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lol what a dope, succumbing to the "prove a negative" tactic. With Iraq it was "prove you dont have WMDs", knowing of course the standard of absolute proof was highly impractical, if not impossible. With Iran it's even worse, it's about proving they won't commit a future act with absolute certainty, which of course is impossible. Reality is that Iran has little capacity to deploy force. Its strategic doctrines are defensive, designed to deter invasion long enough for diplomacy to set in.

Good lord, you're stupid.

Posted (edited)

Well then let's let them have nukes. What could possible go wrong right. So instead of the while proving a negative give a few good reasons why we should allow them to have nukes.

nuclear weapons? no, no one is saying that. nuclear power under a tightly watched program is whats on the table. i am totally comfortable with that, and I think most people are.


but hey where's your concern for Israel's arsenal? Unlike Iran, Israel refuses to allow inspections at all, refuses to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty, has hundreds of nuclear weapons, has advanced delivery systems. why should we care what hypocrits like that think? or the other main protagonists the Saudis. One of the most extreme dictatorships, and the most extreme fundamentalist state in the world. And we're siding with them while they impose and try to expand their extremist Wahhabi-Salafi version of Islam in the region?


lol ... with friends like these, well you know the rest

Edited by JTSP


Unless you're a Jew, in which case I'm pretty sure they want you dead.

Gator has to be able to laugh about something, now doesn't he?

nuclear weapons? no, no one is saying that. nuclear power under a tightly watched program is whats on the table. i am totally comfortable with that, and I think most people are.


but hey where's your concern for Israel's arsenal? Unlike Iran, Israel refuses to allow inspections at all, refuses to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty, has hundreds of nuclear weapons, has advanced delivery systems. why should we care what hypocrits like that think? or the other main protagonists the Saudis. One of the most extreme dictatorships, and the most extreme fundamentalist state in the world. And we're siding with them while they impose and try to expand their extremist Wahhabi-Salafi version of Islam in the region?


lol ... with friends like these, well you know the rest

Has any Iranian leader ever stated that he wanted to wipe Israel off the map? If so, do you not take that seriously?


Did I read this right Netanyahu lied about WMD capabilities?



No, that is false........................see reply #98



and try actually reading the article.








Posted (edited)

not according to the video I just watched. Seriously, would you believe it differently?


...see reply #98 You can't believe everything in the internet.


Do you remember Netanyahu little bomb graph?



Binyamin Netanyahu’s dramatic declaration to world leaders in 2012 that Iran was about a year away from making a nuclear bomb was contradicted by his own secret service, according to a top-secret Mossad document.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever

lol Krauthammer just owned Kerry.






CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: That Kerry statement is rather rich. He talks about Netanyahu supporting the Iraq war. Let's remember, that was in 2003. Netanyahu did not become prime minister until six years later. So here we have an opposition politician in a country 3,000 miles away when at the same time, John Kerry himself was in a position of influence. He was a Senator. He supported the war. He voted for the war. A year later when he ran for the presidency, he continued support of the war. So we perhaps by Kerry's own logic, we ought to be questioning his judgment. And I would say that his performance in the job he has now as a diplomat, somebody exercising judgment, is not exactly sterling.

Two conferences in Geneva about the Syrian war that have all dissolved in disarray. He tried to get negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians where everyone knew it would not succeed. Of course it collapsed and helped precipitate the Gaza war. And lastly, he has spent the last year and a half chasing [sergey] Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, around Europe with absolutely zero success and getting played by the Russians on Ukraine. And what he does is complains and he said this publicly that the Russians have lied to him, which is absolutely astonishing to hear that. That anybody in his position would be surprised that a Russian foreign minister would speak an untruth.

Posted (edited)
Well yeah he's right about that much every time we supported neocon agenda -- Iraq war, farcical "peace negotiations" with no pressure on Israel, destablizing Syria and Ukraine -- it's backfired. So the logical conclusion then is don't side with neocons now in scuttling a deal with iran, then I fully support what he's saying. Edited by JTSP

Well yeah he's right about that much every time we supported neocon agenda -- Iraq war, farcical "peace negotiations" with no pressure on Israel, destablizing Syria and Ukraine -- it's backfired. So the logical conclusion then is don't side with neocons now in scuttling a deal with iran, then I fully support what he's saying.


