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Big Bang Theory (TV Show): TRBJ's official review

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Beerball asked me to start reviewing romantic comedies, but before that, I need to talk about the worst show on TV. The Big Bang Theory. For those who have never seen it, let me catch you up. There are a bunch of nerdy guys, they're very smart from an intellectual standpoint, "book smart" but don't have very good social skills. They're typical pretty blonde girl lives next door, who's not very intellectual, but has the "street smarts." Hilarity supposedly ensues.


I have a few issues with this show. First off, the "smart humor." People love this show because it's for smart people they say. You have to know a lot about science, math, sci-fi, etc to get the jokes. But here's the thing. The producers just make it seem that way. Because every joke is just about how smart/nerdy they are. You don't have to get the reference most of the time to find it funny. The joke is just the fact that they made a nerdy reference.


The acting is terrible. Jim Parsons is the worst. Tries way too hard with his acting. The man himself is a bit "light in the loafers" as our grandfathers would say. I'm not saying I have a problem with that. My problem is with the fact that his character isn't supposed to be that way, yet his acting isn't good enough to cover that up.


His catchphrase is "Bazinga." That's not even a real word. It's like Nanu-Nanu minus the late great Robin Williams' charm. Stupid. And you see this crap everywhere. T-shirts, hats, women's underpants. (I happened to notice them as I was cutting through at Wal-Mart to get to the bargain DVD bin.


And then there's the whole nerd gets the girl thing. Hasn't this been done like, a million times in movies and TV shows. Do we really need to see it again. Is it even heartwarming anymore? It makes me sick that people fall for this garbage. In short, this show is the demise of American culture as we know it.



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It's a Chuck Lorre show: Fast food television. No one in the history of history has ever said it was a smart show or that it was for smart people. In fact, quite the opposite.


All that said, Parsons is a terrific actor and has earned each Emmy he's won for his performance on it.

Maybe I haven't watched the show much. I've never been impressed. I've also never seen him in any other work either.

And everybody I talk to, when I tell them I don't like it, they tell me that I'm just not smart enough to get the jokes.

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Maybe I haven't watched the show much. I've never been impressed. I've also never seen him in any other work either.And everybody I talk to, when I tell them I don't like it, they tell me that I'm just not smart enough to get the jokes.

That's most likely because the people you're asking aren't smart enough to understand the comedy isn't based in math or science or anything that requires an IQ. It's like when people walk out of a Terrance Malick flick, sure it's pretty and gorgeous and feels like its trying to say something extremely profound about human nature. And people who want to feel smart will try to intellectualize the film but end up sounding silly in the process.

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Lighten up Francis. Besides, the woman who lays Bernadette is hot and Mayaim Bialik, who plays amy is great. She really has a PHD from UCLA in Neuroscience, like her character does. She played Blossom as a teen in the early 90s.

Edited by Wacka
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I completely agree TRBJ.


I am a lover of science/astronomy/physics. I am no genius when it come to that stuff, especially if you put the math in front of me, but I do have a very broad knowledge base. I get the jokes, but I do not find this show funny at all.

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Your first mistake was taking the time to watch it after seeing the promos and thinking it was worth the time.



Skip this show and order up HBO if you don't have it already.


The new season of Game of Thrones is starting in April I believe.

Best show on TV.

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I'm a late comer to Mike & Molly. I like the show alot. I think Billy gardelli is funny. Also a big fan of Melissa McCarthy.


I also enjoy big bang theory


I find reviews like this very helpful. I haven't watched a lot of the popular sit-coms and other modern shows. For example, I have never seen any episode of any show that CBS tells me is No. 1 for something (CSI, NCIS, Mike and Molly, How I met your mother, big bang theory, etc.)--never seen any of them.


So, a review like this gives me the ability to justify why I don't watch this stuff to those people that call me an idiot for watching crappy reality TV. Plus, doesn't this show have Blossom on it? That would pretty much kill it for me.

Edited by The Poojer
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I'm a late comer to Mike & Molly. I like the show alot. I think Billy gardelli is funny. Also a big fan of Melissa McCarthy.


I also enjoy big bang theory



My kids rented Heat last weekend. Melissa McCarthy as the edgy, street tough detective. It was HORRIBLE. The entire ten minutes I watched was rediculous.

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I have not watched a full episode of a sitcom since the Seinfeld finale.


But, BBT always ends up on my TV after watching a game and I turn it on the next time and it's on, etc.........I've seen enough of it to say it's pretty good - not every joke has to be a sex joke, like that garbage Two and a Half Men.

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THE worst show on TV. The Big Bang Theory??


No fricken way. (Well maybe with your most recent social events you don't like it.) This show is truly one of CBS's best shows.


This show is always a big laugh.


Shall I suppose you'd prefer 2 Broke Girls?

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