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25th Anniversary of The Pale Blue Dot


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The photo was taken at the request of Carl Sagan, who convinced NASA that the photo was worth the cost even if it had no scientific value. This picture, he argued, will show us "our place in the universe."


This reminds me of something said by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield who is one of the most interesting interview guests I have ever heard. He said that as he looked down on Earth from the space station, he developed an appreciation for how delicate and fragile life on Earth is. Our entire world exists on a thin, hardened crust...the cooled over magma of the planet...and in a critical but very thin layer of atmosphere. It's all very precarious, delicate, fragile, and special. And yet we think of that which is "set in stone" and the like as being "permanent" or "forever" or whatever.


Kind of interesting to think about.


If you have an hour to spare, watch this. You won't be disappointed.


Edited by Stopthepain
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