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Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show


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Comedy Central should just end The Daily Show when Stewart leaves. He saved the show when he replaced Craig Kilborn, and made it the success it's become because of his personality and comedy style. I'm sure they could continue the show without him, but they would have to mold it around a new personality, and I don't think anyone can match Stewart - let alone top him - in the Daily Show format. It would be like replacing Cartman in South Park.

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I think that's probably right, I doubt he has any interest in doing straight news considering how little he thinks of the industry as a whole. My bet would be he goes off and becomes a pretty decent director over the next decade or so.


I agree with this.

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Could be. Although I hate the idea of two people doing it


Sam Bee would be best on her own I think. Jason Jones struggled the one night he did it for Stewart when he was out sick

Well John Oliver was pretty shaky his first day, too. Then settled right in.

Comedy Central should just end The Daily Show when Stewart leaves. He saved the show when he replaced Craig Kilborn, and made it the success it's become because of his personality and comedy style. I'm sure they could continue the show without him, but they would have to mold it around a new personality, and I don't think anyone can match Stewart - let alone top him - in the Daily Show format. It would be like replacing Cartman in South Park.

Except that John Oliver eventually did an excellent job subbing for Stewart, so it's not impossible for someone till fill Stewart's seat. Also it would be a real shame to let the Daily Show go away. It's become as important to the news as Face The Nation or Meet The Press. Bad enough we lost the Colbert Report. The Nightly Show is okay but I'm still waiting for it to find it's groove.

I wonder if Comedy Central will try to pry John Oliver away from HBO. Oliver is doing an outstanding show on HBO.


End of an era...first Colbert, now this.

Can Oliver do both? I still think Jason Jones is the heir apparent, but maybe this idea is being bandied about.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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The return of Craig Kilborn?

Brian Williams?


I thought Kilborn was really funny on the old Daily Show; I used to watch it all the time back then, way before it was popular.


John Oliver is probably the logical choice, but his HBO show is great -- I'd honestly rather see him stay there.

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I think there was some hurt feelings when John Oliver got to sub for Stewart when he left to do Rosewater instead of Jones, who was the most senior of the correspondents. I think he would do a good job continuing the Daily Show mission.


But here are two wild cards: Jessica Williams, or John Oliver. Yes, bring him back.



I wonder if Comedy Central will try to pry John Oliver away from HBO. Oliver is doing an outstanding show on HBO.


End of an era...first Colbert, now this.


Not a chance Oliver comes back. They can't afford him. HBO pays (boat loads) better than Comedy Central can and Oliver is really excited about having Sunday night to himself (plus he moved to LA to do the show). They'll have to hire from within, but I doubt very much Oliver goes back as anything more than a guest correspondent.

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Monday through Thursday Oliver could do the Daily show and On Sunday do the raunchy Week in Review version of the Daily show.

The amount of work that goes into producing the Daily Show from day to day is incredible. No one has the stamina to do that show plus the equally as intensive Last Week Tonight in the same week. He'd burn out before they ever made it to air.

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The amount of work that goes into producing the Daily Show from day to day is incredible. No one has the stamina to do that show plus the equally as intensive Last Week Tonight in the same week. He'd burn out before they ever made it to air.

Does Jon or John actually Produce the show?


And IF they use Daily Show material half the work is done.

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Does Jon or John actually Produce the show?


And IF they use Daily Show material half the work is done.


Jon produces the Daily Show along with a room of writers, researchers and correspondents. It's a 12-15 hour a day grind Monday through Friday to prepare, write, produce, and perform the show. This is all done in New York.


John produces Last Week Tonight with a similar team, but because Oliver is trying to create a Sunday night format, he's doing more than just the Sunday show. Doing one show means they fill the week by doing pre-produced bits for the web, along with really doubling down on the research for their stories which are different from the type and routines covered on The Daily Show. This is all done in Los Angeles.


There's no reasonable way Oliver could do both, let alone do them both simultaneously. The only way Oliver will come back is if he decided to leave his own show, which he's building and growing, to take less money and take over Stewart's show. It's not an attractive proposition for Oliver.

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Not a chance Oliver comes back. They can't afford him. HBO pays (boat loads) better than Comedy Central can and Oliver is really excited about having Sunday night to himself (plus he moved to LA to do the show). They'll have to hire from within, but I doubt very much Oliver goes back as anything more than a guest correspondent.


Thanks....we were just discussing this at lunch and wondering about this exact question.

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Except that John Oliver eventually did an excellent job subbing for Stewart, so it's not impossible for someone till fill Stewart's seat. Also it would be a real shame to let the Daily Show go away. It's become as important to the news as Face The Nation or Meet The Press. Bad enough we lost the Colbert Report. The Nightly Show is okay but I'm still waiting for it to find it's groove.


That's a scathing indictment of modern TV news media.

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