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Posted (edited)

Ok- Now that the predictable witty comments about the current administration are somewhat complete....what do you guys suggest the US of A does in response to a fringe group in the Middle East killing someone from another country in the Middle East? While gruesome this happens every day there and the countries in the Middle East don't seem to care enough themselves to mount an effort to combat them - why should we?


Bear in mind that the current POTUS said he was getting our troops out of there and was elected.


Bear in mind that this hideous activity has gone on in this region for millennia and will likely continue....


I beg a candidate for 2016 run on a continued expensive military presence in the Middle East and see if that gets them elected....

Edited by baskin
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I want summary executions for non-citizens to make a huge comeback. Jordan has the right idea.


I want summary executions for non-citizens to make a huge comeback. Jordan has the right idea.


Start with whoever made that playcall Sunday.

Posted (edited)

Ahhh yes...as I thought....no actual proposals to be found here....just criticizing the ones who actually have to do something...but have fun with the material :thumbsup:

Edited by baskin
Posted (edited)

Ok- Now that the predictable witty comments about the current administration are somewhat complete....what do you guys suggest the US of A does in response to a fringe group in the Middle East killing someone from another country in the Middle East? While gruesome this happens every day there and the countries in the Middle East don't seem to care enough themselves to mount an effort to combat them - why should we?


Bear in mind that the current POTUS said he was getting our troops out of there and was elected.


Bear in mind that this hideous activity has gone on in this region for millennia and will likely continue....


I beg a candidate for 2016 run on a continued expensive military presence in the Middle East and see if that gets them elected....


For starters they could denounce Islam and Sharia law.


Then when all the Jihadist fill the streets to protest we could hit them with a little shock and awe!!


Call it the Obama Crusade, and do what the Euro-Christians couldn't, eliminate the cult of the pedophile Muhammad.

Edited by Gary M


For starters they could denounce Islam and Sharia law.


Then when all the Jihadist fill the streets to protest we could hit them with a little shock and awe!!


Call it the Obama Crusade, and do what the Euro-Christians couldn't, eliminate the cult of the pedophile Muhammad.

So you saying a candidate could run on this proposal in 2016 and the American people would elect this person....this policy would produce long term positive results for USA....


Ahhh yes...as I thought....no actual proposals to be found here....just criticizing the ones who actually have to do something...but have fun with the material :thumbsup:


You could start by first outlining a coherent foreign policy that doesn't begin with an apology, include a button with a typo and a Sally Fields soundbite, and end with a round of golf and fundraiser every time someone gets their head lopped off


You could also start by calling it what it is instead of what you want to hope it is.


Lastly, you could close our borders more tightly to keep literally anyone from strolling in here to get a free meal, and then stand in front of the American people and convince them you mean business instead of explaining why the world would be a better place if only you could explain yourself better.


That would be a helluva start.


But no. They're JV, baby. And he's Lebron. And that's all we need to know.


Here are some proposals to ponder:


1. Identify the enemy correctly, in this case Islamic terrorists.


2. Identify allies with goals that are similar to ours, e.g., human rights, protection from homeland terror attacks.


3. Identify resources to address the problem, e.g., arming counter-terrorist forces in the theater of operations.


4. Develop plans of action, rules of engagement, and progress assessments.


5. Inform the public of all of the above with the exception of those components that require secret planning and implementation to succeed.



For starters....

Posted (edited)

Ahhh yes...as I thought....no actual proposals to be found here....just criticizing the ones who actually have to do something...but have fun with the material :thumbsup:


Hey! I had a proposal.


Of course I'm a wacky reactionary and borderline isolationist so other countries' problems are their problems. Once it becomes our problem through aggression or whathaveyou then we deal with it swiftly and with excessive force.

Edited by LeviF91

Ok- Now that the predictable witty comments about the current administration are somewhat complete....what do you guys suggest the US of A does in response to a fringe group in the Middle East killing someone from another country in the Middle East? While gruesome this happens every day there and the countries in the Middle East don't seem to care enough themselves to mount an effort to combat them - why should we?


Bear in mind that the current POTUS said he was getting our troops out of there and was elected.


Bear in mind that this hideous activity has gone on in this region for millennia and will likely continue....


I beg a candidate for 2016 run on a continued expensive military presence in the Middle East and see if that gets them elected....

ISIS/ISIL controls a major part of Iraq, are heavily involved in the continued attempts to topple Syria, and by all appearances seem to be preparing for a foray into Jordan, and you consider them to be a 'fringe' group? No wonder you don't seem to understand why we ridicule the president for referring to them as 'JV'.



Nobody wants to get involved in another protracted military engagement over there, but these people have a stated goal to raise the black ISIS flag over the White House. Granted, the chances of that are nil, but what is obvious is the effect that our absence in the region has had - as soon as we left, ISIS began to fill the void. How far would you let them go? Would you allow them to attack Saudi Arabia? Would you wait until they managed to blow up a high profile target on American soil? What about the Iraqi people suffering under their extreme laws only because we were in such a hurry to get out of there? What does it take, in your opinion, to give an American president a clear conscience to engage ISIS militarily?


Or would you write it all off as nothing new? After all, gruesome things like this have been happening over there for millennia, right?


So you saying a candidate could run on this proposal in 2016 and the American people would elect this person....this policy would produce long term positive results for USA....


Why wait two years? So what you're saying is that our current leadership will just sit on their hands for two years? Wait, yeah, I guess you're right.


Here are some proposals to ponder:


1. Identify the enemy correctly, in this case Islamic terrorists. Are you saying this hasn't been done? Our national defenses don't know who these guys are - where they have come from - they are sitting on their hands waiting for POTUS to direct them to do so?


