
  • needed a KR TD to eek out a 3 point win over WAS
  • got a blocked punt return for a TD in an 8 point win over the Giants

That's 2.5 of 10 wins that benefited greatly from non-offensive touchdowns.


On the whole, the team scored 11...read that again, 11...return TD's in 2014. Does anyone want to argue the sustainability of that? Or is Chip Kelly THAT much of a genius?

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