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I still tip my hat off

Ice bowl 67

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To the Bills for beating us up. That game is almost 2 months ago already. Man that Bills D forced Rodgers to have his worst ever career game. He had a career high 25 in completions 0 TDs and 2 interceptions that day. Buffalo is on their way up especially with a quarterback and improving the O line.

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I think the Packers played poorly more than the Bills played well. If Nelson catches the 98 yard perfectly placed TD pass, the Bills lose that game by two touchdowns.

If they scored 1 td they'd win by 2 tds?


No doubt our offense was horrid and their offense played poorly but that should be credited to our defense.


Plus it's debatable that it was a td pass. Big yardage yeah but we will never know if it was a td.


Thanks for the kind words ice bowl, Packers fans are always decent people.

Edited by What a Tuel
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I think the Packers played poorly more than the Bills played well. If Nelson catches the 98 yard perfectly placed TD pass, the Bills lose that game by two touchdowns.

It's impossible to know for sure, but from the replay of that play, as well as Jordy Nelson's own quote after the game about that play, IMO the fact that the Bills defense slobberknockered so many players over the course of the season that it was a factor, if not the main factor, in why he dropped it. And he may not have dropped it against other teams. He said something to the affect of "I alligator armed it."


The only time WR's alligator arm balls is when they worry about being hit. You never ever "alligator arm" a ball in the wide open field without that idea in your head. You may drop it, sure. But Nelson specifically said I alligator armed it. If you watch the replay, Aaron Williams is coming hard. He wasn't in a position to break it up, and it was a clear drop, but I surely believe for several different reasons that it wasn't just a random drop.

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I think the Packers played poorly more than the Bills played well. If Nelson catches the 98 yard perfectly placed TD pass, the Bills lose that game by two touchdown


There was another big if that pretty much negates this statement. If Gilmore makes his pick he runs it back for six and the game would've already been out of hand

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There was another big if that pretty much negates this statement. If Gilmore makes his pick he runs it back for six and the game would've already been out of hand

Right. Nelson makes a great play that 90% of the WRs in the NFL do not make that prevents that from an easy pick six.


That was a great play by Nelson, and you're right, it evens it out.

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Hey Ice Bowl. I was just thinking yesterday how I think the pack had a better chance to knock off the Pats in the SB and possibly the biggest play that kept them from getting there (because I believe the Bills loss took away their #1 seed and HFA in the playoffs) was the PR for TD by Marcus Thigpen. That and I am sure a number of other things led to the ST coach getting fired in GB.


I noticed all the coaching changes being made in GB and I think they are the favorite in the NFC next year. Rodgers was hurt in the playoffs; I think they are a better team than Seattle.

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To the Bills for beating us up. That game is almost 2 months ago already. Man that Bills D forced Rodgers to have his worst ever career game. He had a career high 25 in completions 0 TDs and 2 interceptions that day. Buffalo is on their way up especially with a quarterback and improving the O line.



Oh and thanks fro reminding us how the great defense was let down miserably by the Orton led offense VS P Manning and the lowly Raidahs

I love everything about the Packers.


oh come on we all know head cheese is horrific ;);):D

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To the Bills for beating us up. That game is almost 2 months ago already. Man that Bills D forced Rodgers to have his worst ever career game. He had a career high 25 in completions 0 TDs and 2 interceptions that day. Buffalo is on their way up especially with a quarterback and improving the O line.


As a Bills fan I was happy. As the Packers are my second favorite team I was still happy, but didn't really think until later about the ramifications that game had on the NFC Championship and where it was played.


...still mad at McCarthy for what happened in the last few minutes against the Seahawks. My wife and I watched together starting from the last few minutes (Green Bay's going to the Super Bowl!) to the touchdown pass in overtime upon which I turned to her and asked, "Is it just the teams that I root for? Should I stop rooting so others can be happy?"

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