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Russell Wilson and the Seahawks negotiations (update:signed)


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This is really how every contract should be structured IMO. Every other sport has fully guaranteed contracts. It's just dumb to sign these enormous deals that never reach their full compensation ever.

I think it is dumb to fully guarantee them. How do you think the Yankees feel about ARod? Having said that, I frigging hate TJ Graham with a passion.

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This is really how every contract should be structured IMO. Every other sport has fully guaranteed contracts. It's just dumb to sign these enormous deals that never reach their full compensation ever.


I can't begin to fathom why fans would feel this way.


I guess we'd all feel better if the Bills had paid Aaron Maybin the full $25MM on that contract??

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This is really how every contract should be structured IMO. Every other sport has fully guaranteed contracts. It's just dumb to sign these enormous deals that never reach their full compensation ever.


The league would fold overnight if that became the law of the land. Overnight.

This will be a horrible precedent to set and the other owners will likely vilify Allen for it.


Good point.

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What if the player loses interest like the fat slob of a DT who refused to come to any of the mini camps, was unable to pass tests and was cut? Should his contract be fully guaranteed? What about players who get injured in off season risky sports or even just getting pizza? What happens if coaching staff changes and there are no more yoga sessions so the player no longer wants to make an effort. What happens when there is outside thing happen in player's life and player can not commit to playing? What happens when team spends years developing player where he basically is practice squad player with full salary then develops into a functional player and wants contract negated? What happens when a player acts up to be cut so he can be put back onto another team he turned down contract before from?


There needs to be a balance between player needs and team needs and the signing bonus is what guarantees player's needs.

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Wilson has gone on record saying he wants to play baseball too and he's going to camp with the Texas Rangers this year. Of course he wants a fully guaranteed contract. Then if he makes it in baseball he will be able to do both or walk away from the NFL completely

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This is really how every contract should be structured IMO. Every other sport has fully guaranteed contracts. It's just dumb to sign these enormous deals that never reach their full compensation ever.

How is it dumb? Do the players guarantee they won't get hurt or stop playing their best once they sign?

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I think it is dumb to fully guarantee them. How do you think the Yankees feel about ARod? Having said that, I frigging hate TJ Graham with a passion.




I can't begin to fathom why fans would feel this way.


I guess we'd all feel better if the Bills had paid Aaron Maybin the full $25MM on that contract??




The league would fold overnight if that became the law of the land. Overnight.


Good point.



How is it dumb? Do the players guarantee they won't get hurt or stop playing their best once they sign?


You guys are acting as if all these contracts would remain for the same amount of something. If they were fully guaranteed they would be for far less money and be much more reflective of the players actual value. Right now, the contracts are basically worthless after 2 seasons.


If it were changed to guaranteed the teams would just sign shorter term deals. They would also sign them for very close to the amounts that are guaranteed already.


It's also extremely one sided. The player doesn't get to cancel the contract if he is outperforming it. His only recourse is to pout like a baby while he's sitting out training camp and the fans are getting angrier and angrier at them as each day passes. All while he's getting fined weekly for it and not getting paid.


Tell me how many other contracts in life there are that one side can simply cut ties with whenever they want with little to no consequence (after 2 seasons)? It's dumb.

Edited by Mark80
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Wilson has gone on record saying he wants to play baseball too and he's going to camp with the Texas Rangers this year. Of course he wants a fully guaranteed contract. Then if he makes it in baseball he will be able to do both or walk away from the NFL completely

Call his bluff. His defense and running game can't carry him forever.

Edited by Doc
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The Hawks had a window with Wilson as a rookie, and low contract. Parity is catching up to them now. They have a run game nothing special in receivers, and a decent to above average Oline, and of course a great D, however, take away any one part of that synergy, and the whole thing falls back to reality. What is Wilson's worth fully guaranteed? 30, 40, 60 Million? Schnieder knows full well that this is his reality, and in this case, paying Wilson the "leftover" cap to cash for two years might be in their best interests, but I agree with most here that for the NFL, it would present some interesting challenges.



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