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If I fly from one pot legal state to another pot legal state


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with pot in my carry on have I broken any laws? Seems that while in the air you're under "Federal Jurisdiction" so could you be arrested mid-flight? What about flying over a non pot legal state? Are you breaking the law while in their airspace? What about flying over Canada to get to Anchorage?


(Gugny wants to know, but he was too embarrassed to ask)

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Commercial air travel falls under Federal jurisdiction. Once you cross the TSA checkpoint Federal Law applies to your person and possessions. If you check a bag, once it hits the conveyor belt the Feds can search it.

Edited by /dev/null
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with pot in my carry on have I broken any laws? Seems that while in the air you're under "Federal Jurisdiction" so could you be arrested mid-flight? What about flying over a non pot legal state? Are you breaking the law while in their airspace? What about flying over Canada to get to Anchorage?


(Gugny wants to know, but he was too embarrassed to ask)

It's just Ryan's duffle bag. Why would you ask this question?

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with pot in my carry on have I broken any laws? Seems that while in the air you're under "Federal Jurisdiction" so could you be arrested mid-flight? What about flying over a non pot legal state? Are you breaking the law while in their airspace? What about flying over Canada to get to Anchorage?


(Gugny wants to know, but he was too embarrassed to ask)

simple answer is YES.


Good on ya if you get away with it.

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Why is the simple answer yes and why are you advocating he do something illegal? And you hope he gets away with it? What if he doesn't?

Why? It's ILLEGAL p e r i o d

Honestly, do I really need to explain this?


I advocate nothing. If he wants to transport pot in his luggage, its up to him.

If he has and wasn't "found out" good for him doing what [i am sure] a lot of people (casual smokers for personal use) would like to try.

just because your past history with smoking didn't work out does not mean it's not ok for Millions of others who do enjoy it and who are not total burnouts.


Moderation is the key

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Why? It's ILLEGAL p e r i o d

Honestly, do I really need to explain this?


I advocate nothing. If he wants to transport pot in his luggage, its up to him.

If he has and wasn't "found out" good for him doing what [i am sure] a lot of people (casual smokers for personal use) would like to try.

just because your past history with smoking didn't work out does not mean it's not ok for Millions of others who do enjoy it and who are not total burnouts.


Moderation is the key


Not driving stoned is also a key.

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Not driving stoned is also a key.

did you not read what I posted last week. For the past 30 years I have driven while high! 10's of thousands of miles. NEVER ever had I been in or caused an accident while doing so. Never once was I pulled over by the police either for driving erratic.


Again I apologize that you had a bad experience. One rotten apple shouldn't spoil the whole basket

What if it's in the form of a brownie and you just brought it for a mid flight snack?

good point. does it go through a sniffer or just an ex-ray?

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did you not read what I posted last week. For the past 30 years I have driven while high! 10's of thousands of miles. NEVER ever had I been in or caused an accident while doing so. Never once was I pulled over by the police either for driving erratic.


Again I apologize that you had a bad experience. One rotten apple shouldn't spoil the whole basket



I had a great experience. Then I grew up.


And brag on about being one of the biggest dumbasses here. So you've never caused an accident or gotten pulled over? That's wonderful. There are probably millions of people that drive drunk and have never caused an accident or been pulled over. Is that ok too or is it just ok when stoned not drunk?

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Growing up? that's your excuse?


Your persona most specifically on the PPP argues that claim that you grew up.

Not bragging I am stating a FACT.


so sorry you maturity is blocking common sense.


You're stating a fact that you drive while you're impaired. Fact or not it's still a stupid thing to do.


So if you consider someone who thinks it a real bad idea to drive a car while impaired is immature you have issues. Unless of course you're stoned. You still have issues but you have an excuse.

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Let me know when you are perfect, when break no laws including jaywalking, or running a yellow light or not stopping fully at intersections etc etc ..


when you have achieved this take it to the PPP, I'll be glad to discuss it there.


Where did I ever give you the impression that I thought I was perfect. That's the argument I gave my dad when I was 15.


Jaywalking, running a yellow light, not stopping fully at a stop sign are not the same as driving while impaired. God forbid your lucky streak doesn't end someday with a person in the crosswalk.

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Where did I ever give you the impression that I thought I was perfect. That's the argument I gave my dad when I was 15.


Jaywalking, running a yellow light, not stopping fully at a stop sign are not the same as driving while impaired. God forbid your lucky streak doesn't end someday with a person in the crosswalk.

He's been driving impaired for 30 years Jim. At this point, only ruining someone else's life will stop him. What a shame.

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