2. Identify allies with goals that are similar to ours, e.g., human rights, protection from homeland terror attacks. This hasn't been done? We aren't in an all out campaign to protect our homeland from ISIS?


3. Identify resources to address the problem, e.g., arming counter-terrorist forces in the theater of operations. Don't we have this - aircraft sorties from allies and airbases in and around Iraq? Deployment of intelligence and advisors?


4. Develop plans of action, rules of engagement, and progress assessments. Don't we have this for the last 6-9 months - haven't we been supporting efforts to contain and wipeout ISIS?


5. Inform the public of all of the above with the exception of those components that require secret planning and implementation to succeed. Have there not been press conferences?


This is a fringe group in a far away land that poses no threat to invading and controlling our homeland. Yes - they are capable of terror attacks but I would have to think that our military industrial complex is actively tracking all threats - not just from these guys - but from everyone. The American people voted and voted to getting the hell out of there - which POTUS has acted on.


Do you think further action and presence in the ME - in light of the fact that military presence and political actions have really produced no positive results for the last 100 years - is a good idea.


These people wake up in the morning hating each other and there is no amount of interference that we can provide that is going to change that. It is horrible to watch -and US lives have been lost - but those lives went over there on their own risk knowing they could end up dead. But why exactly is this OUR problem? We strived to get energy independent - we are - lets enjoy the benefits.


Or do you want a more liberal position that we should get involved?






ISIS/ISIL controls a major part of Iraq, are heavily involved in the continued attempts to topple Syria, and by all appearances seem to be preparing for a foray into Jordan, and you consider them to be a 'fringe' group? No wonder you don't seem to understand why we ridicule the president for referring to them as 'JV'.



Nobody wants to get involved in another protracted military engagement over there, but these people have a stated goal to raise the black ISIS flag over the White House. Granted, the chances of that are nil, but what is obvious is the effect that our absence in the region has had - as soon as we left, ISIS began to fill the void. How far would you let them go? Would you allow them to attack Saudi Arabia? Would you wait until they managed to blow up a high profile target on American soil? What about the Iraqi people suffering under their extreme laws only because we were in such a hurry to get out of there? What does it take, in your opinion, to give an American president a clear conscience to engage ISIS militarily?


Or would you write it all off as nothing new? After all, gruesome things like this have been happening over there for millennia, right?


Things over there will never change unless the people who live there demand it and act on it. If the countries in the ME are going to let a group of 5000-10,000 extremists control things - WHY - WHY is it our burden to continue to be involved.


I do not believe there exists a viable plan that involves the US that will result in long term stability in the ME. What in the past would lead you to believe that it would work now?




What in the past would lead you to believe that it would work now?

The fact that once we engaged Al Qaeda, they had to focus on fighting us over there, instead of here on US soil.


Ok- Now that the predictable witty comments about the current administration are somewhat complete....what do you guys suggest the US of A does in response to a fringe group in the Middle East killing someone from another country in the Middle East? While gruesome this happens every day there and the countries in the Middle East don't seem to care enough themselves to mount an effort to combat them - why should we?


Bear in mind that the current POTUS said he was getting our troops out of there and was elected.


Bear in mind that this hideous activity has gone on in this region for millennia and will likely continue....


I beg a candidate for 2016 run on a continued expensive military presence in the Middle East and see if that gets them elected....


So which is it? Are they a fringe group, or representative of common activity ("...gone on in this region for millennia...")?


In point of fact, this has NOT been going on in this region for millennia. Most conflict in the region has been tribal, internecine, or international. It's very rare for a trans-national non-governmental organization with a multinational makeup to carve out a brand new country in the eastern Levant.


Tell us the parameters of the all out campaign you mentioned above. Do they include securing our borders? Do they include attempting to unite the nation and the political parties in response to the potential of ISIS attacks here? Do they include POTUS' pen and telephone lining up support at home and internationally?


Do they include more of the bogus press conferences you allude to? You know, the ones that inevitably foist blame on anyone but the current administration for whatever is the question of the day.


robbins must have all the ideas, eh?


Here are some proposals to ponder:


<<full of sound and fury signifying nothing>>


Your cluelessness would be stunning in any context other than PPP.





Come in and take a photo-op and leave...............no questions please.



The Washington Examiner notes that an angry Abdullah also met with members of the House Armed Services Committee. Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, “said there was no mention of President Obama during the bipartisan meeting, either by King Abdullah or by any of the lawmakers in the room.”



Why would there be ?








Your cluelessness would be stunning in any context other than PPP.


You seem clueless as to how to read - not my proposals...

Tell us the parameters of the all out campaign you mentioned above. Do they include securing our borders? Do they include attempting to unite the nation and the political parties in response to the potential of ISIS attacks here? Do they include POTUS' pen and telephone lining up support at home and internationally?


Do they include more of the bogus press conferences you allude to? You know, the ones that inevitably foist blame on anyone but the current administration for whatever is the question of the day.


robbins must have all the ideas, eh?

1. Our borders are not secure to ISIS?

2. What potential ISIS attacks? Have they attacked? Do they show an ability to attack? Do you not think we have every intelligence operation tracking ISIS? Do you think if we identified an imminent attack we wouldn't use all our power to stop it?


Pressers - who gives a crap...all the ideas? You guys are the ones who lay constant critique of the current administration (who I did not vote for nor support) but you offer no viable or REALISTIC alternatives



You seem clueless as to how to read - not my proposals...


So you're bitching about no one throwing out any ideas, without having any yourself?


Yeah, I remember you now. You're still an idiot.

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