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RIP Radio Shack

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used to be the go to place for parts, adapters, switching boxes, cables, antenna stuff...and the salesman usually knew what you needed and could find it. now i get all that stuff on amazon cheaper and with more choices and with reviews. picked up a wii to hdmi adapter this week for 15 bucks. got it the next day. probably not even available at radio shack. they just got left behind.

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"The company said it has a deal to sell 1,500 to 2,400 of its 4,000 company-owned stores to Standard General, a New York hedge fund that provided a rescue loan to the company last fall. Separately, Sprint has agreed to set up operations inside up to 1,750 stores, which would carry both the RadioShack and Sprint names."


I don't think the bankruptcy means the death of the RadioShack brand. I certainly hope not. Oddly, we had two RadioShacks within a mile of eachother; one in a plaza, one in a mall. The one in the mall had been there since my childhood. It closed last month. My wife and I went to the mall yesterday and it was sad to see the store "boarded up" with white drywall.


The one in the plaza remains open. I just went there last month because I went to Walmart, KMart, Target and FYE looking for a 1/8" --> 1/4" adapter and came up empty. RadioShack had what the others did not.


I hope the name lives on and that they continue to carry the oddball things that the big box stores do not.

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Wait - weren't they "A Tandy Company." So what is happening with all the other Tandy Companies like uh, err, whoever they are?

Tandy was a leather merchandiser. I always thought that an odd combination.


Ah yes the mighty trash 80. Model 3 or 4?

Never had either. I lusted after one though. First computer was a Mac SE with dual 800k drives - AND a wicked huge 40 megabyte exterior hard drive. Thought I'd never use the entire capacity when I first got it. :lol:

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