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How has this winter been

Ice bowl 67

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Exile, this sh*t doesn't make you stronger. Tonight we are supposed to set a record. -8 with a wind chill of minus -28. I mean this is nuts. We are supposed to hit high 20's by the weeken, it is going to feel like 80 degrees.




Update: It is +2 degrees F now... Even by the "warm" Lake.


I beg to differ. You, in your own words, just went on to refute what you said about this kind of weather making you stronger.


"We are supposed to hit high 20's by the weeken (sic), it is going to feel like 80 degrees."


This is my whole point about cold tolerance being conditioned and aquired. It will hit the same here this weekend and I will be in a just a turtleneck and tee or similar... Even sans the hoodie. How many in warmer climates can say they are strong enough to handle 20's in mimimum apparel? That those below freezing temps make it feel like the 80's? Of course I am not stupid enough to expose myself to frostbite. But, when I work, I am not going to be bundled up like "Randy" on A Christmas Story! :D


Again... Cold tolerance is aquired. Look up The Brit that is the world's foremost expert cold water swimmer. His name is: Lewis Pugh AKA, "The Ice Bear." See what he says about it. See how he trains and conditions himself to tolerating the cold. I guess it does help that he is one of the only humans known to raise his core temp before a swim... :nana:





Trust me, IMO, it helps in being stronger, build a better work ethic and stay productive, industrious. Look @ the glass half-full, not half empty. BUT, as I was scolded by my older brother, I suppose you have to go into this frame of mind with good physical ability.


Not saying I don't enjoy a good lazy 72 degrees and sunshine, but I have been working in this crap for the last 30 days straight, in and out 12 hours a day... I always get thinner in the winter, go figure, I am simply lazier in the summer and nicer weather.


I actually am getting a break this evening a bit earlier... Everybody else bogued out (because of the cold) and I am manning the shift alone! I love it! :D


Verdict=Glass half-full! In four short weeks here, fisherman will be taking to their boats on the river and Lake Michigan. It's all downhill w/the days getting longer, the sun climbing to a higher angle. Heck, the snow is disappearing (sublimation?) even w/these brutal temps.




"Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and

offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have."

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I honestly love all four seasons. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that my father did.


I love the winters to be cold and I love the summers to be hot. (But, if I didn't have AC, I think I'd kill myself in the summer)

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I honestly love all four seasons. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that my father did.


I love the winters to be cold and I love the summers to be hot. (But, if I didn't have AC, I think I'd kill myself in the summer)

I absolutely hate hot weather. Alaska summers are a joy to me 65 and sunny. What fun is summer if you have to stay indoors by the AC all day?

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I absolutely hate hot weather. Alaska summers are a joy to me 65 and sunny. What fun is summer if you have to stay indoors by the AC all day?


I never understand the people who profess to love summer but then sit in AC all day (and crank it down to 68 degrees -- WTF!). I hate AC....the only time I want AC on is if it's very hot at night for sleeping.


I love going to the Palms Springs area to visit the in-laws; we were there in May a couple years ago and it was over 100 every day. I loved it; I was up early every day, went running, swimming, had the kids outside, drove around with the windows rolled down, etc.


One time my brother and I drove through Death Valley in July in his old Datsun w/o AC. Didn't bother me a bit.

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I absolutely hate hot weather. Alaska summers are a joy to me 65 and sunny. What fun is summer if you have to stay indoors by the AC all day?


AC is for pussies. I think we've only lived in one place that had it and we never used it. That's why God invented beer and pools.


I never understand the people who profess to love summer but then sit in AC all day (and crank it down to 68 degrees -- WTF!). I hate AC....the only time I want AC on is if it's very hot at night for sleeping.


I love going to the Palms Springs area to visit the in-laws; we were there in May a couple years ago and it was over 100 every day. I loved it; I was up early every day, went running, swimming, had the kids outside, drove around with the windows rolled down, etc.


One time my brother and I drove through Death Valley in July in his old Datsun w/o AC. Didn't bother me a bit.


Our favorite time to go to PS is in July when it's 115. :thumbsup:

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Near Glen Iris Inn at Letchworth State Park



A Jeep Cherokee shed its ice skin creating this amazing accidental ice art of the grill in a parking lot in Greenville, N.C



Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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I never understand the people who profess to love summer but then sit in AC all day (and crank it down to 68 degrees -- WTF!). I hate AC....the only time I want AC on is if it's very hot at night for sleeping.


I love going to the Palms Springs area to visit the in-laws; we were there in May a couple years ago and it was over 100 every day. I loved it; I was up early every day, went running, swimming, had the kids outside, drove around with the windows rolled down, etc.


One time my brother and I drove through Death Valley in July in his old Datsun w/o AC. Didn't bother me a bit.


There was some snow on Mt, San Jacinto when I drove through the I-10 pass on Super Bowl Weekend.

It looked nice.

What was nicer were the bikinis at the pool - It was 80+ degrees in the Valley for the Big Game

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i am expecting two more big storms to hit us here in the carolina's just because, but that's after this spell of cold. so far i've been more or less right and think it'll be very, very cold over the next three weeks.


march going to be ugly, in like a lamb because it's going to just be cold, out like a beastly lion because it's going to get ugly.

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We skipped winter in Seattle. We had one week of "cold" around Christmas, overnight temps in the 20's, but otherwise it's been in the 50's - spring. The daffodils bloomed 2 weeks ago and the trees are blooming now. The ski areas gave up. I expect extreme whining over lack of snow pack any time - we've had some good rain, so that should stave off drought this summer.

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Here in S WV we have enjoyed the following.

Valentines Day. 4 inches and 40 MPH winds...

Presidents Day. 12 inches of the light fluffy stuff but no wind.

Tues-Thurs, just cold

Friday Feb 20. It was a balmy -17* while Mrs. Lew and I car pooled to work in the AM.

Sat 21. Still cold and 4---8 inches projected. The temps warmed up and the snow became

the heavy wet snow, perfect for snowballs. Hard as hell to shovel though.

At 7 PM I began the task of using the snow blower to remove the 18 inches we received.

This pales by comparison to Mass. but the terrain of WV makes snow a nightmare with the mountains,

curved roads and the lack of snow removal equipment.

our neighborhood has not yet been cleared and the neighbor across the street is in her 38th week of pregnancy

according to hubby. He borrowed my snow blower.

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