I didn't ask you for your opinion you ignorant troll.



You want to read something REALLY funny? Read this.


There's some important background on this new intrusion of the Iraq War into the current debate about Iran, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli election. It's true that like a number of Senate Democrats, John Kerry voted for the Iraq War resolution in late 2002. That was due to a mix of belief in national unity, political cowardice and a credulous assumption that President Bush was actually on the level when he said he needed the authorization to wage war to avoid it, to get inspectors back into Iraq. It was or should have been clear that this was not true, that inspectors and Weapons of Mass Destruction were not the goal that made the threat of war necessary. They were cudgels and covers to help make the war a fait accompli.


Many Democrats either didn't think Saddam would relent or thought that if he did, Bush would lose his casus belli. I don't exonerate them. They were helped along in these maybe misunderstandings by a health dose of cowardice and what they saw at the time as political self-preservation. As it happened, when Bush lost his rationale for war, he simply invaded anyway.


This was mainly obvious at the time, not entirely obvious to everyone. But to suggest that Secretary Kerry 'supported' the Iraq War like President Bush or Benjamin Netanyahu is silly.


You see, Kerry voted for the war, but he didn't support it, so when he picks on Netanyahu for supporting something that Kerry supported, Kerry really didn't support it like a guy who wasn't even PM at the time.


It was different for Kerry because, ummm, he voted for it but he didn't vote really hard for it.


Or something like that.


Netanyahu is coming to Washington next week because Obama left him no choice
Jewish World Review, by Caroline Glick


Original Article ..............(another one of those biased articles, because.....you know............ Jews )







Former Obama Campaign Aide Now Works to Oust Netanyahu

New York Times, by Julie Hirschfeld Davis


Original Article ( the smell test)






White House Offers Rebuttal Before Netanyahu’s Speech
New York Times, by David E. Sanger & Michael R. Gordon


Original Article ( the media gets its pre-speech instructions for repetition )










Report: Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets


This is one of those stories that will likely get strong legs this week simply because anyone paying attention knows it's completely feasible that Barack Obama would do something this remarkably stupid.


Your sh. It sandwich is getting cold you better go finish it. It's trash like you that makes up the wing of the Republican party even Republicans hate

Your sh. It sandwich is getting cold you better go finish it. It's trash like you that makes up the wing of the Republican party even Republicans hate


Wow, you sound kind of upset there, Nancy. I'm sure it must be hard to understand how a Nobel Peace Prize recipient threatened to blow up jets from one of our country's closest allies.


I mean, yeah, we all know you'd rejoice to hear of the deaths of a few Israeli pilots, but the rest of the world may not look too kindly on it.

Posted (edited)

Report: Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets


This is one of those stories that will likely get strong legs this week simply because anyone paying attention knows it's completely feasible that Barack Obama would do something this remarkably stupid.




I dont know about that, but Im skeptical US would step in and be Iran's air force. Also no one is taking Israel's threats seriously, strategists realize the US would have to do it for them, including the Israelis:


"As former Netanyahu security adviser Uzi Arad explained to me, a solo Israeli attack would make things worse. It might flatten some facilities and gain a year’s delay. But Iran would quickly rebuild, and could now act openly, claiming it needed nukes to defend itself against a nearby nuclear power that attacked first.

To be useful, Arad said, a raid must be led by America, which has far more firepower, and should include Western and moderate Arab nations. Allied support would be needed to impose long-term, highly intrusive inspections that ensure Tehran doesn’t rearm. An Israeli attack would render all that impossible."

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/215562/benjamin-netanyahu-s-iran-exaggerations-now-clea/#ixzz3TC6DSLZD


That's why that bozo Bibi is headed here, trying to get us to do his dirty work again.



In that light, there is no foreign leader who poses a greater threat to getting Americans killed and wasting trillions more in American dollars in yet another foreign quagmire.


So speaking of planes, we should intercept Netanyahu's and escort it out to sea, make it clear he's not allowed in US space.

Edited by JTSP
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