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No franchise tag for Hughes.


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this is a classic case of let someone else way over pay for him, he's a good player but you can find a guy who can get 8-10 sacks in the Rex defense for under 11 million dollars

This. He'd be a great player in this defense but it could be more valuable to spend the money else where

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This. He'd be a great player in this defense but it could be more valuable to spend the money else where

Like where? Pass Rushing DEs are one of the premium positions. If you won't over-pay for that, what will you pay for? There certainly isn't a QB worth a lot of money in FA and I'd rather pay Hughes (at an impact position) than spend similar money on an OG.


Flat out, I'd rather have Hughes than spend even more on a run at Darrelle Revis (at this point in Revis' career).

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Like where? Pass Rushing DEs are one of the premium positions. If you won't over-pay for that, what will you pay for? There certainly isn't a QB worth a lot of money in FA and I'd rather pay Hughes (at an impact position) than spend similar money on an OG.


Flat out, I'd rather have Hughes than spend even more on a run at Darrelle Revis (at this point in Revis' career).


Guard, Tackle, Tight End. These are position that are less of plug-and-play positions. I love Hughes and hope they get it done at a reasonable price, but if he is tryin to break the bank, we need to let him walk. Rex has shown his scheme can allow even the most worthless players (Aaron Maybin) to produce

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Like where? Pass Rushing DEs are one of the premium positions. If you won't over-pay for that, what will you pay for? There certainly isn't a QB worth a lot of money in FA and I'd rather pay Hughes (at an impact position) than spend similar money on an OG.


Flat out, I'd rather have Hughes than spend even more on a run at Darrelle Revis (at this point in Revis' career).

There's a good shot hughes goes for the price of a top guard AND another good player. Just not realistic to frame it as hughes vs a guard Edited by NoSaint
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banana who?


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banana who?


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who's there?




orange who?


orange you glad this isnt another QB thread?!?!

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They already are paying top $$ for a DE, and next season top $$ for a DT too. You only want to put so much money into any one position, seems I recall a couple games there when they were subbing in Wynn, Charles, & Byrant, those guys were getting sacks too, so I think having the Williams brothers and Dareus up front is more the reason Hughes is getting ten sacks than he's a top level DE.


If he does leave, the Bills can probably get him back in two, maybe three seasons tops as who ever signs him will be way over paying and he'll be one of these guys you'll be reading about on Feb 28th or so, 2017 on the big name vets who were just cut list.



Like where? Pass Rushing DEs are one of the premium positions. If you won't over-pay for that, what will you pay for? There certainly isn't a QB worth a lot of money in FA and I'd rather pay Hughes (at an impact position) than spend similar money on an OG.


Flat out, I'd rather have Hughes than spend even more on a run at Darrelle Revis (at this point in Revis' career).

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I love Hughes and would be elated to keep the line together, but I'm really surprised anyone expected he might be tagged. He's a great player in his own right. I don't believe he is a result of the other three. But that doesn't take away the fact that he didn't become even halfway decent until he played with them, and he hasn't shown he can perform against the type of double teams other guys get who are the lynchpins of their respective lines. That's why JPP and Justin Houston get tagged, and Hughes doesn't. This is a good article ....


@ranacashSN: A good look from @Jason_OTC on price points for pass rushers in free agency http://t.co/ddKrcLD0yj


He is a great player and the Bills clearly want to keep him. He isn't, however, irreplaceable. Dareus and Mario fall into that category.


@mikerodak: Franchising Jerry Hughes wouldve ate up 55% of the Bills cap room, leaving them with $12.3M less than about 2/3 of the NFL.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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I like not tagging him and i like the approach Whaley has taken.

The Bills have come right out and said we are doing everything we can to bring him back. I am sure they are . At this point Hughes and his agent may want to wait. I am sure Hughes' agent already has fielded a few 'hypothetical offers' from other teams.

Let it all play out.


Atlanta just dumped a bunch of players and now has about the same as the Bills. It has been widely known down here that they need a pass rusher. Hate to say it but i could easily see Hughes in Atl.

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