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RUMOR: EJ Manuel Likely To Be Cut


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That's a very Bills-centric way to view things. Sanchez is going to have multiple suitors and if his position is that teams where he has a clear path to be the starter are first in line, then that's the situation all have to consider if they are going to pursue him. That is conjecture, but this isn't: I have heard that the new regime isn't thrilled with their current QB roster (and that shouldn't be a shock to anyone). Dumping a QB they don't like to smooth the way to get one of the better FA options isn't much of a stretch - if that is what is going on. Incidentally, I don't have an agenda here. I'm just trying to piece together a logical situation based on what I and others have heard.

i agree it's a possible scenario and I'm sure Rex/Roman aren't doing back flips over EJ and Tuel time. But it would be the most Rexist thing ever for him to come in and jettison the QB so he could bring in his Sanchise free and clear. But, maybe he doesn't care about perception.
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i agree it's a possible scenario and I'm sure Rex/Roman aren't doing back flips over EJ and Tuel time. But it would be the most Rexist thing ever for him to come in and jettison the QB so he could bring in his Sanchise free and clear. But, maybe he doesn't care about perception.


There's a saying "perception is reality". I've never liked it. I've always said "perception is perception, reality is reality".


When Rex was hired as our HC, this was my chief worry. I know he's a player's coach. That's good in many ways. The blind spot in a player's coach is excessive loyalty - sticking with a guy too long and not setting up realistic competition. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks getting a pinup of your wife in a guy's jersey and talking about how he's your QB as long as you're HC is excessive loyalty (perception), especially when the guy's play is crap-tastic at times (reality)


Many people - at least in the NY media - felt that one of the problems hindering Sanchez was complacency - lack of that feeling that he better get a move on in the film room and playbook and practice to stay ahead of the competition and keep his job. One theory about why he finally looked like a decent QB under Kelly this year is that he finally had competition, he was dumped out of his cosy little nest into the harsh land of reality, and if he was going to start, he had to earn it.


I actually had thoughts that Sanchez might be the best of a bad FA bunch this year, until Rex was hired. Then I became afraid that things would snap into "Jets West" mode with Rex bringing in so many of his assistants and if he brings in Sanchez, well, there's that history of excess loyalty. But if he's brought in as one of a crop - EJ, Moore, Sanchez, a rookie - under an OC who has free rein and no prior connection - and allowed to compete - I can see where that might work out OK.


If he's brought in after being allowed to dictate terms, or Rex being allowed to manipulate the roster to build another nice cosy little competitionless nest for him, that would be the very definition of insanity, wanting things to be different (for the Bills, for Rex as HC) by keeping them the same. It would be strong presumptive evidence that Rex has not, in fact, learned from his mistakes. He may indeed, not care about perception. But if he wants to succeed, Rex by-damn better care about reality.


Reality is there is no one currently on the FA market whose past history is strong enough that they should be brought in and handed the keys or allowed to dictate/manipulate the roster. No one.

Just a thought based on something I heard about Sanchez today. Apparently he was not a happy camper when he wasn't starting and it looks as though he wants to go to a team where there Is no question about whether or not he's the starting QB. This is just conjecture, but it would make sense that if the Bills wanted Sanchez he might not be all that interested in Buffalo if Manuel was still here. That would fit with the rumor about Manuel being on his way out. Again, not saying that it is happening, but if it Sanchez comes in and Manuel exits then I'd certainly point to this having been the situation.


Who are these teams?




Sanchez is probably one of the better FA based on his 2014 performance. But that's one year.


I really don't think it's Bills-centric to look at his history and say "you know, this guy hasn't shown enough of a track record that a team that wants to win should put all their eggs in his basket."


Most of the teams who need a QB, or who ought to feel they need a QB, have a QB who has shown flashes of potential. Texans have Fitz, and may resign Mallet. Fact: Sanchez looked good this year but Fitz still looked better. If I'm Bill O'Brien I'm not handing either one the keys to the team. Bring it, Boys and may the best QB win. Bucs have the chance to draft a guy, and they have Glennon, who if a FA would IMO be preferred to Sanchez. Titans have Mettenburger; they benched Locker for him and he did show flashes, and they have a chance to draft the 2nd guy. Jags? They have Bortles. Raiders have Carr. Bears? Rams? They may need help, but they both have a guy they likely won't be able to trade. The Browns? They didn't sign McCown so they could toss him out the door for Sanchez. Washington looks perhaps the most likely to hold a "fire sale" on QB, and who knows what they'll do.


IMO of course

Edited by Hopeful
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There's a saying "perception is reality". I've never liked it. I've always said "perception is perception, reality is reality".


When Rex was hired as our HC, this was my chief worry. I know he's a player's coach. That's good in many ways. The blind spot in a player's coach is excessive loyalty - sticking with a guy too long and not setting up realistic competition. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks getting a pinup of your wife in a guy's jersey and talking about how he's your QB as long as you're HC is excessive loyalty (perception), especially when the guy's play is crap-tastic at times (reality)


Many people felt that one of the problems hindering Sanchez was complacency - lack of that feeling that he better get a move on in the film room and playbook and practice to stay ahead of the competition and keep his job. One theory about why he finally looked like a decent QB under Kelly this year is that he finally had competition and if he was going to start, he had to earn it.


I actually had thoughts that Sanchez might be the best of a bad FA bunch this year, until Rex was hired. Then I became afraid that things would snap into "Jets West" mode with Rex bringing in so many of his assistants and if he brings in Sanchez, well, there's that history of excess loyalty. But if he's brought in as one of a crop - EJ, Moore, Sanchez, a rookie - under an OC who has free rein and no prior connection - and allowed to compete - OK.


