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Terrifying in what way?

That either we have got our understanding of the world, psychology and people so backwardly wrong for the last 2,000+ years or that something has been happening to create such beliefs upon individuals who believe they are gender queer, gender fluid, etc.


I believe, personally, it is a mixture of both. Some people just have to stick out and be an individual and are so desperate to do so they create themselves as something against societal norms. Whether in combination with or as a result of identifying yourself as one of these types of sexualities I believe there is a certain level of mental illness involved.

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That either we have got our understanding of the world, psychology and people so backwardly wrong for the last 2,000+ years or that something has been happening to create such beliefs upon individuals who believe they are gender queer, gender fluid, etc.


I believe, personally, it is a mixture of both. Some people just have to stick out and be an individual and are so desperate to do so they create themselves as something against societal norms. Whether in combination with or as a result of identifying yourself as one of these types of sexualities I believe there is a certain level of mental illness involved.

People today are fundamentally the same as they've always been, especially in terms of sexual proclivities IMO. We have more free time, more wealth & sometimes even better hygiene, but, IMO the same things that are going on today were going on in the past.



I'll let someone with a better historical sense than I talk about ancient Romans or Greeks, maybe even Incans.

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People today are fundamentally the same as they've always been, especially in terms of sexual proclivities IMO. We have more free time, more wealth & sometimes even better hygiene, but, IMO the same things that are going on today were going on in the past.



I'll let someone with a better historical sense than I talk about ancient Romans or Greeks, maybe even Incans.

I watched all of Spartacus and let me tell you, you're spot on!



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People today are fundamentally the same as they've always been, especially in terms of sexual proclivities IMO. We have more free time, more wealth & sometimes even better hygiene, but, IMO the same things that are going on today were going on in the past.



I'll let someone with a better historical sense than I talk about ancient Romans or Greeks, maybe even Incans.

Alexander the Great.


What's that joke A Greek soldier never leaves his friends behind?


This has been going on since the dawn of man. it's more apparent now because of the social media and availability to the masses. It was kept hidden in the past for fear of prosecution. now the only real fear of prosecution is hearing insults from the uninformed.

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People today are fundamentally the same as they've always been, especially in terms of sexual proclivities IMO. We have more free time, more wealth & sometimes even better hygiene, but, IMO the same things that are going on today were going on in the past.



I'll let someone with a better historical sense than I talk about ancient Romans or Greeks, maybe even Incans.

trust me. I understand this but am concerned with what this historically means as a society. With the state of Islam and the radicals clinging to very strict moral beliefs on one side of the spectrum to our Western culture progressing in such a drastically different direction it makes me wonder what the future holds over the next 50-60 years when Islam is becoming more and more popular while Christianity and Catholicism and popularized Western religions take a back seat.
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Yes but John would most certainly not approve being from the 1700s.


I guess it's a good thing that it's 2015 and no longer the dark ages when it comes to social issues in the world, isn't it?


That either we have got our understanding of the world, psychology and people so backwardly wrong for the last 2,000+ years or that something has been happening to create such beliefs upon individuals who believe they are gender queer, gender fluid, etc.


I believe, personally, it is a mixture of both. Some people just have to stick out and be an individual and are so desperate to do so they create themselves as something against societal norms. Whether in combination with or as a result of identifying yourself as one of these types of sexualities I believe there is a certain level of mental illness involved.


This has been going on forever. The only thing that has changed is your awareness of it.


People today are fundamentally the same as they've always been, especially in terms of sexual proclivities IMO. We have more free time, more wealth & sometimes even better hygiene, but, IMO the same things that are going on today were going on in the past.



I'll let someone with a better historical sense than I talk about ancient Romans or Greeks, maybe even Incans.


As my thesis adviser used to say, "people throughout history had as much sex, and as crazy sex, as we have today." Sometimes crazier. The only thing that's changed is our perception of it.


trust me. I understand this but am concerned with what this historically means as a society. With the state of Islam and the radicals clinging to very strict moral beliefs on one side of the spectrum to our Western culture progressing in such a drastically different direction it makes me wonder what the future holds over the next 50-60 years when Islam is becoming more and more popular while Christianity and Catholicism and popularized Western religions take a back seat.


It means nothing as a society other than your understanding of it.


And this is a really, really erroneous leap you're making with the second part of your post. Christianity is NOT taking a back seat in western culture, or the world. There are still over a billion plus Catholics in the world, and even more Christians. Islam, or even radical Islam, is not the result of Christianity taking the back seat, or a reflection of our changing societal norms. There are crossovers you can make, certainly, but our acceptance of LGBT lifestyles did NOT lead to ISIS.


It's the same dance that's been happening since the beginning of time. The difference is now you have 24 hour news channels stirring up the fear mongering about "change".

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trust me. I understand this but am concerned with what this historically means as a society. With the state of Islam and the radicals clinging to very strict moral beliefs on one side of the spectrum to our Western culture progressing in such a drastically different direction it makes me wonder what the future holds over the next 50-60 years when Islam is becoming more and more popular while Christianity and Catholicism and popularized Western religions take a back seat.

as long as the religion preaches peace and doesn't force non believers to convert then IMO they can worship the moon for all that I care.

If you believe by their actions even muslim countries are growing tired of the radicals,

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People today are fundamentally the same as they've always been, especially in terms of sexual proclivities IMO. We have more free time, more wealth & sometimes even better hygiene, but, IMO the same things that are going on today were going on in the past.



I'll let someone with a better historical sense than I talk about ancient Romans or Greeks, maybe even Incans.



How did it work out for those cultures?

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