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Hillary violated law as SOS

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Reasonable explainations for reasonable people. For the Clinton haters, no explaination will ever suffice.


That works all ways Joey, no matter what she says........you swallow.




“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”

George Washington



“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”

Dorothy Allison



“A lie that is half-truth, is the darkest of all lies.”

Alfred Tennyson






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Reasonable explainations for reasonable people. For the Clinton haters, no explaination will ever suffice.


I didn't catch it. What was the reasonable explanation for violating federal regulations? And how did she justify her earlier criticism of the Bush administration for the exact same thing?


Idiot !@#$ing Americans...prefer to be governed by the whims of men than laws.

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Why is it easier to use her personal email account? I'm required to use a specific email account for all client/prospect communications or risk termination. No biggie. I have two emails on my phone. My company email and my gmail account.


What was the reasonable explanation for violating federal regulations?


It was convenient. :rolleyes:

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I didn't catch it. What was the reasonable explanation for violating federal regulations? And how did she justify her earlier criticism of the Bush administration for the exact same thing?


Idiot !@#$ing Americans...prefer to be governed by the whims of men than laws.


I'm one of those unreasonable people, but it boiled down to this: "You're just going to have to trust me."


The four important points she brought up: (1) she only had one email because she didn't want to carry a second phone (I know, right?), (2) she used her own server as a matter of convenience. (3) She deleted a bunch of emails, so there's nothing to see here. (4) Since there's nothing to see here, you aren't going to get the server.


But hey...I'm unreasonable, so I'm sure I misunderstood what she was saying. <_<

Edited by LABillzFan
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Why is it easier to use her personal email account? I'm required to use a specific email account for all client/prospect communications or risk termination. No biggie. I have two emails on my phone. My company email and my gmail account.


It was convenient. :rolleyes:




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I'm one of those unreasonable people, but it boiled down to this: "You're just going to have to trust me."


The four important points she brought up: (1) she only had one email because she didn't want to carry a second phone (I know, right?), (2) she used her own server as a matter of convenience. (3) She deleted a bunch of emails, so there's nothing to see here. (4) Since there's nothing to see here, you aren't going to get the server.


But hey...I'm unreasonable, so I'm sure I misunderstood what she was saying. <_<

Did she really say all of that crap or are you making it up?


No way that in a week long silence that is all they could think up.

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No way that in a week long silence that is all they could think up.


You'd think, right?


She also said she mostly used it to email with her husband who, earlier this week during an interview, said he has never sent an email.


But, y'know, reasonable people find lying perfectly, y'know, reasonable.

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You'd think, right?


She also said she mostly used it to email with her husband who, earlier this week during an interview, said he has never sent an email.


But, y'know, reasonable people find lying perfectly, y'know, reasonable.


Bill actually said he's never sent an email??

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It was explained on CNN that the govt didn't have phones that allowed for multiple email accounts. She didn't want to have to keep switching between two phones. Classified emails don't go through those phones anyways, there's a seperate system that's used for example when overseas that are secure and managed by career employees. She broke no law, it wasn't in effect until after she left office. Kerry is the first SoS to use the govt account exclusively. Any work email she sent to another govt official was backed up and saved on their end, so there are no missing govt emails. It's no different then if she had two seperate accounts, in the end the work emails are saved, the personal emails are hers to do with as she wishes. Just like Jeb Bush who used a private account for state business in Florida, and had to go through the same process of seperating work from private emails, it wasn't illegal.


So you can stay fixated on the latest gocha Clinton conspiracy theories, or start vetting and decide which Republican is going to lose in the general election.

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It was explained on CNN that the govt didn't have phones that allowed for multiple email accounts. She didn't want to have to keep switching between two phones. Classified emails don't go through those phones anyways, there's a seperate system that's used for example when overseas that are secure and managed by career employees. She broke no law, it wasn't in effect until after she left office. Kerry is the first SoS to use the govt account exclusively. Any work email she sent to another govt official was backed up and saved on their end, so there are no missing govt emails. It's no different then if she had two seperate accounts, in the end the work emails are saved, the personal emails are hers to do with as she wishes. Just like Jeb Bush who used a private account for state business in Florida, and had to go through the same process of seperating work from private emails, it wasn't illegal.


So you can stay fixated on the latest gocha Clinton conspiracy theories, or start vetting and decide which Republican is going to lose in the general election.


So tell me...how do we know who she received emails from? Just because people on the government side have copies doesn't mean we have copies of emails received.


Why did she destroy 30,000 emails? I don't care if it was about the wedding or funeral, if she used one account, ALL the emails belong to us. If she's too stupid to know that, she's too stupid to be president.


Did she use that email to solicit donations from foreign countries? What did she promise in return for those donations?


Why does she not have any emails from the time the Benghazi attack was taking place?


Why won't she turn over the server?


Oh, yeah. It's just a gotcha moment. :lol:


P.S. Not only was Jeb's private account NOT his only account, he also released all of his emails. So please...we know you're dumb enough to take her whole, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are.

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It was explained on CNN that the govt didn't have phones that allowed for multiple email accounts. She didn't want to have to keep switching between two phones. Classified emails don't go through those phones anyways, there's a seperate system that's used for example when overseas that are secure and managed by career employees. She broke no law, it wasn't in effect until after she left office. Kerry is the first SoS to use the govt account exclusively. Any work email she sent to another govt official was backed up and saved on their end, so there are no missing govt emails. It's no different then if she had two seperate accounts, in the end the work emails are saved, the personal emails are hers to do with as she wishes. Just like Jeb Bush who used a private account for state business in Florida, and had to go through the same process of seperating work from private emails, it wasn't illegal.


So you can stay fixated on the latest gocha Clinton conspiracy theories, or start vetting and decide which Republican is going to lose in the general election.


Was it "explained on CNN" why she violated Obama's executive order?


Was it explained on CNN the federal requirements for records management instituted after the Nixon tapes went missing?


Was it explained on CNN why she can maintain government records on her private equipment when for the rest of the government it's a fireable offense?


Was it explained on CNN that "because I want to use my own phone" is not a valid exception to the rules governing federal records management?


Was the difference between "law" and "regulation" explained?


Was the difference between "federal government" and "State of Florida" explained?



Any work email she sent to another govt official was backed up and saved on their end, so there are no missing govt emails.


It's not an official government email unless it's received at a government email server? So by definition, there can be no missing official emails, because an email received by a private server isn't government business? Was it explained that this is the DUMBEST, MOST ASS-BACKWARDS !@#$ING LOGIC EVER???




It's no different then if she had two seperate accounts


Was it explained on CNN that THAT'S THE !@#$ING PROBLEM???? (See "Petraeus, David.") :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Was it explained on CNN why it's okay when she does it, but Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales are fired for it?


Because apparently you need ALL this **** explained to you before you can understand it.

Edited by DC Tom
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Bill actually said he's never sent an email??


Crazy. But yes.


But just before Hillary began the press conference at the United Nations building, the Wall Street Journal reported that Bill Clinton does not use email.

"The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman," WSJ reported. "After leaving office, Mr. Clinton established his own domain that staff use — @presidentclinton.com. But Mr. Clinton still doesn't use email himself, Mr. McKenna said."

One of Bill's emails was to astronaut and former Sen. John Glenn, the other was to U.S. troops.

But Hillary said during her press conference that her email server "contains personal communications from my husband and me."

It appears at least one Clinton is not telling the whole truth.

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