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Obama's 2015 Budget Proposal


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I'm kind of shocked--I shouldn't be--that you don't get this. Did you take macro economics in college? If a person has $100 and buys bonds with it, its like there is $200.


Anyone here who somehow thought you couldn't prove to be a bigger, dumber dumbass before today is reading this, shaking their heads and realizing not only were they wrong, but odds are now you'll ultimately post something even more stupid than this.


It'll probably come when you explain to everyone how balancing the federal budget will hurt the economy. :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
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You are involved in finance some how? Wow. Money actually would "disappear." Money in the bond market is safe haven money--the bonds--and money that gets put into circulation, money based on bonds. So it actually increases the money supply, bond+money spent. You might not get that, but its true. It rolls outward from there. If I buy a bond I own the bond and the government gets money to spend. Did you take Econ 101 in college?

About what? Being asked stupid questions by morons that forget the punctuation?


What point are you trying to make?

So, you are busting someone's balls for a comma that maybe, shoulda been there? You called them a moron, while you constantly use poor grammar and incomplete sentences. Your sloppiness in grammar is an indication of either ignorance or carelessness. Which is it?

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If a person buys a bond from the government for $100 ( :lol: ), it's like there's $100. The buyer doesn't have $100, he has a bond.

I'm sure Keynes appreciates a new interpretation of his multiplier.

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The kind who believes that balancing the budget will hurt the economy. Not surprisingly, this is the same kind of partisan who is unable to explain what that means.

deliberate retard trolling- you could argue next week debt is great and Gatortard would rally otherwise. It's always good policy to have popcorn close at hand with that knob.

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Oh and by the way gator I didn't study macro-economics in college I studied culinary arts which actually better prepared me for what I do now. That's because macro-economics is usually taught by people who's understanding of people and the world they live in came from a book.

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I tried to buy a new printer with a 30-year T-Bond. No luck. I told them it's the same thing as money...

Oh, but the government could buy the printer with the money you lent them and you would still have the T-Bond and your wealth would be safe. :) Not so hard to understand

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Hey, if all this spending is such a good thing, why not just write checks to businesses and let them to spend it on wages and other business expenses. Leave the debt on the gub'mint forever and really get this economy humming. I see no reason for the government to filter the spending to specific areas. Hand out the cash to businesses where it can get into the economy quickly. Gator, what do you think of this and how big can we go?

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Hey, if all this spending is such a good thing, why not just write checks to businesses and let them to spend it on wages and other business expenses. Leave the debt on the gub'mint forever and really get this economy humming. I see no reason for the government to filter the spending to specific areas. Hand out the cash to businesses where it can get into the economy quickly. Gator, what do you think of this and how big can we go?

Is that basically what Reagan did? Tax cuts for businesses, and then increased spending too boot

Edited by gatorman
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Oh, but the government could buy the printer with the money you lent them and you would still have the T-Bond and your wealth would be safe. :) Not so hard to understand


Hey, good to see you back. Could you please tell everyone how balancing the federal budget would hurt the economy.


I'll make more popcorn.

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Oh and by the way gator I didn't study macro-economics in college I studied culinary arts which actually better prepared me for what I do now. That's because macro-economics is usually taught by people who's understanding of people and the world they live in came from a book.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sure you do a great job. I just got carried away there making a point

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