Doc Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 If Barry can ignore telling Congress about swapping a deserter for 5 terrorists, Congress doesn't have to consult with Barry about inviting Bibi. Barry's just pissed that it will help Bibi win re-election. And the excuse about not wanting to meet with him so close to his election is garbage, since he met with the Indian PM 10 days prior to his election.
/dev/null Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Barry's just pissed that it will help Bibi win re-election. And the excuse about not wanting to meet with him so close to his election is garbage, since he met with the Indian PM 10 days prior to his election. Because trying to influence Israel's election, well that would just be wrong
Nanker Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 I rag on B.O. as much or more than most here. But leave his wife and kids alone - until they put themselves in the public discourse.
keepthefaith Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 It's funny to me that the president takes his pen and takes his phone and makes some of the most far-reaching executive orders to ever come out of the WH, but the the co-equal branch of the government invites an ally Obama detests to talk about the people and country he also detests is a problem? It's sad how thin-skinned progressives have become. I don't think it's being thin-skinned. It's more due to lack of control where control is a major pillar of progressivism. That and his only child upbringing.
Southern McButterpants. Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 I still wonder why anyone who is Jewish would vote Democratic at any level . . . .
Dante Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 (edited) What the !@#$ is wrong with you? You're absolutely classless. Obama is bent on changing this country into his own idea of a socialist utopia. He will use any means necessary from presidential, unconstitutional exec orders to fostering racial division to opening up the borders to reinforce the dependent class demographic. She is just as bad as him. Like him she doesn't deserve the respect given a street walking working girl. It's not classless to hate a enemy of the country. You love em all you want. Edited February 10, 2015 by Dante
Dante Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Yup. You can bag on someone's politics all you want but for Christ's sakes what does how they look like have to do with it. And the whole nutrition this she's been working on is actually a good thing. The PSA's she's pounding on through social media are wait......Damn Nacy did a better job getting her anti-drug message out nearly 30 years ago without the social media hashtag cranial. Great job Mich. Please. Stay out of everyones lives and just go on vacation again.
TakeYouToTasker Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Obama is bent on changing this country into his own idea of a socialist utopia. He will use any means necessary from presidential, unconstitutional exec orders to fostering racial division to opening up the borders to reinforce the dependent class demographic. She is just as bad as him. Like him she doesn't deserve the respect given a street walking working girl. It's not classless to hate a enemy of the country. You love em all you want. No, you're absolutely classless, and you've just reinforced it.
IDBillzFan Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 It's genuinely amazing to watch the WH trip over itself with all things Jewish. In addition to throwing what everyone sees as a hissy fit about Netanyau coming to speak to Congress, he says in an interview this weekend that the systematic murder of Jews in a French deli -- in which the killer said he specifically went there to target Jews -- was really just a random act of violence. Pressed by Jonathan Karl of ABC News, Obama's press secretary today found a way to make the entire WH sound even more ridiculous. It's amazing to read and watch.
Dante Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 No, you're absolutely classless, and you've just reinforced it. If classless is being on to their shite and not giving them any unearned respect I have to thank you. Carry on son.
B-Man Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Obama’s a Fool For Randomness by Jonah Goldberg In his interview with Vox, Barack Obama said that terrorism is overblown by the media: “It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,” Obama said. “It is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that–the same way a big city mayor’s got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive Where to begin? Well, for starters, he’s again refusing to acknowledge the nature of the threat. No mention of what kind of zealots we’re talking about. It’s just “zealots.” Second, and this too is an old trope of his, not only is he refusing to describe the true nature of the threat, his rush to euphemisms causes him to analyze and describe terrorism incorrectly – as if Jihadism is analogous to street crime. This is not only morally obtuse, it is strategically daft. Street crime is bad. Terrorism is bad. But street crime and terrorism are not the same thing. We all agree that street crime shouldn’t be treated like terrorism — no drone strikes for shoplifters! Why is it so hard to see the reverse is true? Terrorism shouldn’t be treated like robbery. But these are old criticisms we don’t need to rehash here again. The more novel problem is his disgusting description of the deliberate targeting of Jews as a random shooting. It’s as infuriating as his administration’s insistence that the Fort Hood shooting was just “workplace violence,” though more hypocritical. When a theologically inspired Jew-hating terrorist runs across Paris to hold a Kosher market hostage, and then executes Jews in accordance with his ideological and religious dogma, it is not random violence or street crime. Period. There was nothing random about it, at all. There are about 310,000 Jews in the greater Paris area. Out of close to 12 million inhabitants. The odds of killing four Jews randomly are pretty daunting. But, thankfully, you don’t have to do the math because Amedy Coulibaly said openly and proudly that he was targeting Jews. No one disputes this, except for Barack Obama. He would never describe the targeting of a black church by the Klan as simple random violence — nor should he. And we know he’s perfectly comfortable denouncing crimes committed in “in the name of Christ” no matter how ancient they may be. But crimes in the name of Allah must not be named as such — or at all. .
IDBillzFan Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 He would never describe the targeting of a black church by the Klan as simple random violence — nor should he. And we know he’s perfectly comfortable denouncing crimes committed in “in the name of Christ” no matter how ancient they may be. But crimes in the name of Allah must not be named as such — or at all. History may show this rhetoric will all tie back to the meeting he had last week with Muslim leaders he refused to name. Barry should just come out and admit he, like most progressives, hates Jews. It would save everyone much embarrassment.
