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Not that there is anything wrong with that

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It's just a travesty that Joe Biden is even allowed to enter the White House. His presence on the national political scene is a prime example of all that is wrong with Washington, DC today.


Once you give a front-door key to Al Sharpton, giving one to Biden doesn't seem so bad.

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Another day, another Biden goes off message................................... B-)


The Democrat approach to attempting to discredit a potential Scott Walker run for the presidency in 2016 is clear: Mock his lack of a high-level college degree.


Potential 2016 Democrat candidate Joe Biden, sucking up to voters yesterday in Iowa, said this:


“There’s this thing in both political parties these days, some more than others, where it’s like the only people who are real value-added are those folks who have masters’ degrees and MBA’s. Give me a break, they didn’t build a country, they didn’t build a country,” Biden says.






This means that the Dems could run in 2016 lauding the people without high level college degrees who “built the country”


while at the same time ripping Scott Walker as unqualified to run it.................................... Way to go, Joe!




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