If he's brought in after being allowed to dictate terms, or Rex being allowed to manipulate the roster to build a nice cosy little competitionless nest for him, that would be the very definition of insanity, wanting things to be different (for the Bills, for Rex as HC) by keeping them the same. It would be strong presumptive evidence that Rex has not, in fact, learned from his mistakes. He may indeed, not care about perception. But if he wants to succeed, Rex by-damn better care about reality.


Reality is there is no one currently on the FA market whose past history is strong enough that they should be brought in and handed the keys or allowed to dictate/manipulate the roster. No one.



Who are these teams?




Sanchez is probably one of the better FA based on his 2014 performance. But that's one year. I really don't think it's Bills-centric to look at his history and say "you know, this guy hasn't shown enough of a track record that a team that wants to win should put all their eggs in his basket." And most of the teams who need a QB, or who ought to feel they need a QB, have a QB who has shown flashes of potential.


IMO of course

i would be surprised if they brought in Sanchez at all, let alone hand him the starting job. But as far as how bringing him in would factor into the "rumored" EJ jettison, it still doesn't jive with the report that Whaley was making the continued EJ development a factor in the coaching hire, Rex and roman have stated repeatedly he would compete in TC with a "clean slate", and the fact that they are on the hook for his contract and it would be a terrible financial move to cut him regardless of who they sign since he can at least serve as a backup while they pay him.
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That's a very Bills-centric way to view things. Sanchez is going to have multiple suitors and if his position is that teams where he has a clear path to be the starter are first in line, then that's the situation all have to consider if they are going to pursue him. That is conjecture, but this isn't: I have heard that the new regime isn't thrilled with their current QB roster (and that shouldn't be a shock to anyone). Dumping a QB they don't like to smooth the way to get one of the better FA options isn't much of a stretch - if that is what is going on. Incidentally, I don't have an agenda here. I'm just trying to piece together a logical situation based on what I and others have heard.

I don't think it's Bills-centric at all. It's football-centric. Sanchez hasn't done anything to suggest he has the leverage to dictate his pecking order.

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i would be surprised if they brought in Sanchez at all, let alone hand him the starting job. But as far as how bringing him in would factor into the "rumored" EJ jettison, it still doesn't jive with the report that Whaley was making the continued EJ development a factor in the coaching hire, Rex and roman have stated repeatedly he would compete in TC with a "clean slate", and the fact that they are on the hook for his contract and it would be a terrible financial move to cut him regardless of who they sign since he can at least serve as a backup while they pay him.


Yes there's that. Roman and Rex have been more positive towards EJ (clean slate, good stuff etc) while making it clear they will bring in competition.

Will they care if their credibility gets damaged with some fans if they giggle and say "oh, heheh just kidding!" while they sling him out on his keister, don't know. But it does seem like pointless collateral since they could have stopped with saying "at QB, we will pursue all options" and not added in all the other stuff.

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I announced on the Thursday night before Rex was hired and posted many times on the shout portion that Rex was going to be the Bills next head coach.Everyone blasted me and said he was going to Atlanta and Buffalo had no chance, my source was bang on and told me to bank on it.I came out here again on the Friday and stuck with my story and people continued to blast me until the Saturday night when it was reported that Rex was at Terry's house watching the game together.

Just as posters have to respect your posts, and position, and source, and all that stuff when you have been proven right, you also have to understand that so many imposters and frauds have come before you and turned out to be full of crap. It's the nature of the beast. Don't let the morons scare you away. Thanks for your contributions.

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There's a saying "perception is reality". I've never liked it. I've always said "perception is perception, reality is reality".



That really is one of the more stupiderest sayings. The phrasing should begin with the words "to stupid people . . . "

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Why would we cut EJ when he like all rookie contracts may be lower, but guaranteed. I guess if we just wanted to open a spot, but there is no financial upside to cutting him. This would be making the statement EJ is not even good enough to be the third string QB.


I don't buy it. For the record, I'm over EJ as a potential starter, but he is a viable back up.

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Why would we cut EJ when he like all rookie contracts may be lower, but guaranteed. I guess if we just wanted to open a spot, but there is no financial upside to cutting him. This would be making the statement EJ is not even good enough to be the third string QB.


I don't buy it. For the record, I'm over EJ as a potential starter, but he is a viable back up.

The answer is this.... this post is a TROLL post. meant to elicit a reaction

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That's a very Bills-centric way to view things. Sanchez is going to have multiple suitors and if his position is that teams where he has a clear path to be the starter are first in line, then that's the situation all have to consider if they are going to pursue him. That is conjecture, but this isn't: I have heard that the new regime isn't thrilled with their current QB roster (and that shouldn't be a shock to anyone). Dumping a QB they don't like to smooth the way to get one of the better FA options isn't much of a stretch - if that is what is going on. Incidentally, I don't have an agenda here. I'm just trying to piece together a logical situation based on what I and others have heard.

Thinking Sanchez can dictate personnel decisions on other teams is a very Sanchez-centric way to view things. He might be the prettiest ugo at the dance, but he's a backup/stop-gap QB and not a franchise guy. And if he's "unhappy" with not being named the starter, it only serves to further prove that he's not a franchise guy.

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I think this bombshell deserves its own thread. Leroi has proven to be a reliable inside source on this board, so it's worth taking seriously.





I highly doubt he'll be cut, unless he comes in to camp unmotivated and overweight.

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It's not IMO - as in, "in my opinion." It's lowercase, lmo - as in "L" for Leroi and mo, as in "money" (on his) "opinions."

I said the same thing on the first day, but it was proved wrong. Someone copy and pasted it somewhere else and it was an "I".


Also, it seems Leroi HAS cleared up lmo gate in his most recent comment in the other McCown thread where his sig now reads "IMO".



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