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Hughes contract in the works according to report.


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Anyone else a little concerned that we don't get it done and he hits the market. Feels like everyone thinks it's a forgone he resigns; I'm not as confident at this point.

I won't be concerned unless he still isn't signed on March 9th. I don't expect him to sign until sometime next week.

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Anyone else a little concerned that we don't get it done and he hits the market. Feels like everyone thinks it's a forgone he resigns; I'm not as confident at this point.


I'm 100% certain Hughes won't resign. He's got too much football left in him.

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I love how we are still blaming Buddy. The guy will forever be asleep at the wheel.


For the record I loved me some Buddy - that guys pressers were always a thing of joy. Maybe we can bring him back as our PR spokesperson!

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For the record I loved me some Buddy - that guys pressers were always a thing of joy. Maybe we can bring him back as our PR spokesperson!

If you want to be the laughing stock of the NFL, sure, that's a great idea.


I wonder if Baghdad Bob is still around. That guy was even better.

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That guy is an embarrassment to this franchise.


Hardly. The phone incident with the Tampa GM was embarrassing, for sure, but Buddy is/was not the buffoon many make him out to be. At a time when Buffalo was a laughingstock he restored some credibility to the roster by adding a significant amount of talent.


He was far from perfect but we've seen much, much worse.

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Any disrespect around here for Buddy Nix is pathetic and an embarrassment for Bills fans. The guy took over a franchise that had been crashed on the rocks and sunk for over a decade thanks to its bumbling owner, and single handedly got the ship back in the water and in the shipping lanes. The Bills may not have been the Queen Mary when he left, but they certainly werent the Titanic anymore either.


He pulled the Bills out of being a Free Agency laughing stock and to a point where we could actually sign players. It started with Merriman, and he used that momentum to eventually land Mario Williams, one of the top two Free Agents in 2012.


It's slow going, if not damn near impossible, to change a culture that has been instituted by an owner happy with mediocrity for 50 years. Buddy was the first baby step in making that change to where we are now. The Pegulas and Doug Whaley are simply building on his foundation. BTW, it's thanks to Buddy that Whaley is here in the first place.


You naysayers can cite the team's record over those few years, but Buddy doesnt play the games (or even coach them). I think he did the best with what he had to work with and the opportunities that were there. Sure, he wasnt 100% perfect, but no GM is.


I ran into him this past fall down south, and he had a Bills jacket on. He still loves this team and is pulling for it everyday. Show the man some respect for what he tried to do for us fans.

Edited by DrDareustein
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