TakeYouToTasker Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 If classless is being on to their shite and not giving them any unearned respect I have to thank you. Carry on son. Classless is talking about another man's wife, leveling low insults that don't pertain to any political or philisophical belief systems. It's ugly, and a decent and intelligent person is able to make an argument about issues without saying the person they disagree withs wife looks like a "transvestite slob"; and you seem to take it as a point of pride? You're shallow, and low.
3rdnlng Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 While criticizing Michelle Obama for her manly looks is certainly objectionable, criticizing her for hypocrisy and being unpatriotic is certainly fair game. (The kids are absolutely off limits) It would appear that she hasn't lived up to her own nutritional proposals, spoken out against "income inequality" while leading the life of the rich and famous and has given the impression that deep down she doesn't give a rat's ass for this country. Just because she is someone's wife does not allow her to be immune from criticism. After all, Hillary is someone's wife too. While Michelle may not have held formal office like Hillary, she has certainly made frequent use of the bully pulpit, thus placing herself on the firing line.
Dante Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 (edited) Classless is talking about another man's wife, leveling low insults that don't pertain to any political or philisophical belief systems. It's ugly, and a decent and intelligent person is able to make an argument about issues without saying the person they disagree withs wife looks like a "transvestite slob"; and you seem to take it as a point of pride? You're shallow, and low. When I get hate on it's full on. Indeed I have no filter when it comes to those people. It really is the only button that can be pushed that makes me truly angry. Edited February 10, 2015 by Dante
TakeYouToTasker Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 (edited) While criticizing Michelle Obama for her manly looks is certainly objectionable, criticizing her for hypocrisy and being unpatriotic is certainly fair game. (The kids are absolutely off limits) It would appear that she hasn't lived up to her own nutritional proposals, spoken out against "income inequality" while leading the life of the rich and famous and has given the impression that deep down she doesn't give a rat's ass for this country. Just because she is someone's wife does not allow her to be immune from criticism. After all, Hillary is someone's wife too. While Michelle may not have held formal office like Hillary, she has certainly made frequent use of the bully pulpit, thus placing herself on the firing line.I don't disagree with any of this, as Mrs. Obama has been a very visible First Lady, and has taken a lead on policy initiatives. Criticism related her policy involvement or her moral or governing philosophies is legitimate. Calling her a transvestive slob is not. If someone called my wife a transvestite slob, I'd knock them on their ass for their trouble; and I think that's a fair response from anybody. A good rule of thumb is not to say to or about anyone else anything that you wouldn't want said about your own wife or mother. When I get hate on it's full on. Indeed I have no filter when it comes to those people. It really is the only button that can be pushed that makes me truly angry. Learn to express your anger in a way that doesn't make you appear to be a classless buffoon. When you express yourself as you have, no one gives a rat's ass what your opinions are other than to move quickly away from them, lest your stench rub off. Everything is about delivery and presentation. Your delivery and presentation is like bad breath: everyone knows it's sickening but you, and no one wants to be anywhere near it. Edited February 10, 2015 by TakeYouToTasker
3rdnlng Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 I don't disagree with any of this, as Mrs. Obama has been a very visible First Lady, and has taken a lead on policy initiatives. Criticism related her policy involvement or her moral or governing philosophies is legitimate. Calling her a transvestive slob is not. If someone called my wife a transvestite slob, I'd knock them on their ass for their trouble; and I think that's a fair response from anybody. A good rule of thumb is not to say to or about anyone else anything that you wouldn't want said about your own wife or mother. Learn to express your anger in a way that doesn't make you appear to be a classless buffoon. When you express yourself as you have, no one gives a rat's ass what your opinions are other than to move quickly away from them, lest your stench rub off. Everything is about delivery and presentation. Your delivery and presentation is like bad breath: everyone knows it's sickening but you, and no one wants to be anywhere near it. Uh, I have an ex that would be the exception to that rule.
Jim in Anchorage Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 No, you're absolutely classless, and you've just reinforced it. I don't believe someone who claimed she was ashamed of America till her husband was elected POTUS deserves any respect whatsoever.
Dante Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 I don't disagree with any of this, as Mrs. Obama has been a very visible First Lady, and has taken a lead on policy initiatives. Criticim related her policy involvement or her moral or governing philosophies is legitimate. Calling her a transvestive slob is not. If someone called my wife a transvestite slob, I'd knock them on their ass for their trouble; and I think that's a fair response from anybody. A good rule of thumb is not to say to or about anyone else anything that you wouldn't want said about your own wife or mother. Learn to express your anger in a way that doesn't make you appear to be a classless buffoon. When you express yourself as you have, no one gives a rat's ass what your opinions are other than to move quickly away from them, lest your stench rub off. Everything is about delivery and presentation. Your delivery and presentation is like bad breath: everyone knows it's sickening but you, and no one wants to be anywhere near it. These will be the last calories I burn with you on this merry go round. I respect your response and I don't even disagree with you 99.999% of the time when commenting on other people. But at the risk of sounding heavy handed or over the top these people rip at my heart as they continue the methodical take down of this country. Imho Michelle and Obama are not only what I said they are, they are borderline evil and certainly sinister in the way they manipulate and distort and break constitutional law. I have no apologies or regrets for what I have said. They deserve worse.
Keukasmallies Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 So, for POTUS, it just boils down to a bunch of folks shooting another bunch of folks. Crips - Bloods, Jews - Arabs, blacks - blacks, whites - whites; not really much to be concerned about when you're prepping for an appearance with Al Sharpton.
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