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SNL40 last night...


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First of all -- great show. It was long and there were some lags (like most regular SNL episodes) but it started and finished strong. The red carpet "show" was both entertaining and awkward.


Two of the best moments were direct shots at Brian Williams, however. The first came when Jim Carrey was talking to Matt Lauer and said, "where are you hiding Brian Williams?" Then, later, when Jerry Seinfeld was on stage, he reminisced about the cast and said something like, "I didn't remember how many great comedians were a part of that first season...just tonight I learned Brian Williams was in that cast."


Is it just me or does anyone else find Kristen Wiig really attractive?


Perhaps one day Eddie Murphy will decide to be funny again. Just seems like a complete douche now, and almost embarrassed that people still love what he did on SNL.

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Great show. You are right about Eddie Murphy, why did he bother to show up? The weekend update with the ladies had me in tears. JT & Fallon opening was hilarious. I wanna see the peta crowd complain about the resurrection of the bass-o-matic. I cringed when Miley Cyrus started to sing 50 Ways but was pleasantly surprised at how well she did it. Hell, I even enjoyed Kanye, but I'm already a fan. For the record, Sir Paul is a God!

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I enjoyed it too. It's hard to start our with Fallon and JT and then 'go from there.' Those two do some great stuff together.


I really liked the two 'shots' at Lovitz about him being dead. :w00t: Especially, the one at the end of the 'serious' tributes to those who have died. That was really well done.


The super bass-o-matic '76 making a return was awesome.

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To me the Murphy love thing was a bit over the top and a complete waste of time - would have been much better served using the time to show clips of him.


I know it was a live show but still would have liked to have seen more clips. Really liked the audition segment, but didn't understand why they didn't for people like Radner and Akroid show the actual characters they did rather than just them talking to people off camera.


Thought the Jeopardy sketch worked very well to both be funny and bring in past cast members, the Californians, not as much.


The Bass-o-matic was a nice tribute to an original member and a classic sketch, but fell pretty flat IMO when everyone already knows the premise and seen the original a bunch of times. BTW, the original episode the night before showed that all the sketches of the original cast weren't necessarily funny, we see the classic funny sketches again and again over time and then tend to associate only those funniest moments to the original cast.


Thought they might have done a segment dedicated to a montage of musical acts, but I guess there is only so much time.

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the californians is one of those sketches that when it starts i always dread it, but wind up in the end laughing my ass off...there's just something about the over the top-ness that really cracks me up. Bradley Cooper making out with Betty White was awesome.


And I know the Bass-O-Matic is an original SNL sketch, but in today's day and age, i expect some animal group or vegan group to get all up in arms about showing the 'desecration' of an animal....



To me the Murphy love thing was a bit over the top and a complete waste of time - would have been much better served using the time to show clips of him.

I know it was a live show but still would have liked to have seen more clips. Really liked the audition segment, but didn't understand why they didn't for people like Radner and Akroid show the actual characters they did rather than just them talking to people off camera.

Thought the Jeopardy sketch worked very well to both be funny and bring in past cast members, the Californians, not as much.

The Bass-o-matic was a nice tribute to an original member and a classic sketch, but fell pretty flat IMO when everyone already knows the premise and seen the original a bunch of times. BTW, the original episode the night before showed that all the sketches of the original cast weren't necessarily funny, we see the classic funny sketches again and again over time and then tend to associate only those funniest moments to the original cast.

Thought they might have done a segment dedicated to a montage of musical acts, but I guess there is only so much time.

Edited by The Poojer
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the californians is one of those sketches that when it starts i always dread it, but wind up in the end laughing my ass off...there's just something about the over the top-ness that really cracks me up. Bradley Cooper making out with Betty White was awesome.


And I know the Bass-O-Matic is an original SNL sketch, but in today's day and age, i expect some animal group or vegan group to get all up in arms about showing the 'desecration' of an animal....


I was more referring to how a sketch worked that allowed former cast members or hosts to shine or "do their thing". It was great seeing people do classic impersonations in the Jeopardy sketch, watching Lorraine Newman trying to talk in a funny accent not as compelling.


Also thought the Chevy Chase bit was a bit awkward, wonder if he felt he was owed a bit more screen time (although he did better than Garret Morris as an original who didn't even merit a full live screen shot...)

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we all wanted all the best scenes last night, but they only had 3.5 hours. I think they did a great job to try and touch on everything(except for poor anthony michael hall, hell, even robert downey jr got a shout out).


I was initially upset they left the Belushi movie out of the digital shorts montage, but then they included it in the memoriam grouping.


Loved the show of support to Tracy Morgan


I don't think there is any love lost between Chevy & Lorne, Chevy came on in spite of that, I am sure.


Agree that it seemed like Garrett Morris got slighted, but he got his moment to shine


what was up with Ellen Kleghorn, wonder is she went off script when asking Seinfeld about african americans on his show.


Loved the 'memorials' to Jon Lovitz


I really thought Melissa McCarthy & Emma Stone doing Matt Foley & Roseanne Rosannadanna were side splitting as was Ed Norton doing Stephon...absolutely had me in tears

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I have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!


Loved the show, I also cringe when the Californians comes on, thats ususally when I go for another beer. Kristen Wiig is hot, but she seems so shy. I love her Lawrence Welk skit where she is the deformed "other" sister to the singing sisters. Wish I would have taped it.

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My favorite line of the night was from "Sean Connery" in the Jeopardy skit:


After answering 'what is yellow?' to the question about color of snow he added this (paraphrase) ...."I made some yesterday Trebek.....I wrote your name. Of course... it was in your mother's handwriting."

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My favorite line of the night was from "Sean Connery" in the Jeopardy skit:


After answering 'what is yellow?' to the question about color of snow he added this (paraphrase) ...."I made some yesterday Trebek.....I wrote your name. Of course... it was in your mother's handwriting."

Burt Reynolds Turd Ferguson showing up halfway through made it.


They had Jeter and Peyton there. I wonder why OJ wasn't invited?

Edited by The Real Buffalo Joe
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The Jeopardy bit was my favorite, along with the Fallon/JT opening. Funniest part about the bass-o-matic was that the thing actually broke. Liked the montage of the "breaks" - there was a great one recently when JT did a Fallon impersonation during a Family Feud sketch.

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He might have been once but last night was unbelievably horrible.

Yeah, I love Sir Paul, but last night he really showed his age. Still though, I would jump at the chance to see him live in person.

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For the record, Sir Paul is a God!



He might have been once but last night was unbelievably horrible.



Yeah his "soft voice" is gone.




I think it was just an off night for him. Can't blame him for one bad performance of one song. I wish Keith Richards would have joined him though.


By comparison, I saw Tony Bennett last week and at 88 years old (16 years McCartney's senior) his voice was still remarkable. Paul's losing his pipes.

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